rØB profile picture


keep ur eyes on Kusanagi's ghost

About Me

Traditional + Digital Artist,
worked away in Austin, hotlanta, Dallas, San Fran/Bay Area
& a few other spots around Oakland & Silicon Valley as
a designer/art director/artist for gigs
on corporate CD-R0Ms, vid'games, 3d/animation & various graphic design;
relocated back home to smallville near New Orleans for awhile
to live cheap + save bux for the move to grad school up here in w3stern New York,
gettin' my masters degree in fine Art/New Forms {transmedia} ..just thawin' from the chillsn0w up here in rochester.
got tired of commercial art & entertainment clockin'
had too much o' that boxed-in feelin' of the GOLDEN HANDCUFFs in the Mainstream-anti-dream with its lure of greenbacks ^_-
th3sedays i'm gettin' back to my r00ts,,
searchin' the s0ul of fine art + music & photography
....since I gave up the work on vidi-games, here's a few fr33bie's :
((( the SOUNDtrack is c00Ler retro than their funky game :::


and this one is tres c00L,,
ch3ckout it's hip Li'L BEAR..


_concept design, lighting + modeling
for a vidgame interior
that I created via 3d modeling for a
client's CD-based game;
We integrated live actors into the game using blue-screen video
(the same way feature films shoot green-screen compositing):: :
the image is hosted @ my deviantART gall3ry:
...... {http://robelicit.deviantart.com/gallery/ }
[ click that ^ Link to see a few bits o' my
fine art, photography + commercial design work ]


m3h.. after all this personal stuff, here's some pleasure.....
_01 aahhh, trippin'
to BECK + his D A N C I N G B0tS music vidi.. . .
(Sony's Qrio Bots are
kinda sexy ~;)

.. I wonder what Y o s h i m i would think, hhmmm
[ see The Flaming Lips for the music reference ]

_ok computer,, i play keyboards when I can.. never had lessons, just a n00b~
Love to hate politicians N ,
_Hate to love friends + places that'r too far away;(
_i really need a g00d camera, my ole 2 mgpxl cam
just can't cut it much more^_o
_now dELTRON makes me wanna rap my PHILOSOPHY; the writer JAMES O'DEA
says it all:www.noetic.org
INTEGRAL,, sharin' spirit &
deeply chillin' ..it's nuthin' like the boring
mainstream sL33pWalkin'
.. DIG this nice little
EURO car ad,
rX hum0r we NEVER get on our lame
DUH-Merican tv.


dig this ^ whimsical jam called "Minilogue"
animated by a dude
who goes by "yom_" on dailymotion.com [ sweet sountrack too ]

SEX teaches political science class kiddies :
( Not for family viewing, a bit MORE rX rated;)
h3h.. maybe this IS a true P.A.C. in action
[i.e. Political Action Committee]
..we see what it's all about
as it gets PAC'd in
the way we
rEALLY get our phallic_fill of government ^_-

So-- time to wake all u sleeping beauties

to the impending $haft to OUR internet.. yep, U gotta cast a die b4 the whole damn web SlowS & SuckS,, sure, u doubt me.. so check it out for YOURSELF instead of trusting me-- I mean sheeezz- I'm some dude u don't even kNEOw.seriously yall, get hip to the bitch-slap OUR Web is about to take across it's cheeky servers, ...so u can mouse-click to save the Net u know & love before it's piped up the digital anus.You doubt me hard, like the stiff-back-door-rigging our connective Web is in danger of having forced up it's rear-tubing? Well, hopefully I've scared u into watching these entertaining little vids & learning the real deal while there's still time to block the dirty-money rigged-sh!t so we can KEEP our Web the way WE still LIKE it.I'll even save ya some guuuuugle-searchin' time on this heinous issue;just checkout these shizz-nizzle vids that show the whole bullsh!t REALITY of telcos + ISP's riggin' the political Rule$ for their Brave [greedy] New World of an ORWELLIAN INTERNET... [ from savetheinternet.com ] so-- DON't just take MY spin on it, check it out YOURS3LF were u can quick click to send the FCC a message-- & I bet this'll get ur blood boiln'...chekout this from SaveTheInternet.com: "After years of phone & cable company control over Internet access, the U.S. has fallen to 16th in world in high-speed Internet rankings, with few choices & some of the highest prices for the slowest speeds....0_o


so there's evil--like Bender's evil twin on FUTURAMA..then there's the small groups of REALLy Evil telecom pricks that combine their buck$ & politico-whore$ to make all the mainstream media show "their take" of the most 'critical news' and oh-so-G-rated, $exy-sweet commercials- so folks will react like robots for BIG MEDIA 'guidance' as they steer us with their velvety smooth mess-ssages + such nICE smelling $upport for their boring, un-ending Statu$ Quo.
((that's the REAL evil, hah, worse than Bender's evil twin who wasn't really evil anyway ^_*So here's their $haft aimed up OUR collective Asses :telco/ISP lobbyist$ have been payin' MILLION$ to their political pals, Senator$ & FCC folks,
even our state-level political whore$
who get to decide rigged-rule$ that
MYSPACE + ALL web surfers
gotta wake up to:
..thanx to my latex-mistress pal Danny de Luxe for the image that says it all.. see & purchase her stuff down below when u get a minute ]

..it'll decide what WE CAN & CAN'T do on OUR net.
((yeah, the Net that was developed with OUR frickin' taxes, eh?))
So if you DON't LIKE bein'

u need to webclick for the cause
without bein' Couch Potatoes
for those politico's who
q u i e t l y
slide their greasy trick$ under the rug
of that famous
OVAL oRiffice
in yonder D.C. [ Dick$ & Chumps ]

--so here's the SKINNY::
.. What if AT&T blocked you from viewing your favorite podcasts and blogs?.. Verizon cut off your net phone because you weren't using their service?.. Comcast forced you to download THEIR mp3's while slowing-down OTHER music sites?
yeah, this threat AIN't B.S. yall-- whorin' politician$ paid by lobbyist$ from telcos & ISP's that'll leave us in the dust as their greedBallin' Exec$ boost profits by playing the GATEKEEPER :
faux king$ of their sly matrix.

welly well my Little Droogies,,

here's a ViDi that's a nice bit of
"Up ur ASS attitude"
made by the crazed comic NINJA spreadin' the truth..

