spicy tigers on speed profile picture

spicy tigers on speed

perform gender cliches - and then SMASH THEM!

About Me

we don't play guitars, but we DANCE AND PERFORM!
tell me what you really really want - the ram from the ramalamadingdong.

aRre You a mAn or a wOmAN? - NO!
we are from berlin. we are here to perform gender cliches and smash them. we will dance with you until your head spins. our hot fake and real stuffers and fake and real tits are way more important than germany or any other nation.
go drag!
come queer!
tender is the gender!

and don't forget: donna non si nasce. donna si diventa.
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests


Member Since: 3/26/2006
Band Website: spicytigersonspeed.net
Band Members: Nemerim metubalim al samim mamritzim are:
Belinda Xpress
Lady Moira
Lilo Libido
Rachel against the Maschine (Strawberry F. Williams)
Sherman the stage chicken/cock

Influences: kingz of berlin le tigre spice girls marilyn manson britney spears madonna peaches moldy peaches chicks on speed weezer cobra killer näd mika frank n. further pippi langstrumpf wickie

Sounds Like: nothing you have ever heard/seen before.

Type of Label: None

My Blog

DRAGSHAUFEN (*S*T*o*S* & friends) Calendar 2008 nearly finished!

---english version below!----feel free to forward it to your friends--- ;-)---sorry for crossposting----Ihr Süssen!Ab freitag könnt ihr den schicken DRAGSHAUFEN (*S*T*o*S* & friends) Calendar 2008 in ...
Posted by spicy tigers on speed on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 08:28:00 PST

DRAGSHAUFEN (*S*T*o*S* & friends) Calendar

ihr süssen!alle infos,bilder,graphiken,links sind angekommenund das layout ist fertig -wir auch *g*! grade wird das gute stück belichtet und wenn alles klappt morgen gedruckt!herzlichen riesenglitzapi...
Posted by spicy tigers on speed on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 05:44:00 PST


Gender is not binary - trans*gender-expressionworkshopHey all Kingz and Queenz and Inbetweens and those who choose not to identify at all, whatEva your gender maybe!Have you ever been to a dragworksho...
Posted by spicy tigers on speed on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 08:36:00 PST


SPICYSpice up your queer life! Our recipe: Take the best of all genders Take the worst of all genders Add music, dance and heart. Filter out the norm Shake well and then rock that shit! T...
Posted by spicy tigers on speed on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 02:58:00 PST