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Christopher C. Brown

New Orleans is my Soul!!! I'm on aim @ cbisbeezie

About Me

***************************THE GOAL IS SIMPLE. I WANT TO MAKE FILMS ABOUT NEW ORLEANS. I SOLD MY CAR TO MOVE TO L.A. TO CHASE A DREAM THAT ONE DAY SOMEONE WILL GIVE ME THE NOD AND I CAN MAKE FILMS ABOUT WHERE I CAME FROM... WHERE MY FAMILY GOES BACK GENERATIONS. I AM NATIVE. I AM NEW ORLEANS. STAY TUNED. I CHASED MY DREAMS TO SUNDANCE 2008 WHERE AN UNLIKELY CAST OF CHARACTERS, FROM SIMEON RICE TO GEORGE ROMERO HAD A HAND IN MAKING MY TRIP A SUCCESS.************************** ************************* ************************ "IT'S ONLY AFTER WE'VE LOST EVERYTHING THAT WE'RE FREE TO DO ANYTHING." -Tyler Durden *************************** ************************** **************************"Be daring, be different, be impractical, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary." -Cecil Beaton ********************** ********************** ********************** THIS IS MY THANK YOU TO YOU NEW ORLEANS __________________________________________ Words cannot express the sense of gratitude I have to offer up to the world and especially to New Orleans for all that she has given me. Without New Orleans, Without Hurricane Katrina, I would not be the person I am today. When Katrina happened I thought I was going to lose my beloved city forever. I'm going to cherish New Orleans for every moment that it's here and savor the sweet jazz culture. I'm going to spread it. I'm going to show people around the world what New Orleans is all about. I'm going to carry my Fleur De Lis and trumpet my Orleans from the treetops of skyscrapers of faraway cities. I'm going to tell them about our second line parades, about our bounce music, about our love, about our food, about our every thing. One day I hope to be able to make feature films about my city to show the world what my home is all about. You need to see the Big Chief. You need to know how to JOCK A MO FE NA NE! You need to know the spirit, the heart, the soul, the brass, the SATCHMO in you. New Orleans is love. You need to know we don't say "N'awlins" and that we say "NOLA". Make Levees. Not War! So here I am, trying to spread that NOLA holding my tiger rag, swaying and swinging, trying to shed a little light on the world. LOVE is the cure for all things. ************************ ************************ ************************ MY MANTRA was given to me by an old friend named "POPS" ************************************** ************************************** "The colors of a pretty the sky Are also on the faces.....of people ..going by I see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do Theyre really sayin......i love you. I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow Theyll learn much more.....than Ill never know And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world" --Louis Armstrong *************************************** *************************************** ***************************************"Progressive art can assist people to learn not only about the objective forces at work in the society in which they live, but also about the intensely social character of their interior lives. Ultimately, it can propel people toward social emancipation." -Salvador Dali Reach me on Aim @ CBISBEEZIE Catch me on Youtube @ My website is launching soon at ********************** ********************** ********************** ********************** ***************************** ****************************Dear Artists, people, friends, and anyone who's ever met me... my mission is to infect everyone around me with positive energy. To motivate. To inspire. To light the path. The light of which I speak stems from helping people, bestowing loving acts that do not benefit you... Help someone today. Help someone tomorrow. Inspire an awakening in someone. Give someone their hope back. Do it every single day. That's the answer. That's the truth (ruth). Have a dream, and share in it with others, let them share in it with you. Every action you commit has a reaction that