& since ur surfin' + diggin'
on the Net right now [duh],,

RIDDLE me THIS Batman:

how would u like your web service
to BILL you for those SAME gimmicks like
ripoff minutes + overage CHARGE$
the way ur cell phone company treats ya??

NOW ur gettin' the picture--
demand that u get to KEEP ur Web pleasure
by goin' to these 2 sites to stop the
big telcos + ISPs
from bein' BORGs with OUR net--
'RESISTANCE is NOT futile'

http://www.savetheinternet.com/http://action.freepress.net/c ampaign/savethenet

these'll give ya
some clarity to see thru
the smoke they're cloudin' us with:

yeah,,, ye next little vids

are just dripping with nice,
LUBRICATED sarcasm tellin' it real ^_*

This concludes ur public service announcement for that uber-rotten battle of frickin' Net Freedom-- Like that legendary band The Clash once said:

know ur rights dawg.

rob =][=

p.s. Have a nice day--
sip some smooth grey goose vodka or some
dreamy tea,
& ur night'll be nice too.

[ see, I really share the luv ]

α A∃ON ..take the RED PILL..
Ω and round again

01.. on the parallel of selfish, short sighted
corporate greed & how WE get stuck
with slimy trashing of our planet,
I'm getting hooked on the
Blue Man Group
: this music video

is featured on “Earth To America”

011.. & here's a last bit of sustainable sanity for the sustained abuse of ethics

that yall might be tired of "taking"
up your collective back-door;
a blogspot that reduces mainstream media
to the freakin' baby dribble that it is.
These guys are so in tune they deserve a PAYCHECK for their watchdog approach to government scams & it's
Markos' "Daily Kos" blog [ probly the best politico
blog on the net dailykos.com ]

SO....Like Monty PYTHON once said,
"and now, for something COMPLETELY different"


RELAX & have some scroll down ~ time for

projected injection of [ ....aaaaahhhhhhh.... ]
ye Visual blog ala MUSIC + images,,,,,,,jammin' culture to jam u,,

..my chemicals + memories searchin' to find all the HARMONIC-adrenaline-ALCHEMY in honor of those melodic heroes, writers, album cover artists, & directors who created the fantasy-realities for us all to get lost in, so seductively.they deserve the accolades; their labyrinths are always worth a tour or tale, one way or another . .

the Severed Heads...c00L technotronic Duo from Down Under, they were on the NETWORK Label that had some other great dudes jammin' ahead of their time:
SKINNY Puppy^_-
to call certain old Vinyl a true bohemian, avant-guarde classic is really going overboard on any album...
unless it's this one. NICO, that dark German angel, h3h, it's her last one with the band & it makes no difference,
this is the standard for the guts & glory of sex, drugs & rock n roll.

I mean, it was OFF the SCALE to have a song about S & M in 1967 no matter how much free love, Bondage, whips n chains were in vogue from SOHO to the basements of the Haight-Ashbury^_* + the classic Andy Warhol Banana cover art

Another subtle, depressing work of magic from

Wenders : "Paris, Texas" with legendary cast.. Harry Dean Stanton, Nastassja Kinski + Dean Stockwell

{film buffs notice Cannes Festival award}
Joy Division: STILL
...maybe thier cover of "Sister Ray" by the Velvet Underground says more about their dirge of melancholy genius than anything I can come up with.
usual Pixies greatness
FIGHT CLUB: man, that movie was freaking amazing.. even ends with a last audioGASM by the PIXIES as the final sh!t goes down

O. M. D. ...stylish British synth pop from the 80's, sometimes quiet... sometimes early techno dance club stuff,

reminiscent of New Order back in the day.

the group so influential to so many other great bands

Dusk at Cubist Castle

by The Olivia Tremor Control [under-rated unique musicians, check 'em out sometime]

i saw Laurie Anderson perform an eerily comic spoken word piece at Berkeley theatre..

I didn't get to see her dance with that addict genius beat poet William S. Burroughs;
to experience that + her visuals & tunes in all their glory,
u gotta find the rare vid/dvd
of her "Home of the Brave" live-concert + film performance.
{more for ye film buffs... in Wenders' uber-artistic film "Wings of Desire" she created the ambient "Angel Noises" that flow with the film's black n white atmospheric mood}
how do I describe these legendary dudes,
..after they were the incredibly influential Joy Division, brilliant lead singer Ian Curtis hung himself because of seizures & possible divorce from wife Deborah, but no one really knows.. his influences were some of the coolest, genius freaks of the era: writer/addict William S. Burroughs and J G Ballard as well as legends Jim Morrison, Iggy Pop and Bowie.
The band had been forced to change their original name WARSAW due to a name conflict with another band & finally switched it to New Order following Curtis' death.
They became less depressed & atmospheric and changed into a heavily inventive icon of the early 80's electronica-techno dance scene-- more synth & beat,
less droning darkness.
There's a film about the band + yet a new film being produced about Ian's short, enigmatic life. former Throbbing Gristle lead singer & all around loving/wicked/bizarre legend, Genesis P-Orridge, wanted Curtis to perform for his uniquely underground, experimental band Psychic TV, but Curtis died b4 they could pull it off. P-Orridge later said he still considered Curtis to be a member of the band, psychically.
Psychic TV wrote a song about Curtis, called I.C. Water, released as a single in 1990 & featured on the group's album 'Towards Thee Infinite Beat.'
The single featured Curtis on the cover + samples of a recording of him discussing The Velvet Underground in a pub.
{How do u top that,,, Ian Curtis talking about the Velvets, sampled by all around inventive,
androgynous icon of self-discovery, that arts & spiritual tripper Genesis P-Orridge}

Yanqui U.X.O.

by Godspeed You Black Emperor
[serious Canadian musicians that make atmosphere so thick u can slice it with a knife]

I don't care what anyone says...
MOBY is a damn electro studio media guru

the lovingly, depressed as a teen & always, yeah the ex-Smiths sadly-beautifully-singer Morrissey, whew...
checkout some legendary stories about him on my blog.

more stuff from the folks who influenced every great band.

