The Autist Formerly Known As X profile picture

The Autist Formerly Known As X

About Me

The Autist Formerly Known As X's Artwork Gallery

The Autist Formerly Known As X's Brief Bio: I am an autodidactic verbal and visual artist whose work has sold in the US and Internationally. I work in various media, including but not limited to the following art forms: Photography, Painting, Assemblage, Sculpture/3-D, Mixed Media, Spoken Word, Poetry, Polatype and Emulsion Transfer, Journal Making, Mask Making and Casting, Monotype, Xerographic Lithography, Relief Printmaking, Thermal Transfer Process, One of a Kind Furniture Reconstruction, Film, Music and T-Shirt/Messenger Bag/One of a Kind Clothing Reconstruction and Design.

You can see more of my artwork, writing and other strange stuff at the following URL


You can see some of my one-of-a-kind clothing designs at the following URL


Headline: Everyone has a little secret he keeps. I light the fires while the city sleeps.

Tagline: "She stepped on the roses and swallowed the thorns" - copyright X 1998 [NOT some cheesy kindergoths who steal quotes and don't give credit where credit is due :P]

Quote I Most Relate To This Minute:

The Bluest Eye: "Love is never any better than the lover. Wicked people love wickedly, violent people love violently, weak people love weakly, stupid people love stupidly, but the love of a free man is never safe. There is no gift for the beloved. The lover alone possesses his gift of love. The loved one is shorn, neutralized, frozen in the glare of the lovers eye."

Moniker: Something that cannot be pronounced.

Chromosome Configuration: XX

Age: A few revolutions around the sun.

Location: A planet which has not yet been discovered.

Status: Solivagus.

Orientation: Strictly Dickly.

Star Stuff: Sun on Taurus/Gemini cusp in 2nd House. Moon on Gemini/Cancer cusp in 3rd house. Ascendant in Aries. Mercury in Taurus in 1st House. Venus in Aries in 12th House. Mars in Pisces in 12th House. This explains a lot about my award-winning, wizened, calcified and hermit-like personality. Heh.

Ethnicity: A strange goulash of Irish, French Canadian, Italian and Native American.

Here For: Networking, Observation, Friends, Emotional Depth.

Personality: I'm a Down to Mars type of girl who possesses the following personality traits and flaws: Introspective introvert, Caring yet Cynical, Defined personality, Intuitive, Empathic, Artistically passionate, Eccentric, Easily enervated, Given to melancholy and anomalous wit.

Occupation: Artist, Finding the Debris that Heals. Curator of Secrets, Cookieless Girl Thing. Apparition.

Random lessons i have learned about life... To be continued as i learn them:

People like it more when you make them laugh, and less when you make them think.

Art with a meaning and/or less than obvious message will most likely be overlooked or missed.

When it comes down to it, few people truly care about what is in the heart and mind of another being. It is all about the outside, andpeople will most often favor and choose the ones whose packaging most closely meets their superficial ideal. The same goes for art. An artistcould slit his own wrist and paint with the blood and few would notice his scars, but more than a few would comment on the pretty hue ofred 'paint'. :(

Random, Useless Information: I often suffer from insomnia. I am the only child of a Schizophrenic. I once swallowed Mercury, and lived to tell. I had to wear corrective shoes until i was 8, because i had "pigeon toes". The shoes didn't work very well, and i still have a slight inward point when i walk. Some boys tell me this is cute. I yawn a lot. I have a cowlick. I like having nightmares. I don't mind spending time alone. I am a collector of secrets. I am allergic to eggplant. I am great at bowling, even though i think it is lame and have only been a few times in my entire life. I can touch my nose with my tongue, but don't ask me to show you. I forgive, but do not forget. I hate heat and humidity and so does my hair. I believe that Soul Mates exist. The things i find most beautiful are those which are damaged, but have somehow survived, and become stronger because of it. My natural hair colour is black. I am a good cook, but suck at making hamburgers, cookies, eggs, pancakes and basically anything round and flat. There are people whom i avoid for various reasons, but no one whom i truly hate. I work out, but am not into sports. I have an almost frightening sense of intuition. I wish i would always listen to it I tire easily and need quite a bit of alone time in order to keep my head clear. I have a large collection of busted up vintage dolls. I also have 5 vintage mannequins. I own a meat hook which hangs over my dining room table. My choice of decor would make you wonder strange things about me. I once wanted to be a nun. I am a big, old baby at Christmas. It is my favorite holiday beside Halloween. I have survived CO poisoning and drowning. I can whistle with two fingers under each side of my tongue, but never do it because i think it is trashy and unbecoming. I am not impressed by your job, your status, your penis or pretty face. I have a zero-tolerance policy regarding animal and child abuse. That being said, i never want children of my own because the thought of a "womb tumor" growing inside me for 9 months, and the 18 year responsibility which comes after that scares the fuck out of me.. not to mention that the screeching of children drives me nuts. I have no ill feelings toward fruitcake. In fact, i rather like it. I am quite proficient with chopsticks. I used to do a lot of drugs, but not anymore. I run with scissors and other pointy objects. I still think about him, and hope he is happy.. and alive.