spans the globe. We're all in this together. We're all human beings, and members of the HUMAN RACE. Are you capable of letting go of the petty dividing factors? I love all of you, and I hope that when you wake up tomorrow, you see the world as I see it, with an affinity and love for all people. ******* ***********************************************
*********************************************** *********************************************** I WANT TO MAKE A BIOPIC FILM ABOUT DR. JOHN *********************************************** ****************************** "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -Gandhi ****************************** "So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable." -Christopher Reeve******* ****R*E*S*O*U*R*C*E*S****for******ACTORS/FILMMAKERS**** ****To all my New York Filmmakers**** check out Tom Lassu's New York City Film Synergy Group..... go here: **** **** To ALL MY LOCAL NEW ORLEANS and LOUISIANA FILMMAKERS AND ACTORS, SCROLL DOWN FOR RESOURCES in NEW ORLEANS, including **email lists** and websites to check frequently for updates **** ****Nouvelle-orleans ! !!! Fier pour Nager .. la maison ! !!!! ***** ¡Nueva Orleans! !!! ¡Orgulloso Nadar en casa! !!!! ***** New Orleans!!! Stolz, nach hause zu schwimmen! ***** New Orleans! !!! Orgoglioso per Nuotare la Casa! !!!! ***** New Orleans! !!! Trots om Huis Te Zwemmen! !!!! ***** Novo Orleans! !!! Orgulhoso Nadar para casa! !!!! ***** ********************************* ******************************** "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." -Buddha ***************************************A*B*O*U*T****M*E***** ***My name is Christopher. I make films and organize the New Orleans Filmmakers. I love New Orleans, I love film, and I love people. I love to meet people who have ambition and goals and dreams. Follow your dreams and I can assure you there is light at the end of the tunnel. I'm a writer-director, a poet, but foremost, I'm a New Orleanian. I enjoy doing charity work and helping others and I enjoy empowering people. I love being a part of rebuilding New Orleans by helping to build a film community here. I hold art and emotion sacred. Dream big and make it happen, because any thing is possible if your heart is in the right place. I believe that now, 2 years after Katrina, our grieving is beginning to fade and our hope is beginning to resurrect. The time of storm has passed and now is the time for healing, it's time for us to dream is time for a renaissance.******************************** ******************************** ***I*N*F*L*U*E*N*C*E*D**** B*Y*****N*e*w* O*r*l*e*a*n*s*.... ****M*U*S*I*C********* (was never formally taught to me) Early on, I was strongly influenced by Wild Wayne on the radio station Q93, the early bounce music of TT Tucker, Ricky B, Cheeky Black, early Mystikal, DJ Jubilee, and Partners N Crime. A few years later, The deaths and music of Kurt Cobain and 2pac Shakur made me develop a strong appreciation for both, as well as the genres they came from, the Seattle Underground and the West Coast Hip Hop. As I grew older, my tastes broadened to jazz and second line music and I developed a fondness for the music of Kermit Ruffins and Louis Armstrong. Louis Armstrong became perhaps my greatest influence, a hero, someone who came from poverty, turned music into his weapon, and still continued to grow as an artist, inventing many new types of music and making jazz a soloist's art form. I began to love New Orleans' sounds of music that Jazz Fest only furthered my affections for.... artists like Fats Domino, Dr. John, Professor Longhair, Ernie K Doe, Earl King, Lee Dorsey, The Neville Brothers, The Meters, Chris Kenner, and Irma Thomas. Over time, I began to resent private radio. I loved WWOZ ( and WTUL ( I started to love folk music like Bob Dylan and Arlo and Woody Guthrie, and I began to love classical music like Beethoven, Berlioz, Debussy, and more contemporary composers like Danny Elfman and Gyorgy Ligeti and I began to understand the value of original composition and how it can evoke moods. About the same time, I grew fond