Radiohead is so freaking good.
Whew, that legendary singer whose life was about as sad
as her music was beautiful...
Neil Young said it best, "I seen the needle and the damage done...
these chemical dudes have tons of cool collaborations
with some damn talented bands & badass individual musicians.
good album with those DAMN great New Jersey musicians & cover art.

f#a# (infinity symbol)

more wickedly good stuff by Godspeed You Black Emperor

I finally saw 'em in Austin, probly at SXSW once- what can I say about the Sonic legends that hasn't already been said?

h3h, fun music.
'Now is the time on Shhhhprockets when we Dance'
Seriously, I really dig AIR's stuff-- and they just put a new EP or disc out, can't wait to hear it.
damn right I'm gonna obsess on these dudes..
if u think they're just another goth band, u might wanna know the story of how one band was THE goth icon...

In The Flat Field, studio LP from 1980, true early GOTH, post-punk + dark, metal-like slag, some say {NO doubt} it gave rise to a generation of Goth-rockers, many fostered under that most
darkly brilliant, badass Label of various vinyl: 4AD.

,,, massives like Iggy Pop, T-Rex, Bowie, film legend Catherine Deneuve, Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails, Jane's Addiction, Interpol, CAN, Franz Ferdinand & more
were ALL inspired, influenced or involved with
Bauhuas' dark tone & sly humor;
As some dude on a review claimed
---right on target-- "Bauhaus are often credited as being the godfathers
of Gothic music, but that is probably doing them a disservice.
You won't hear this level of inventiveness in either their contemporaries
or the following gothic music [of the copycat bands]."
what do ya say in words about one band that basically represented a whole genre
& spawned style upon style of characters from pulp to anime;
Adam Gnade at www.bauhausmusik.com, tells a decent Tone for the Tale {couldn't resist the pun ala their related kickass band}.. .I stashed it in my blog for all to appreciate,, with some of my own obsessed
teletype... go forth & enjoy the dark.

mmmm,,, those tasty sex-enhancing, spooky SLE3P CHAMBER folks

old school electronics & synth from Tangerine Dream.
Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada
by Godspeed You Black Emperor [A Silver Mt. Zion]

The Shins... "all the bakers at dawn, may they all cut their thumbs, and bleed into their buns, till they melt away..."

ever wonder if Major Tom got it on with the spiders from Mars?
whew... how to describe Bowie?-- do u use ur personal experiences, ur memories of great nights listenin' to his stuff over the years;
or the famous sensual stuff said by the collective great rock bands who all beheld his beauty & music?
I wonder how long the list would be if u wrote down all the great musicians + bands he influenced, & the whole direction of styles & sub-genres in sound/visuals of the emerging power of rock/pop that he changed as it then went on to change most culture on the whole planet.

It's like the power of the Velvets or My Bloody Valentine or
Joy Division-- or any other of the massive forces that rocked the rockers hearts & never really faded away..
m3h, u can say THE most mind blowing stuff about him--- but u don't feel like you've overstated anything,,, cause it's fvckin' BOWIE ^_*
I saw 'em perform in Atlanta once, that multi-sexual freak of a great front man Genisis P-Orridge was mingling with folks in the club after the show & I managed to talk with him for a minute; he asked how they'd sounded [GREAT, I assurred him, a total understatement;-].
he was not what u expected,, he just had this mellow "I'm no rock star" attitude, h3h---pretty amazing for such a unique genius spiritual journeyer & experimental videographer-artist to be so freakin' down to earth.
ping pong is an EP of electronica with [Joshua] Kit Clayton, a San Francisco based computer programmer & electronic musician, performing along with MPC [Matthew Patterson Curry, aka Safety Scissors]... these guys do some great, purist + true minimal techno.
These are the same Angelic sounding women that got their fame in the west "when recordings of the Bulgarian State Television + Radio Female Vocal choir reached the West in the late '80s under the name 'Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares',
a fad was sparked by the enchanting voices of some twenty women."
That name 'Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares' translates to 'The Mysterious Voices of Bulgaria'
from a review: "the unusual singing techniques and strangely sexy
dissonances was a pleasant surprise to music listeners abroad.
The Bulgarian Women's Choir Angelite ("The Angels") continues this style of Bulgarian music for Western ears, and their album VOICES OF LIFE is mainly a series of Voix Bulgares staples."
...it's real-- I bought a copy of 'The Mysterious Voices of Bulgaria' & it was pretty much what I'd imagine some Angels might sound like if they booked a show down on Earth.
h3h,, they toured America in the 90's & I experienced their
gig in San Francisco-- it was one gorgeous, transcendent gig.
I gotta steal some descriptive words from Epitonic.com for this one, they're just too heart + folk-wise for my words to do justice
((Epitonic kicks ass for gettin' turned onto bands & various dudes they've jammed with b4 or after, a damn good FREE site dedicated to REAL alt music fans.]
-simply put, "Songs:Ohia is the Americana country sound of alt rock." Jason Molina is the center of the Songs:Ohia tunes ["The second part of the name is an allusion to both the Hawaiian tree ‘Ōhi‘a lehua and Molina's home state of Ohio.."].. The Songs:Ohia thang morphed into Molina's group: Magnolia Electric Company.
their infamous rabbitt costumes must be too cool in concert,, & it doesn't get much better than these folks in any pseudo-g33k way.
love the minimal roughness of MIRAH's album artwork; as good as her music.
sonically painted atmosphere from more great vinyl artists on that legendary 4AD label.

img src="http://freecodesource.com/pages/myspacegenerators/movie cdpic.php/img_892073_large_image_url.jpg" border="0" alt="Click Here For Myspace Layouts, Myspace Codes, Myspace Graphics and More!" .."Click Her For Myspace Layouts, Myspace Codes, Myspace Graphics and More!"&

My Interests

sustainable caffeine when I'm low on taurine (man i hope they don't got any longt3rm wick'd effekts from taurine 'cause me thinks I'm fallin' in luv with it],

CINEMAhhhh, Art, VinyL for music... and for the "SKIN TWO" scene ^_- ,, PHOTOgraphy, football..the oblong kind--ev3n tho soccer is damn cooL for those 5 seconds before a shot on Goal; philosophy m00N + star.gazing + all kinds of lights, shadows and pleasures therein.