Related URL's:

All Images, text, background, graphics and content on this MySpace page and the following sites are ©X. I am not trying to be a deliberate bitch, but i request that you do not download, copy, display, distribute, hotlink, link to, print or reproduce images in any format. If my net tracker catches you doing this, you will be reported to MySpace, as well as my copyright attorney. Thank you for your cooperation!

www.Anthroid.Net - "TheDark Art of X"

www.EpiphanyStrange.Com - "Fashion for Oddities and Home of Steampunk Apocalypse" - "Fine Art for Darker Tastes"

My Interests

Art, Painting, Mixed Media, Printmaking, Assemblage, Found Object Art, Poetry that doesn't rhyme [or suck!], Spoken Word, Metal craft, Medium Format Photography, Russian Medium Format Cameras, Toy Cameras, Sculpture, Furniture Design and Reconstruction, Clothing Design and Reconstruction, Wearable Art, Bookmaking, Artists' Journals, Independent Film Making and viewing, Victorian Post-Mortem Photography, Vintage Crime Scene Photography, Death and Dying, Thrift Stores, Museums, Old and Rare Book Stores, Artifacts, Ghost Stories, Dead things, Charles Bukowski, Beasts who were once boys, Things that go bump in the night, Smoking Cigars, Astrology, Tarot, Oscar Wilde, Francesca Woodman, Finding the beauty in the 'insignificant', Antiques, Vintage Prosthetics and Medical Equipment, Broken Dolls, Thinking and those who make me think, Wit, Sarcasm, Introspection, Quiet time, Being reclusive and making art, Spirituality, Aphasia, Autism, Bones and Body Parts, Words on Skin, Scars, Anatomy, Entomology, Japanese and Korean Food, Strange People and Places, Non-cheesy Non-Sensationalized True Crime film/docs/books, Horror Flicks, Animals, Hanging out with one special person and dropping out of reality together, Snuggling, Stay at home dates, Twilight Zone Marathons, Laughter, Tears, Cozy people and things, Late 1800's, Early 1900's, 1930's, 1940's, 1950's, Vintage anything, Steampunk, The Ancient Future, Tortured Artists, Lost Souls, Underdogs, Social Misfits, The Wounded, The Unfortunates, The Forgotten, Misplaced people, Hermits, Melancholy, Madness, The Paranormal, Reading, Latin, The roots of English , Old and Obscure Phrases, Oddities, Conjoined Twins, Derelict buildings, Desolate landscapes, Decay, Dead Birds, Snow, Autumn, Winter, Cold climates, Dead leaves, Bare trees, Old houses in the middle of nowhere, Sleeping, Dreaming and turning these visions into art, Dodging the flatness of mainstream thought and visual expectations.

I'd like to meet:

First and foremost: My beautiful beast, and the few who can relate their life experience to the following tale.

There was a little prince with a magic crown.
An evil warlock kidnapped him, locked him in a cell in a huge tower and took away his voice. There was a window with bars.
The prince kept smashing his head against the bars hoping that someone would hear the sound and find him.
The crown made the most beautiful sound that anyone ever heard. You could hear the ringing for miles and miles.
It was so beautiful that people wanted to grab the air.
They never found the prince.
He never got out of the cell.
But the sound he made filled everything up with beauty.

Also... Creative types and others who inspire me to be more creative. Artists, especially those who are passionate about and committed to their craft. People with brains.. bonus points if you actually use yours! People whose audience has not yet been born. People with emotional depth, compassion and understanding but who also have a healthy yet atypical sense of humor. Reclusive artists. Geniuses. Hermits who are not psychotically disturbed and dangerous. People who laugh, but who are also not afraid to cry. People with substance. Honest, supportive, caring, emotional, and "wholesome people" [i hate that phrase, but i am SO tired of creeps!].

I wish i had never ever met:

"Friends" who turn out to be anything but. The selfish and self-absorbed. People who don't know who they are or what they want but lead you to believe they do, Those who have no sense of spirituality.. or humor. People who need to be noticed. People who need others because they are afraid to be alone with themselves. People who pretend to listen, but really don't. Those who have no sense of self or identity, and can 'become' what another person is looking for. People with ulterior motives. People who want to live in my bed and expect me to support them! Misogynists, Pervs, Predators, Sociopaths, Fucktards, Assholes, Players, Liars, Users, Abusers, and Losers. Guys who think i am "just what they need" to make them feel better about themselves... I'm not.... trust me. Superficial beings. The soulless.