of indie rock, loving innovative bands like The Flaming Lips, The Brazillian Girls, The Mars Volta, and Bloc Party. Finally, my musical affections are now global, but I've also turned intrinsically to the music scene here, appreciating local bands like the New Orleans Bingo Show, Quintron, The Public, Trombone Shorty, and The Morning 40 Federation. I still continue to search myspace for new bands, new artists, new sounds.I*N*F*L*U*E*N*C*E*D*** BY****F*I*L*M*S**&**D*I*R*E*C*T*O*R*S* (was never formally taught to me) I see a film as more than just a movie. I see the ability to grow and to awaken. I feel I've grown so much from the films I've seen and the experiences they've evoked emotionally. Films that influenced me: Donnie Darko, Nosferatu, Metropolis, The Trial, Do the Right Thing, Ran, Trainspotting, Once Were Warriors. My strongest influences as directors are Spike Lee, Martin Scorsese, Stanley Kubrick, and Orson Welles. I loved Orson Welles because he was a boy wonder, someone who never let age dictate his confidence or his abilities... Someone who tricked everyone in the country in his twenties with his War of the Worlds broadcast, when he was 17 he told everyone in Dublin he was a famous actor from New York so he could take to the stage. I admire Spike Lee because of his social realism, he sees films as a way of self-growth, something I've experienced personally. Films awakened me. I want to emulate what he did with Do The Right Thing, he took a broken down Brooklyn neighborhood, the Stuyvesant, and he re-vitalized it by shooting the movie there and throwing a party for the people of the neighborhood, I want to do the same in New Orleans and give back to the community. When I met Spike, all I could say was thank you, When the Levees Broke is a good portrayal of New Orleans culturally and of the state and federal government's failures in Hurricane Katrina's aftermath. I love Spike's often criticized stylizations, the still walk, the constant "WAKE UP" references directly addressing his audience, and I love his charisma and passion, he's truly a wonderful human being. Stanley Kubrick was a technical genius as well as a chess master director. He could evoke any performance, he was one of the first to develop the steadi-cam, and he even had the genius to put a speedometer on his steadicam rig for "The Shining" so all the shots would be the same speed. Finally, Martin Scorsese's film, "Raging Bull" was a movie that changed my view of what a movie can be. I saw a man in Jake Lamotta, not innocent nor guilty, but someone who like so many of us often is somewhere in between. The shameless portrayal was beautiful like nothing I'd ever seen. Martin Scorsese continues to change filmmaking. Even now, I continue to grow in my tastes in film, most recently I'm developing a love for the films of Ingmar Bergman after seeing Through a Glass Darkly and Winter Light and Truffaut for Shoot the Piano Player and The 400 Blows. *********************************** ****F*I*L*M******R*E*S*O*U*R*C*E*S**** One of the best resources for you in the New Orleans area is Timecode: NOLA, a television show on Cox that shows your indie films. Be sure and visit their website and submit, and get your films SEEN!!!!http://www.timecodenola.comOther resources for filmmakers..... (to submit to film festivals) (to register your screenplays) (to upload your videos) (to check credits) ************************************* ***A*C*T*O*R***R*E*S*O*U*R*C*E*S*** ****If you are an actor or aspiring actor, here is a list of email lists and websites that you can sign up on or refer to for Casting Calls, Info on How to Audition, Info on Headshots & Making your Resume', etc. Just be sure to actually READ YOUR EMAIL. All of these lists are run/organized by a variety of different knowledgeable people, including: Veleka Gray, Wayne Morgan, Johnny Rock, Lauren Michelle, Lance Nichols, and many more.... hope this helps you!!!!!Email lists.... Louisiana Produces H.U.R.D. Casting Network New Orleans Gulf South Actors Film Orleans Professional Actors Louisiana Film / Tv Website*********************************