..poTATOES.. our south3rn SW33T potatoes,

& of course, potato vodka {Ketel 1 or maybe some Grey Goose when the ca$h is flowin'} tEa .. so healthy, so addictive. i've got this theory: just like KUDZU ?, tea will take over m0st o' the planet one day. {and all shall rejoice, even the Knights of Niii.} those special teas,, roasted HOJICHA, some GenMAICHA or other little Camellia Sinensis leaves you cook up. btw, g3t your teas & related goodies from folks hip to FAIR Trade --like ALTER Eco--

they have good stuff.. those dudes get it.

Dark beer (black & tans b3 nice), Caesar salads, streaming landscapes down forgotten highways, shootin' pool, inline skates, chillin' alchemy with dj's + mixes that blur the scene with jammin' Vinyl tronica,, techno,,,,darkwave,,trance,, post-rock.. _check0ut French artist Xavier's online art/media

with his SUBmeta DROOGIES..they have g00d interactive visuals + soundworx
@ http://submeta.free.fr/

_playin' with their dropdown-menus can be some nice digital glitchin' meditation.. _keep clickin' on the images as they change..^_*..

a similarly c00L thing worx on Xavier's personal site-
@ http://www.seelans.net

pHEASting: guac & chips, Spaghetti, taboul3h, EDAMAME/soynuts, sun dried tomatoes, peanut butter--0H naturaHL], tortellini, eggplant, RAMEN noodles, lotta raw/v3ge as I can get..& yeah, those almonds roasted w/ tamari. _n33d ta stop stuffin' our animal pals in factoryPRISONS just for us.. h3h, us: the _advanced_ species with our, umm, greedy_BLOATeD_toddler_attitudes, eh? wake up. _g00d wines from small wineries in faraway places, some Chilean wines from South of EquatoriaL Skies.[..it takes wine 'n more to help the sanity while tryin' to get REPLACEABLE politicians snatch'd from their churchy-perches in their Hierarchy-MALarkey.] ..mmmmm,, get us back to architecture; victorian, gothic & moody landscaped.escapes, waxing & waning night skies w/ sublime spans of cemeteries & bridges.._not to forget rain showers outside & warm showers inside, piped with downtempo to chill; m3h, som3times a bit o' the ole k0D0Ne tabs~ we all hear a little ch3mical romance ~

I'd like to meet:

art/film/music/photography is my ocean, I dig sublime folks who like similar Adult Swim|ming,, and rain a good vibe alive in those & other creative things ^_*

It's cooL to hook up with someone who's into similar pleasures & the images, music & moods they lead to, whether sharing a drink in a cafe or a unique club with electronica, industrial, darkwave, classical or other alt music and alt scenes... someone who's into taking journeys star & nature gazing on wine + melodies at times, darker pleasures other times. Often dig spontaneous impulses ala the mood-- especially finding deserted places for activity, photogrpahy or makin' art. Connecting on physical chemystery is second to none it seems, though spiritual/sharing & dropping the drama for honest communication is pretty damn hard to beat. AS are sharing long dance/electronica Dj mixes, as well as D&S* mixes.*D&S ~ if ur a newbie to it, check it at amazon or google, it's a variant of rather unique 'interactions.'



hhhmmm, how to describe the dark-shining, no-sellout attitude of Nick Cave & his buds?
..sh!t, they're so damn good that legendary German art-filmmaker, Wenders, decided to have Nick & the Bad Seeds perform an
extended live jam in a BERLIN nightclub in the midst of that heavy, foggy atmosphere in his gritty-angelic, one of a kind film "Wings of Desire"

THE Legendary TRANSGENDER rockabilly Punks^_-

& now.. eLectronicahhh like u NEVER s33n it, dig THIS...

Now I know why DELTRON told me to
listen to MORPHEUS when he offered this Blue TABLEToP instead of the infamous BLUE Pill--
it's tw3akin' the fUtUre jam like u
NEV3r did the robot


a MULTI-user electronic music-instrument
with a "TABLETOP TANGIBLE user interface,"
b3yond the "keys" that pianos/synth & keyboard players have pluck'd for centuries now...

_ Several simultaneous performers share complete control over
the instrument by moving physical objects
on a luminous table surface.
By moving and relating these objects, representing components of a classic modular synthesizer, users can create complex and dynamic sonic topologies,
with generators, filters and modulators,
in a kind of tangible modular synthesizer or graspable flow-controlled programming language."
The instrument's developed by a team of digital "luthiers" (Sergi Jordà, Martin Kaltenbrunner, Günter Geiger and Marcos Alonso)
at the Music Technology Group in the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (((Barcelona, Spain.))
More information: http://mtg.upf.edu/reactable

... Sigur Rös, yeah...

the Mods always rock :: : : ^_*

_[rumor & speculation bring us this little trick of the tale]_::
According to torrent-dusted vapor-ware left behind by MOS Def ,,

it s33ms that the Ghostly Major with the braIns & the Braun...

yeah, section 9's Sexy KUSANAGI (in the Shell)

well, she hacked some semi0rganic ORBITAL database & deciphered

MAJOR Tom's fINAL words to Ground Control from that fateful BOWIE gr00ve of the past;

..here's what the future Major found buried in old Major's code.." _if the net starts populating, we gotta h3lp DEL pipe some reaL music thru it, _b4 we're bored by the hor'd of the MAINSTREAM's pOpDREAM with their market of muSiCK from the sith; _I'll send ZIGGY's final playlist, our last request_ _hope yall vibe to the REAL music & keep the gr00ve alive.._ _switchin' to telex.. {what a long strange trip its b33n} .. the s3Xy Kusanagi flashes a smiLe as she haPPily keys that St*rDust playlist pumpin' thru the purpLE hAze(...@ first, those meLODius monks 'n post punks are spun from MOTOKO's meta-versed gumbo, then she phazes the haze from yesterdays, pays no mind to the multi-mix'd matrix as her ghost sens3s that timeless beat generation... she flics the quarks 'n quirks of the rhythm penetration and with a light t0uch, [fainlty we hear 'who fuse the muse-ik with no ill-usions..] thus she sends the stellars to the trance floor to dance for grooves from a list to vibe for, in it's wake the waves of names charge the list_ and like wise ions they merge on ..as the first one comes into focus from our s0uthern sojourns: COZY & the PONY [ so sublime their talent that only NashVILLE could record 'em,

ye ole paLs from the Crossr0ads of middle Earth, where crawfish & Cypress Knees adorn the shire ]

so STRAP the g3ar d(^_-)b to ur ear

& plugin that chord
"i and i" a little list'n ya shouldn't bE missin'
D3Ltr0n & Marley's rap must be gettin' to my grey matter || | | | |

