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I am here for Networking

About Me

My name is Nico and I am an artist who works in various mediums including painting and photography. I am a people person, but I prefer to be left to my own devices to create my scribbles, doodles, and finger paintings, which you can see on my personal site at the following URL:
18 and over ONLY, please!
If your still in the mood to window shop, I have some more goodies at the following online art collective: Independent Self-Representing Artists' Web


I started painting in the early eighties but took a "brief" break in the nineties to raise two daughters. At 33 years old, I sold my soul to Uncle Sam. The US Army experience is forever brainwashed into my mind. I loved it.

In 2002, I met my beautiful wife, who jumpstarted my art career with a thoughtful Christmas gift, an easel. The easel sat unused for months. Finally, my wife, fed up with seeing the same Picasso reproduction poised on the easel, threatened to break my legs if I didn't use it. "I didn't buy it to collect dust. Paint something!" she said. So, under threat of violence, I began my first painting in 15 years, and my creative motor has been running since.

Got My Smut Showing At These Fine Establishments:

I sold at the Dirty Show!

My Interests

My Muse.

Any act of creation, whether it is paint splattered on a canvas, the written word neatly typed on a page or banging a trash can in a primal frenzy. Art, music, literature, photography or film, they’re all kissing cousins. Sometimes they’re even incestuous. I love getting lost in open 24-hour big cities. I love roughing it deep in some primordial forest. Mama’s cooking. Merlot. Earthly pleasures.

I'd like to meet:

My favorite painter, Francesco Clemente, just so I could call him a bastard to his face. He’s my patron saint of paint. Brian Eno or Peter Gabriel to start an argument over religion and politics. The film director Hal Hartley for advice on life and love. Blixa Bargeld, for no particular reason. It would be the balls to kick back a few shots of tequila with Manu Chao. The late Serge Gainsbourg, to bum a smoke off him.


I came of age during the crusty Punk years. I’ve mellowed quite a bit since those days.


Lately, I’m on a diet of all Chris Carter TV. shows, like the X- Files, Millennium and the Lone Gunman. Hopefully, next year Santa will get me the complete Twilight Zone box set. I’ve been a good boy. Since I did stay up for a 24 hour Star Trek Marathon, I guess you can call me a geek. Most comedies piss me off, but shows like Monty Python or the Young Ones make me piss my pants. I prefer cartoons to flesh and blood actors. Cartoons are more realistic.


Picture books. Dr. Seuss made great house calls.


I’d like to say Batman, but since he’s make believe, I’ll say something serious like; all those everyday people that never took no for an answer. Those dreamers that took their vision and built it into a reality with their own two hands. Nah, I’ll say, the Batman.


My Blog

Big Mouth

Scratch visit number five to the Boston Medical University's Periodontics School off my to do list. Surprisingly, for a guy with a big mouth, I can't open up and say ahh very wide. Nevermind, that I l...
Posted by Nico on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 06:28:00 PST

Working methods

I usually start with a foggy notion of what I want. I always tell myself that I'm going to sketch out the plans. That never happens. Maybe a stick figure and a circle. I can't paint in peace and quiet...
Posted by Nico on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 03:41:00 PST

Oh well...

I thought to myself, one of the most romantic gestures I could do to express my love for my woman, Krispy, would be to paint a portrait of her. Kind of like the old time painters and their muses. ...
Posted by Nico on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 05:18:00 PST


Alright, I had my fingers crossed and I had sworn on my Boy Scout's Honour, that I'd be a good person from now on; if I got too keep the set of chomper's God graced me with. My Lady and myself raced ...
Posted by Nico on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 04:54:00 PST

I trust in no one

A few weeks ago, I stumbled across an add for a little two family within my means. A piece of property on Alto street in Providence. Alto street, that's a good Omen, I thought. Sure, Bird is the Alto...
Posted by Nico on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 06:15:00 PST

Hole in the head

I went to see a dentist yesterday about a tooth that acts up every few months. Usually starts on a friday night just in time to ruin my weekend. The tooth in question was actually cavity free. Well th...
Posted by Nico on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 05:24:00 PST

another rant and rave...

You know what irks me about the music companies. Take Columbia, for example. They have released and rereleased Bitches Brew by Miles Davis at least four times on CD. Each new reissue claims to be the ...
Posted by Nico on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 05:53:00 PST

a day a the zoo...

Anybody who has kids knows there is nothing else like a day spent together as a family. And if that day is spent strolling around the Zoo, then you've found the perfect lazy Sunday. One word of cautio...
Posted by Nico on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 02:34:00 PST

I bought the Brooklyn Bridge.

Two things I promised myself; first, I'd never go back to the family trade and secondly, I would never move to Pawtucket R. I., but yet somehow I ended up stuck going back too both sticky messes. This...
Posted by Nico on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 05:46:00 PST

Support your local Library

Im telling you, it's all down at the Library. For years, my daughter and myself load up on Art books, magazines, music and movies. Best part is that they let you borrow all these goodies for free. The...
Posted by Nico on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 01:57:00 PST