A Note Regarding Friend Requests:

I have no problem adding you as a friend IF you are actually going to talk to me. In other words, i prefer to keep my friends list confined to those who are willing to stay in contact on a 'fairly regular basis'. If you don't intend to stay in touch and/or are just trying to "friend-whore" then please don't bother requesting an add because i will only end up deleting you the next time my cat chews my favorite slippers, the moon is in the wrong sign, or i have PMS. May god have mercy on your soul if all three should happen at once. Oh, and if you have a private profile, don't even bother requesting a friendship. I like to know what i am getting into, before i get into it :)


Dark and unusual sounds, The choir in my head, 0ld School G0th, 0ld School Punk, and even some Old School Hip Hop, Heroin addicts and their guitars, Songs written in a Minor Key, Violins, Cellos, Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, PJ Harvey, Nick Cave, Patti Smith, Shane MacGowan... you get the idea. Anything that sounds like it was written by someone who was depressed, 1980's shit.


[In no particular order] - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Bug, The Rules of Attraction, Fur, The Piano Tuner of Earthquakes, Lolita [Adrian Lyne 1997], A Scanner Darkly, Zentropa, Northfork, Henry & June, Eating Raoul, Institute Benjamenta, The Brown Bunny, Happiness, The Brothers Quay Collection, Tideland, May, La Strada, The King of Hearts, The Business of Fancydancing, L.I.E, Ghost World, The Hours, Garden State, Feed, The Man Who Wasn't There, Donnie Darko, Mulholland Drive, Spun, Harold and Maude, Virgin Suicides, The Pillow Book, Pi, Ghost Dog, Mysterious Skin, Nowhere, Basquiat, Chelsea Walls, The Piano, My Own Private Idaho, Gummo, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, Art School Confidential, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Wings of Desire, Me and You and Everyone We Know, Big Fish, Tarnation, American Beauty, Betty Blue, The Wicker Man [the original film NOT the shitty Nick Cage remake!], The Reflecting Skin, Dead Ringers, When the Wind Blows, Revolution No.9, Cemetery Man, At Close Range, Depressing German/Russian shit.


I hear that it isn't cool to admit watching television [because of all the brainwashing crap], but what can i say? I am not cool. And besides. There is just as much brain junk food on the web. It is all about selective viewing and here are some shows i selectively view: Dexter, Carnivale, Six Feet Under, The Sopranos, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Office, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Cowboy Bebop, Veronica Mars, BtVS, Twilight Zone.


Anything art related, Anything by Charles Bukowski or Oscar Wilde, The Bluest Eye, Idols of Perversity, Russian Literature, The few 'True Crime' books which aren't too sensationalized.


All my heroes have left the building.

My Blog

Email Secrets

I used to have this "art project" on my old blog. I love to collect snippets of conversation that hold an entire new meaning to me on their own. Here are a few snips of email from The Various. You kno...
Posted by The Autist Formerly Known As X on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 01:11:00 PST

Another reason why Inhumans make me fucking sick might have to copy and paste the above link in your browser. I have heard that online petitions are basically useless, but it might be a good idea to sign this one regard...
Posted by The Autist Formerly Known As X on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 12:30:00 PST

This dork must be shitting in his task chair s-pedophile/20071007215209990001?ncid=NWS00010000000001   heh...
Posted by The Autist Formerly Known As X on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 07:50:00 PST

Back by Popular Demand.....

... my "comments" section. I realized that people don't like to leave comments if no one else will see them. And the back and forth banter is the best part of giving and receiving comments. So, go for...
Posted by The Autist Formerly Known As X on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 11:37:00 PST

Ive taken a drug that makes me want to talk.

Here's the deal. I have been so busy lately that i haven't had time to do anything but work on things i would rather not be working on. So, i decided to break up the monotony with a little "game" that...
Posted by The Autist Formerly Known As X on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 04:41:00 PST

Celebrity Look-Alikes

Ok, so i caved in and finally did this stupid test. And let me tell you, it is far more addicting than i ever imagined. I could sit here all day uploading photos and getting results. But i have a lot...
Posted by The Autist Formerly Known As X on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 11:33:00 PST

Fuck the moon and the stars. I want the whole universe!

My horoscope for today makes no sense to me. "Everybody says they want to love and be loved, but a lot of times they mean they just want the kind of relationship they've had in the past. It's time to ...
Posted by The Autist Formerly Known As X on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 01:27:00 PST

Top Friends, Originality and Rubble

I caught a few dorks using the custom images i created for my Top Friends list, so i decided to take that section down for the time being. I will be back with something new when other people begin usi...
Posted by The Autist Formerly Known As X on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 07:53:00 PST

Magnetic Poetry One Liners

I came across this photograph i once took of some one line Magnetic Poetry i created at the house of a friend. If the photo looks like it was taken on a gross and tarnished refrigerator backgro...
Posted by The Autist Formerly Known As X on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 02:49:00 PST

Pretty Teeth?

So, i went to the dentist today, and it wasn't too bad. I had a direct hit to my nerve with the needle though, and on its way to numb me it felt like burning lava shooting through my jaw. After that, ...
Posted by The Autist Formerly Known As X on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 05:46:00 PST