BOWIE, The Kinks, the Velvet Underground,
Björk, Bauhaus, Tones on Tail, Starometska,
Iggy Pop, The Misfits, TV on the Radio,
Moby, My Bloody Valentine, Wire,
Television, The Shins, the Violent Femmes,
RADi0HeAD, The Clean, Anne Clark, Fad Gadget,
Leonard Cohen, The Sonics {THE 1st punk band ever- ala Seattle},
Robert Johnson, This Mortal Coil, Franz Ferdinand,
Smashing Pumpkins, Blur, Aphex Twin,
Laurie Anderson, The Flaming Lips, Interpol,
Front 242, The Clash, Big Black,
Tom Waits, The Birthday Party, The Damned,
Joy Division/New Order, The Sisters of Mercy,
Devo, Orbital, Autechre,
The Glove, Broken Social Scene, Aztec Camera,
Depeche Mode, Leather Nun, Evolution Evolved,
Linkin Park, They Might Be Giants, Iron & Wine,
Jolie Holland, Wilco, The Replacements,
Fields of the Nephilim, VNV Nation, Black Tape for a Blue Girl,
Xmal Deutschland, Killing Joke, Jets to Brazil,
The Breeders, Siouxsie & the Banshees, Nina Hagen,
Rickie Lee Jones, El Guapo, Air,
mlada-fronta, The Clientele, Godspeed You Black Emperor [A Silver Mt. Zion],
X, Yo La Tengo, Test Department,
Pavement, Switchblade Symphony, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry
Lustre King, The Names, Cindytalk,
Kit Clayton, Camera Obscura, Section 25,
Deltron, Frog Eyes, Califone,
Eno, MIRAH, Apples in Stereo,
Jambient, Basta Ya, My Morning Jacket,
Fracta Monz, Philip Glass, Elf Power,
GOA Syndrome, The Arcade Fire, Morrissey,
Ultravox, Ovarian Trolley,
Meloncholy Kiss, The Chemical Brothers,
Yume Bitsu, Eltro, Mogwai, YES,
The Cure, Moev, *the Severed Heads^_-,
Man or Astro Man, The Blackheart Procession, Kruder & Dorfmeister,
Fatboy Slim, Psychic Tv, The CRAMPS,
Possum Dixon, T.Rex, The JAM,
Alien Sex Fiend, Lene Lovich, Clock DVA,
Ministry, Chris & Cosey, Throbbing Gristle, SL33P CHAMBER,
The Belgian Waffles, Sonic Youth, Skinny Puppy,
The Smiths, Talking Heads, The B-52's,
Nina Hagen, Roxy Music, Gary Numan,
Pylon, Songs:Ohia [yeah: Jason Molina],
The Psychedelic Furs, The Libertines,
Einstrzende Neubauten, Arcwelder, A Positive Life,
A Minor Forest, Suzanne Langille + Loren MazzaCane Connors,
The Cars, Kate Bush, Joe Jackson, The Bar Mitzvah Brothers,
Bearsuit, The Mysterious Voices of Bulgaria,
O.M.D [Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark], Daniel Lanois, Thomas Dolby,
XTC, The Cocteau Twins, Sara Mclaughlin,
Pere Ubu, Portastatic, Cornelius,
Annie Lennox/The Eurythmics, Yoko Kanno,
Foetus, Flipper, Tortoise,
The Beatles, Alisdair Roberts/Appendix Out,
Dylan, Fred Phage, From Monument To Masses,
Reed Ghazala, Calexico, Theoretical Girls,
Jimi Hendrix, Billy Bragg, The Bus Boys,
Electric Six, Dead Can Dance, The Wedding Present,
China Crisis, The Buggles, Men Without Hats,
Steely Dan, Andrea Parker, Belle & Sebastian,
The Stones, The Police, Aztec Camera,
Yello, Giorgio Moroder, The Orb, Orbay,
The Pretenders, The Doors, Do Make Say Think,
Popul Vuh, Gang of Four,
The Art of Noise, TRS-80, Duran Duran, Tears for Fears,
ABC, Talk Talk, The The,
Zeppelin, Joni Mitchell, Peter Gabriel,
Miles, Parker, Billie Holliday,
Traffic, Pink Floyd, The Who,
old Genesis {w/ Gabriel}, Carlos Santana,
John McLaughlin, Al DiMeola, Paco DeLucia,
Jeff Beck, Medeski Martin & Wood,
Stanley Clarke, Chick Correa, Return to Forever,
Earth Wind & Fire, Dire Straights, The Allman Brothers,
Chicago, America, Big Country,
Phil Collins (sometimes), Supertramp, the Knack, Rush,
The Beastie Boys, The Zombies, Pretty Girls Make Graves,
Propeller, VAST, Acid Gospel Experience,
The Doors, Chuck Berry, Richard Hell & the Voidoids,
Electrelane, Ex Models, Enigma, Naked Raygun,
Neil Young, Simply Saucer, Gogogo Airheart,
the Ramones, Theoretical Girls, Slovo, The Van Pelt,
the Prodigy, Weezer, NOFX,
Ryuichi Sakamoto, Wall of Voodoo, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Human League,
Bill Laswell, Beulah, MONO,
John Fahey, Patsy Cline, Chuch Berry...
' ' ' ' fin. ' ' ' '


Tarantino, with Uma, Christopher Walken & friends.. not bad, eh?