My Interests

The City of New Orleans New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Renaissance New York City His Holiness the Dalai Llama The Italian families of America Carlos Marcello Dr. John The East Village The Village Voice Brooklyn The game of RISK The Restoration Solarization The 1920's cinema Long Takes Verite' Special Effects Editing Set Design Cinematography New Orleans Bounce Music and its history Los Angeles and Hollywood The Oscars Super Wide Anamorphic Lenses Panasonic DVX Kafka Belgian Surrealism Scene It Poetry and Spoken Word Saul Williams Knowledge and the pursuit of it The Cremaster Series Bjork Stream of Consciousness Intellect Chess Geometry Guitar Improvisation Shenikah Acupuncture Vapor Therapy Buddhism Judaism Victorian Manicheans Lochness Quantum Physics Celluloid Digital Video The Amazon Rain Forest Shamans Shenikah Color Spectrums Profoundness Ethas Eras Expressionism Individuality Japanese and Chinese Historical Arts of Medicine St. Petersburg Rapture Rasputin Lennon Lenin..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*..*. .*..*..*..*..* +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

I'd like to meet:

************************************** ANYONE WHO LOVES NEW ORLEANS !!!!!!!! ************************************** ************************************** Ernesto "Che" Guevara Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong Dito Montiel Ellen Degeneres Spike Lee Baby Boy da Prince Orson Welles Mitch Landrieu Francois Truffaut Akira Kurosawa Michael Arata Vince Vaughn David Fincher Stanley Kubrick Fritz Lang Sergei Eisenstein Anthony Anderson Anthony Mackie Donna Duplantier Todd Solondz Fellini William Morris agents to give the the secret WM Shake to. (lol) Steven Soderbergh Allison Anders Alfred Hitchcock Scott Rudin Harvey Weinstein Mark Cuban Richard Linklater Ignatius Reilly Chris Rock Edgar Allan Poe Shakespeare The Head of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers General Honore’ George Carlin Soul Rebels 2pac Shakur Charlie Chaplin Nathaniel Hobbs Azazel Denzel Washington Charlie Parker Wild Wayne The Dude Joel and Ethan Coen Uncle Keith Sam Raimi Oley Sassone Bernardo Bertolucci Rick Stein Dave Chapelle Spike Jones Charlie Kaufman Bob Mortimer Lucille Ball Greta Garbo Marlene Dietrich Richard Pryor Redd Foxx Cary Grant and his second take Humphrey Bogart L’il Wayne Bob Dylan John Lennon Captain Ahab Hunter S. Thompson Juvenile Tim Burton Oliver Stone Hornswogglers Arlo and Woody Guthrie Mac Rebenaack (Dr. John) Carlos Marcello Vincent Marcello Jim Jarmusch Wayne Coyne Kermit Ruffins John Cassavettes Pretty Ricky Dawn Richard Hale Boggs Tennessee Williams Mark Samuels James Earl Jones Stephen Hawking Snozzwangers Vermicious Knids Professor Longhair Alan Toussaint Elvis Costello James Andrews Mahalia Jackson Caveh Zahedi Christine Vachon Fatty Arbuckle John Kennedy Toole Barack Obama Jean Luc Godard Justin Lin Rebirth Brass Band Trombone Shorty Ingmar Bergman Ron Yerxa Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie Roi Anthony Oprah Winfrey Bill Gates Steve Jobs Bill Cosby H.P. Lovecraft Saul Williams Johnny Depp Mos Def "Rudy" Ruetiger Morgan Spurlock


