Iraq War, RFID Chips coming, loss of Habeas Corpus and Passe Comitatus, loss of Bill of Rights, Borrow money from China to have endless war against the backs of the middle class, protest and you become an "enemy combatant", indefinate detention without trial or representation, illegal federal reserve, AIPAC running our country. MAN, WHEN ARE WE THINKING WE ARE IN TROUBLE?
DO SOMETHING..........
Vote for Ron Paul, Wesley Clark, Or Dennis Kucinich for President in '08[ Copy this | Start New | Full Size ]
Black Jack
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Not religious for a reason. Religion serves itself, Jesus was not religious, so I am not. I believe Jesus lived, struggled with temptation as a man, felt what he had to feel and came out clean. From this battle of spirit, he wanted to show us how to know God and be strong in spirit, and so he sacrificed himself to us all. To know God then we must come to Him through Jesus.
Chiropractor/Martial Arts Instructor/Web Designer/goofball/Amateur Comedian
At a glance:
Intelligence-o-meter 0[-----------I--]10
funometer 0[------------I-]10
want to travel-o-meter 0[-------------I]10
tired of BS politics-o-meter 0[-------------I]10
attractive-o-meter 0[------------I-]10
able to defend lady's honor 0[-------------I]10
Fake conservatives - don't you friggin' DARE point others to war without serving in war your own damn, hypocritical, lazy-ass, Dorrito chip filled selves!
Liberal (or free minded) people only who think for themselves. I hate labels, liberal and conservative - a false paradigm designed to categorize and marginalize people. If you really want to know what is going on listen to Alex Jones' morning show here - he can be a little hyper at times so bear with him:
1. reserved: unwilling to communicate very much, talk freely, or reveal all the facts about something
(ex.rather reticent on the subject of 911.)
2. reluctant: unwilling to do something.
Definition1. Having no particular interest or concern; apathetic: indifferent to the sufferings of others.
2. Lacking interest in one's surroundings or worldly affairs.
Ya' know, it kinda sucks to know you may have fought in a war that may have been a corporate power play and costed many lives. Now I find that years later after returning from that war I am again called to fight for America in a totally different sense; the war from within.
Be a warrior for truth, join the information revolution that has already begun.
I'd like to meet:
Sibel Edmonds, Alex Jones, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Christopher Walken, Johnny Depp, Keanu Reeves, Hugo Weaving, Winona Rider, Woody Haroldson, Ezra Pound, Thomas Jeffereson, Frank Frazetta, Richard Corben, Natalie Portman, Marissa Tomay, Georges St. Pierre, Wachowski Brothers, Phillip K. Dick, Peter Jackson,Anthony Robbins
Anybody who likes to surf or dive regularly, chiropractors, massage therapist and anyone who wants to be friends. Gamers for occasional LAN Parties
"It is remarkable how similar the pattern of love is to the pattern of insanity." ~ Merovingian, the Matrix
I agree with this statement, but a the same time insanity can be good at times with love. Love is the expression that which we all need to desire to have. Don't be afraid to be dorky and be yourself in the presence of love. Just be yourself.
She Likes to stay in shape, and have fun. And be an inspiration. And like to travel and check things out.
The thing about personality is that personality - one's ability to accept themselves and be able to express themselves without fear - is so important when thinking about relationships, but there MUST be physical attraction as well.
Anyone from:
Central Coast, Adelaida, Baywood Park, Big Sur, Bradley, Bryson, Carmel, Carmel heights, Carmel Highlands, Carmel Valley, Del Rey Oaks, Greenfield, Gonzales, hollister, Jamesburg, King City, Klau, Mckay, Millers Ranch, Monterey, Moss Landing, Nacimiento, Pacific Grove, Palm Beach, Pebble Beach, point piedras blancas, Point sur, Posts, Robles Del Rio, Seaside, Salinas, Santa cruz, Soledad, San Lucas, Sand City, Sycamore Flat, Tassahara Hot Springs, Welby, Wunpost, slo,
Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Avila Beach, Cambria, Cayucos, Creston, Edna, Grover Beach, Harmony, Los Berros, Lompoc Los Osos, Morro Bay, Nipomo, Oceano, Paso Robles, Pismo Beach, San Ardo, San Luis Obispo, San Miguel, San Simeon, Santa Margarita, Santa Maria, Shandon, Templeton,
santa barbara, Ballard, Buellton, Cachuma Lake, Gaviota, Goleta, Guadalupe, Hope, Isla Vista, Los Alamos,, Los Olivos, Mission Hills, Santa Barbara, Santa Ynez, Sisquoc, Solvang, Vandenberg village
KUNG FU is my Life
All American Rejects, David Bowey, Smashmouth, Garbage, Linkin Park, Depeche Mode, Keene, Metallica, Morrisey, Conan the Barbarian Soundtrack, Van Morrison, Dixie Chicks, and others.
Lord of the Rings, V for Vendetta, Apocalypto, Waking Life, What the Bleep Do We know, The Matrix, Star Wars, Gattaca, Scanner Darkly, Sin City, Loose Change - Second Edition, America - Freedom to Fascism, Jesus of Nazereth.
Who watches television? Ok, But when I do, I catch The Daily Show with John Stewart, and the Colbert Report, Countdown with Kieth Olbermann. Used to really love Dragonball Z, but it's old now.
1984 - George Orwell, United States V. George W. Bush et. al, Course in Miracles,
Jesus, Sibel Edmonds, Mike Ruppert, John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, John Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Kieth Olbermann, Lou Dobbs, Alex Jones, Martin Luther King Jr., Ezra Pound, Georges St. Pierre, Dixie Chicks, Bill O'Reilly (yea right, LOL)