Ingrid Bergman's daughter with Canadian director Guy Maddin... not many films are even in the same league with this movie's bizarre story & distorted, visionary camera work, music & acting.
welly well my Little Droogies, a bit of the old ultraviolence ala Kubrick.
that Orwellian paranoid & all too real future-vision from Monty Python animator-turned-director Terry Gilliam who also did The Brother's Grimm, Twelve Monkeys, The Fisher King, & lots more-- including his surreality for "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" with Johnny Depp as that iconoclastic, psychedelic reporter Hunter S. Thompson, may he rest in chemically altered-peace}.
V... pretty much says it all^_-

sh!t, this is definitely one hardcore movie,
a film with smarts, guts, harsh freakin' storyline & a great cast.
created by the same screenplay writer who wrote "Adaptation". it was directed by that dreamy music French video guru Michel Gondry, who went bigtime with serious amazing films after his cool, inventive videos caught the attention of Björk, who asked him to direct the video for her song "Human Behavior". The collaboration proved long-lasting, with Gondry directing 6 music videos for her.
Other artists who have collaborated with Gondry on more than one occasion:
The White Stripes, The Chemical Brothers, and Kylie Minogue. He also created some television commercials and
even pioneered the "bullet time" techniques of "The Matrix" notably in his "Like A Rolling Stone" video for the Stones, and a '98 commercial for Smirnoff vodka, as well as directing a trio of cool holiday-themed commercials for The Gap.
He won an Academy Award alongside Adaptation's writer Charlie Kaufman and Pierre Bismuth for the story of Eternal Sunshine.
(( h3h, he directed Chappelles' Block Party too ))

latest otherworldly Earth by the dude who directed "Pi"... is this art or what?
Baraka is the 3rd film in a style done by the same cinematographer/director who rocked the film world & elite cameramen everywhere with his vision in "Koyaanisquatsi"...
in all these films, there are no actors, no dialogue, no plot-- just scenes of people, nature & culture,,,
Themes & the serious visuals that ONLY a master cinematographer could capture.

It's one of the best environmental & sensual trips u can experience if u love artistic imagery.
a nice touch are the names the filmmaker Ron Fricke choose for each project: Baraka "an ancient Sufi word, translated as a blessing or as the essence of life from which the evolutionary process unfolds"..
& his breakthrough film that started the series,
Koyaanisquatsi... a Hopi native Indian word meaning "Life out of Balance," all about the crazy, frenetic realm us humans have built in our rat race that crushes the natural & spiritual environment without & within.

Run Lola Run, pretty hip German movie,
...the best joke is what my film buff pal Andrew said:

"Yeah, I saw Run Lola Run...3 Times"
heh, if u never saw it, the film repeats the same story as
3 movies in sequence that all show repeated versions from different aspects of the same storyline
THE classic...
ye original Sexy Robot from that ole black & white, revolutionary sci-fi-political classic of the slave-labor of the masses from 80 years ago... not to mention the amazing way early-legendary director Fritz Lang managed to create artistic integrity in times when sci-fi movies usually had idiotic effects--it kicks mucho classic-film ass.
...Fritz Lang's 1920's rare, future-shock.
L.A. Confidential... intense film, with another great cast.

from Frank Herbert's DUNE, the 1984 film-version done by that twisted genius of Twin Peaks & more: David Lynch.

a little Audrey here ;)

This is about as curvy & gutsy as Spielberg has ever gotten.
MUNICH '72.. terrorist hit squads, revenge, the cost of revenge,
land, religious + political cold war alliances..
and in the end, a genious touch of ambiguity that makes u think
another Coppolla masterpiece: when his wife filmed "Hearts of Darkness" [the documentary of this film whose title puns the film's reference], she explored & revealed the insane sh!t that went down while the film was being made near S. East Asia, mostly the Philippines.
Among bizarre events like Martin Sheen's heart attack during filming, is a harsh self-reflecting moment by Francis Coppolla in which, late during the project, he honestly admits that he feels his film is basically a faliure-- "a piece of sh!t" [I think those are actually his exact words].
Pretty amazing self criticism from the film that set a new standard of reality & depth for filmmaking of war movies, from the realism of the daily psychological fear & confusion of the army personnel, to the confusion of the chain of command & it's toll on innocent life, to the hardcore view into the heart of a commander who'd seen too much of "the horror."
the use of music like Hendrix & acid trips & the Playboy Playmate striptease for the troops just showed the hilarious insanity of wars delivered to us by the hierarchy marlarkey.
I guess the synchronicity that tells it best was this-- a REAL event that happened during the filmmaking one day: Coppolla needed lots of helicopter-gunships to fly into the scene & battle against groundtroops; so the movie-magic-making special-fx crew spent hours--or maybe days--setting up all the expensive explosions that were to be blown when the helicopters reached the battle set & fired rockets, etc.
.. so what went down? Well, it was filmed in the Philippines with help from the Philippino goverment, probly to give it a real Vietnam-ish, Asian world look/feel. ...And the Philippino government is where all the battle-helicopters were rented, etc.
yet in absolut insane war karma, the Philippinos were also fighting a REAL tho perhaps small civil war in the southern area or somewhere far from Coppolla's movie setting.
so after days of prep work & all the complex, expensive explostion-gear placed by the special-fx guys, the scene begins--- lots of REAL, battle scarred helicopters start flying into view for one fo the biggest budgeted battle scenes perhaps of the time in movie-costs;
then, as the special-fx guys start detonating the carefully placed explosives & all the army-actors are going thru their fighting scenes, the helicopters just turned aruond & left without even finishing half the scene...
Coppolla & crew had just lost perhaps a half MILLION bucks & days of prep time for a complete waste.
.. but the darker scenario of war reared it's ugly head: just as the Philippino helicopter captains were flying-in to shoot Coppolla's massive battle scene, they LITERALLY got an emergency radio-overide-call from Philippine headquarters ordering them to immediately reverse course due to the fact that they were needed in the REAL civil war raging across other areas of the Philippines.
how can one movie have so many karmic events, whew.
So, if u like Coppolla's Godfather trilogy or this film or any others, make DAMN sure u see the documentary of that film by his wife called "Hearts of Darkness" that tells all these bizarre tales of what really went down BEHIND the scenes.
kusanagi & the cyberpunk anime folks

VERY groovy baby.

can't help diggin' Johnny Depp as Edward or any other character;)
2001 before we reached 2001 ... whew: Kubrick, Clarke + HAL.