2Pac Shakur Frank zappa Taleb Kweli 311 bruce springsteen Roi Anthony Satchmo Al "Da Kid" Robin Thick bob marley peter tosh Soulja Slim Noam Weinstein Apollo the giant The doors Sugarcult Pink Floyd Kilo Ricky B Cheeky Black Partners-N-Crime, Kangol Slim, Mista Meana Mos Def Kanye West Her Space Holiday Led Zeppelin Talking Heads Green Day Jack Black David Bowie GG Allin Iggy Pop Punk Rock Glam Rock Ramones The Cramps Johnny Cash Hole Jane County Sex Pistols sonic youth norma jean at the drive in tom waits AC/DC saves the day the promise ring modest mouse velvet underground U2 taking back sunday bouncing souls eric clapton death cab for cutie michael jackson Basement Jaxx guns n' roses styx van halen the who tori amos billy joel name taken bob dylan evergreen terrace the PIXIES phil collins robert palmer the kinks huey lewis and the news massive attack enya depeche mode casey jones blondie elton john the beatles the turtles the vines the hives the temptations the mamas and the papas the information corporation yes madonna the dropkick murphys flogging molly 70s, 80s, 60s, 50s Ray Charles Type O Negative Ludwig Van BeetHoven Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Debussy Strauss Ligeti Zero Seven Black Eyed Peas Brand New Heavies New Orleans Jazz Vipers Kermit Ruffins Irvin Mayfield Walter "Wolfman" Washington Miles Davis Brazilian Girls The Residents Bloc Party Widespread Panic Professor Longhair Fats Domino Dr. John Tom Waits The Arcade Fire The Mars Volta King Crimson Captain Beefhart The Redwalls The Red Sparrows Theresa Anderson Ella Fitzgerald Louis Armstrong Frank Sinatra Ludacris Cab Calloway Bjork The Howlin Wolf Robert Johnson The Meters The Films We Are Scientists Moloko Portishead John Lennon solo Lou Reed Lou Rawls Lloyd Price The Roots James Booker T-Bone Walker Tuts Washington Gruesome Danny Elfman Kanye West The Dixie Cups B.G. Wolf Eyes Sonic Death Monkey Barry Jive and the Uptown Five DJ Jubilee Ween Underworld Tangerine Dream Sugarcubes Rammstein Slayer Rasputina Rancid Victor Wooten R.E.M. Radiohead Rachmaninov Polaris Orgy Nitzer Ebb Aaron Neville A Clockwork Elvis Ella Fitzgerald Natalia Morrissey Wilco Satchmo Kitty Kernkraft 400 Jefferson Airplane Santana The 4 Seasons Joe Cocker Nancy Sinatra Dean Martin Sammy Davis Jr. Roberta Flack Bobby Womack Freddie King Earl King Galactic The Flaming Lips Kompressor Gene Kelly Godsmack Elastica Jamiroquai Covenant Thievery Corporation Louie Prima Bobby Vinton Simon and Garfunkel Mystikal Bomfunk MC's Beck Ziggy Marley and the Whalers Damien "Jr. Gong" Marley N.E.R.D. Lords of Acid Cabaret Voltaire Carl Orff Chopin Chris Brown Wu Tang Clan Decembrists Troy Andrews Charmaigne Neville Cyril Neville Morning 40 Federation DJ Heavygrinder DJ Trashy Common The Roots Wesley Willis


Igby Goes Down Battle Royale The Grapes of Wrath The Fountain Downfall Crooklyn Shoot the Piano Player The 400 Blows Once Were Warriors 25th Hour Malcolm X Irreversible Searching for Bobby Fischer Do the Right Thing The Trial The Lady from Shanghai American History X Chimes at Midnight The Third Man The Maltese Falcon Happiness Storytelling Raging Bull The Departed Mean Streets The Luhzin Defence Hotel Rwanda Blood Diamond City of God Summer of Sam Se7en Metropolis The Corporation Better Luck Tomorrow Run Lola Run The Dreamers Reservoir Dogs Full Metal Jacket Jackie Brown Mr. Smith goes to Washington High Noon Panic in the Streets A Streetcar Named Desire Pretty Baby Down by Law Bird 21 Grams Through a Glass Darkly Winter Light Gandhi Rear Window North by Northwest Alexander Nevsky The Shining Citizen Kane Babel Detour (Thanks for showing me this Harry Anderson, we'll miss ya!!! 2001: A Space Odyssey Left Behind: The Story of the New Orleans Public School System 28 Days Later Trainspotting Almost Famous American Beauty The Apartment Requiem for a Dream City Lights Apocalypse Now Nosferatu Phantom of the Opera (1920s) Before Sunrise Birdy Jacob's Ladder A Bronx Tale Carlito's Way Dazed and Confused Election Sideways Frailty Fresh The Killing The Godfather The Graduate Inside Man High Fidelity Hoop Dreams Mo' Better Blues Clockers JFK Life is Beautiful Dancer in the Dark Magnolia The People vs. Larry Flynt A Perfect World Planet of the Apes Punch Drunk Love Rocky Rudy Shallow Grave The Beach Sin City 300 Something Wild Sunset Boulevard Taxi Driver This Boy's Life True Romance A Clockwork Orange Dr. Strangelove Grizzly Man Murder Ball One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest When We Were Kings Barton Fink Miller's Crossing The Big Lebowski Being John Malkovich Chinatown F for Fake Breathless In the Mood for Love The Stranger Paths of Glory When the Levees Broke (Thank you for the autograph Spike) Ran Dreams