Some movies blow the industry away---this one probly did it more than any...

half the critics thought it was crap, the others thought it was brillinat & decades b4 it's time.
My favorite was the critic who proclaimed that 2001 as a film "would be the death of Kubrick"--as an up an coming director--- I wonder how embarassed that critic feels whenever anyone reminds him of probly the most off-target, foolish prediction in film history;)
I was real let down by the sequal, 2010, tho it was indeed cool to see the original star[child] portrayed by the same actor: Keir Dullea, man that was seriously cool... and even the original voice of HAL: that spookily cold awesome voice of actor Douglas Rain.
Also, I decided to give 2010 less bashing when I thought about something unique in their special effects when Dave Bowman (Kier Dullea), lost/missing for all the years since 2001 suddenly appears like a matter-of-fact-ghost & tries to communicate to the main character just what is going on;
in that scene, we see different special fx scenes of human forms--- a baby (yeah, they had to do the star child from the original film, h3h), other forms & of course Bowman as an ancient looking 90 year old dude...
and not until weeks later, did it strike me: this was symbolic that the mysterious "MONOLITH" advanced aliens were creating a life-sustaining moon near Jupiter by taking Jupiter, a huge hot planet, into a sort-of dwarf star & by using millions of similar MONOLITHS to implode it into this odd "white dwarf-like" star, meaning it would be in perfect position to give life sustaining energy, just like our sun, to one of the moons of Jupiter which had very basic, undeveloped life (like big slugs;-).
since this moon was sooo far from our solar system's inner area where we receive enough sun-warth/radiation to support life, the aliens had achieved their massive experiment to collapse Jupiter into a tiny star that would yeild the energy that would then turn a frozen moon's life from a an almost deaed ice-world with only "slug" life-- into an Earth type planet that could sustain a biosphere & other systems that would grow into a thriving living planet.
So it ended well, but the overall movie just didn't have the edgy, visionary, artistic genius of 2001's director Kubrick, and this 2010 ended up as just a good but certainly not GREAT sci-fi film.
to top it all off, the book publishers had been hounding Authur C. Clarke for decades after the original success of 2001 to keep writing sequels, and I think his heart just wasn't in it----tho I read 2010 and I gotta say, it wasn't bad at all.

funny how accurate
Orwell's classic story parallels Bu$hCo's "war is peace" attitude & such..
this is one helluva film with one helluva soundrack by those amazing

Eurythmics [aaahhhh, the one of a kind music of
Annie Lennox].

aaaahhhhhhh, so many films...
Pulp Fiction, LotR trilogy, Wings of Desire,
Anastasia, 3 Days of the Condor, Amalie,
Metropolis, L.A. Confidential, Orpheus by Jean Cocteau,
Till the End of the World, Paris Texas, Apocalypse Now,
A Fish Called Wanda, Dead Poets Society,
The Saddest Music in the World (by Canadian Guy Maddin.. like David Lynch, Maddin's a genius but u gotta WANT the bizarre journey he takes u thru),
1 Giant Leap, La Femme Nikita (the original French version),
The Wrong Trousers [hilarious animaton],
O' Brother, Where Art Thou?, The Usual Suspects,
Little Big Man, 2001 by the ultra-Kubrick of Clockwork Orange,
Soylent Green, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Road to Perdition,
Being There, Maya Deren's experiemntal films from her days of yore,
Adaptation, Bladerunner, 1984,
A.I, Baraka, Brazil,
Holy Grail, South Park, Wind Talkers (tribute to Native Amer. Indians who gave it all in WW2),
Life of Brian, DUNE, Toy Story,
Pi, The Matrix [1st & Last one], Altered States,
the Brothers Quay animations, Fahrenheit 451, Fahrenheit 9/11,
Tank Girl, Repo Man;), Team America, Austin Powers,
Minority Report, Night Shift, Purple Rose of Cairo,
original Pink Panther comedies, The Abyss,
Edward Scissorhands, 16 Candles, 12 Monkeys,
The Sound of Music,
Ghost in the Shell, Akira, Legend, Princess Bride,
Escaflowne, Spirited Away, Sky Captain & the World of Tommorrow,
Forest Gump, Koyaanisqatsi, The Three Musketeers, Run Lola Run,
The Diary of Anne Frank, Who Framed Roger Rabbit,
Star Wars (1st one + Empire Strikes Back + final 2),
She's Gotta Have It, Love and Death, Yellow Submarine,
China Syndrome,
Athens G.A. Inside/Out [indie story of the city that was BEFORE Seattle or Austin, made by REAL music lovers--a documentary of the ATHENS, Georgia music scene
with folks like the B-52s, REM, Pylon, & ALOT more--- the 1st time any Non LA or Non NY City had a music power that came from a small magic town^_*
A Hard Days Night, Caddyshack, Fletch,
The Outlaw Josey Wales, From Russia With Love, When Worlds Collide,
You Only Live Twice, Goldfinger, GoldMEMBER;),
The Poseidon Adventure, E.T, Ice Age, Fargo,
HELP!, Young Frankenstein, Annie Hall,
THEM!, The Andromeda Strain, The Battle of Algiers,
The Star Chamber.. . . .


ADULT SWIM, oh yeah...


Spike & the gang, rugged & hard not to love, full on grit, tough, 'heart of gold' bounty hunters in the near future w/ kickass humor thrown in.. they broke anime wide open in America, h3h, the Asian invasion is more than cars, ^_* it's starry stars.
...and yet no matter how old u get, it's so hard keep away from InuYasha & Kagomee as well-- I don't konw why.
Comedy Central--Chappelle, FUTURAMA, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, The Simpsons, Family Guy;
more widkedly addictive anime..Samurai Shamploo, Paranoia Agent (dark intellegent adult stuff), Ghost in the Shell [ye heavy hitter], R.O.D. the tv {sheroes' of paper magic for u to dig}, Last Exile (artistic anime), Wolf's Rain, AEon FLUX ala the old school,,
hhhmmm,, cool sh!t on channels I wish I had like Sundance or HBO [at least I got netFlix],
Frontline, PBS + History channel can be chilled,
& for you uber-g33ks:: GALACTICA, Doctor Who;
& lets not forget the remote w/ the MUTE button,
& if only I had one o' those Tivo-ish digital recorders, what an addiction.


Zen & the art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Magnetic Storm album art by ROGER & Martyn DEAN,
The Art of War by Sun Tzu,
Skin Two (Erotic Scene + fashion zine, classy),
The Book of Spices by A. Stella,
ISHMAEL by Daniel Quinn,,
The 'Tao te Ching' by Lao Tzu, the MAUS series by SPIEGELMAN, New American Paintings No. 33,
Shin Takamatsu [architect] bio by Paolo Polledri,
I and Thou by Martin Buber,
Sacred Architecture by A.T. Mann, The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell,
tons of writings by genius Ken Wilbur & the INTEGRAL NAKED folks,
The Turning Point by Capra, the Golden Verses of Pythagoras by Fabre D'Olivet,
1984 by Orwell,
The Tao of Physics by F.Capra,
V for Vendetta graphic novels by Alan Moore, Being Good by Simon Blackburn,
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, Angels & Franciscans by Lacy/deMenil, Webs of Power by Starhawk,
The Essential Kabbalah by Daniel Matt, The Story of Philosophy by Bryan Magee,
Brave New World, Amphigory Also by Gorey, The Uplift Wars by David Brin,
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick [Bladerunner in it's great film adaptation by Ridley Scott],
3d Graphics & Animation by Mark Giambruno [a talented artist/producer I used to work for out west.. .


J0N Stewart le DAILY SHOW, Irshad Manji {a Canadian-MUSLIM gal who fights against the 20th century hijacking of Muslim beliefs (at risk of being killed, yet she won't use body guards unless forced to do so when she's visiting/speaking internationally--know anybody with guts like that?,,, check her vidi ala the tUBe: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87MTxUfJv-E
George Orwell,
Royo, Sorayama -gr3at sensual aritsts, & H.R. Giger who lead the way,
Alan Moore-- original writer of "V for VENDETTA"
Daniel Quinn author of the book that MIGHT just save the planet,
Jean Cocteau (artist & filmmaker), Yoko Kanno (anime composer),
Fritjof Capra (Science & Spiritual genius),
Perry Ferrell, Native Am. Indian Chief Seattle,
Joseph Campbell, Stanley Kubrick, Ken Wilbur,
Bill Moyers, Native Am. Indian Black Elk, Arthur C. Clarke,
Vaclav Havel, Van Gogh, The Paper Sisters [R.O.D.],
A.T. Mann multi-faceted author-artist, Ron Fricke [cinematographer],
Edward R. Murrow,
Wim Wenders, Guy Maddin, The Brothers Quay,
Cornel West, the Wachowski Brothers, the Coen Brothers,
Markos Moulitsas Zúniga [dailyKos.com],
artist Roger Dean, ancient sage Lao Tzu,
modern funny-sage Stephen Colbert,
Nicholas Kristof [NY Times] who had the only guts in American media to FORCE the US to look at the AFRICAN holocaust in recent years & human trafficking there,
Harriet Tubbman, Lawrence Boldt (Zen writer),
Xavier {artist of www.seelans.net},
Amy Goodman, Thebe Medube [African Astronomer/teacher],
Martin Buber, Einstein, the Blue Man Group,
R2D2/Lucas, Michael Lerner/Tikkun,
Nikola Tesla, Lebbius Woods, Manly Hall,
Terry Gilliam {& the whole damn Monty Python crew},
Francis Ford Coppolla, Jon Anderson singer/writer of YES,
Philip K. Dick (Bladrunner & about 5 other of the best sci-fi movies were ALL adapted from his books,
Master Po;),
Neville Brody as well as the visual designers at "23 Envelope" who all re-invented
the new look of wicked, subtle & sublime music-album art & fonts/contemporary graphic design.

My Blog

internet censOrship Svcks....

hey, bonjour, ..ck3ck0ut this website by ..    Reporters   Sans      Fr0ntiers  [ Reporters  Without  Borders ] : [ http://www.rsf.org ...
Posted by rØB on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 02:17:00 PST

MORRISSEY's legendary stuff.....

well, here's the stuff on Morrissey I promised ya under that pic from his album on my main myspace page...So: things were so bad at one point that he was broke & living in a room in his Mom's hous...
Posted by rØB on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 11:55:00 PST

Bauhaus' gothical groove history

welly well my little droogies, come join uncle for the trick of the tale, that most loveable of windows to yon Bauhaus storyville:: § ° § ° ° "Bauhaus slid fully formed from punk rock's womb in late ...
Posted by rØB on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 06:25:00 PST

Check out this video: Dr. Frankenstein, ur TREEs are ready...

hey yall, go to http://www.stopgetrees.org/staticpages/index.php?page=200511 07162104664....and watch this short vidi...peace out,,RobDr. Frankenstein, ur TREEs are ready... Add to My Profi...
Posted by rØB on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:45:00 PST

h3h ! Aqua Teen Hunger Force deal in Boston^_*

hey  yall,THE Aqua Teen Hunger Force deal in Boston! ....wooooohhhoooo...."According to Hoo and Vautour, ( I guess Hoo's on 1st it seems after all ),, the New York-based guerilla marketing firm...
Posted by rØB on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 05:45:00 PST

bad news for our videos, web content & fun.......

hey yall,,it's like the NAPSTER mp3 warz all over again, only now it's with shows & vids on the net. --LIKE they KEEP movin' towards making the web MORE like commerical owned Tv, with all our c...
Posted by rØB on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 04:05:00 PST

Check out this video: Good-Bye Rumsfeld

____Posted By:Vita Lusty-- well bye-bye neocon, hello new congress... yeah^_-another Emperor makes us laugh...........as he goes adios to Bu$hCo parties and his personal party sacked as well.=][=...
Posted by rØB on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 11:29:00 PST

Fate of AFRICA --- maybe this is it

hey yall, Please FORWARD... this could be the biggie missing from all the problems & ideas about the fate of AFRICA:: ".. Post-independence Africans from Rugasira (Ugandan coffee entreprene...
Posted by rØB on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 02:18:00 PST

woah.... Earth's FUTURE

hey, if u read this, u might dig it immensely...http://ishmael.com/Education/Writings/The_New_Re naissance.shtmlthe Future.dohiyi,,,rob=][=...
Posted by rØB on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 09:55:00 PST

deMOCKracy -- if u wear a t-shirt they can arrest you ! holy sh!tville Batman !

well, this is deMOCKracy at it's zenith of Republican$freedom-eraser syndrome, I just can't believe these folks are this evil.... I mean, I know they're evil-------it's just hard to believe they'd ...
Posted by rØB on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 02:54:00 PST