I rarely ever engage in television watching, but this is what I watch:K-Ville Colbert Report Daily Show with Jon Stewart The Sopranos Six Feet Under Seinfield Saved by the Bell The Wonder Years Sanford and Son Good Times Fresh Prince White Shadow Family Guy Futurama The Simpsons Welcome Back, Kotter!! The Jeffersons Curb Your Enthusiasm Real Time with Bill Maher Entourage Chapelle's Show Robot Chicken


The Heart of Darkness The Giver Frankenstein Dracula Audacity of Hope Satchmo Louis Armstrong: In His Own Words A Killing in this Town Logic Eden Hello He Lied Easy Riders Raging Bulls A Killer Life Ender's Game Choke Interview with the Vampire P.S. I Love You The Tale of the Body Thief The Vampire Lestat Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Confederacy of Dunces The Shining Survivor Lullaby Fight Club Confessions of a Dangerous Mind Stanley Kubrick: A Biography The Life of Orson Welles This is Orson Welles Clint Down and Dirty Pictures The Prince Chronicles by Bob Dylan The Rum Diary A Brave New World Dante's Inferno Hamlet High Fidelity Directing Actors by Judith Weston Independent Feature Film Production


Louis Armstrong His Holiness the Dalai Llama Dave Starns Stanley Kubrick Orson Welles Spike Lee Steven Soderbergh Jerald White Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie Gandhi John Lennon Lenny Kravitz******************************************

My Blog

Loneliness, Deprivation, Openness, Self-Loathing, Homelessness

I couldn't afford to pay my rent this month. I'm moving from one couch to another and some houses without electricity here and there. I hate that the world revolves around money. I long for a higher p...
Posted by Christopher C. Brown on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 10:21:00 PST

Rage Against the Dying of the Light

- I challenge myself to empower all New Orleans artists that I respect as real creators and artists who have a true talent and ability to create and to manifest something unique, original and special....
Posted by Christopher C. Brown on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 10:47:00 PST

Petition for Louisiana Actors to Sign

Unionized Background Coverage for Louisiana - Call for Immediate Action RequiredThe current Screen Actors Guild contract will expire June 30, 2008. Currently there is nothing on the table to make Loui...
Posted by Christopher C. Brown on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 08:53:00 PST

Events brought to you by Screenplay Lab

FROM SCREENPLAY LAB: COMEDY WALK on Thursday night! See the greatest comedians in Los Angeles. A Los Times "Best Bet". June 12th, 8:30pm-10pm, 2nd Thurs. Six simultaneous 90-minute comedy shows, 25 co...
Posted by Christopher C. Brown on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 08:38:00 PST


We are at a crucial moment. With states like New Mexico, Texas, Mississippi, Michigan, and Connecticut all passing tax credits similar to ours, the time has come for us to begin brainstorming new idea...
Posted by Christopher C. Brown on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 07:34:00 PST

Video Trip to the 2008 Sundance Film Festival featuring George Romero

Please check out my trip to Sundance '08, featuring an interview with George Romero ...
Posted by Christopher C. Brown on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 09:59:00 PST


Introducing the Los Angeles Louisiana Film Industry Network, based in Hollywood, CA:This group is for Los Angeles based writers, directors, producers, actors, etc. hailing from or wishing to work or c...
Posted by Christopher C. Brown on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 06:53:00 PST

Join me on LINKEDin

Posted by Christopher C. Brown on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 12:48:00 PST

Xylophone Styx

"Xylophone Styx" So you skewed up my mind, You jazzed up my pen With your brewed up old chimes you had me again Your clarinet and your hand and your chin As we jammed and you clammed my stranded withi...
Posted by Christopher C. Brown on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 02:45:00 PST

Fleur DiParture

I hate leaving New Orleans. I really do. When I leave, even if it's just to Metairie, I start to just get this ill feeling. Michael Martin describes it in his "Bachelor of New Orleans" monologue. Igna...
Posted by Christopher C. Brown on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 04:25:00 PST