My interrests are music,music,music*g*(Am Anfang war der Klang...)and books(i am a wise girl realy-but mhh i know that i know nothing)*g*, painting....,nature,animals,photograpie....-lovely,intellige nce and original,autentic people all over the "Space",*************************
I hear Music from Mozart,Bach..Thomas Eschenbach,Teppenwein,Trance...,Afro Celt(Afro Drummbeats with Celtic Melodies,Death can Dance,Vangelis,Ja.-Mi.-Ja..,Pink Floyd,Beatles,Simon und Garfunkle,Gipsy Kings,Aldi Miola,Paco de Lucia,Falco,Pavlos Dog,Sisters of Mercy,Incubus,Santana,Black Eye Pears,U2,Lenny Kravitz..,Deep Purple,Jimmy Hendrix,Skid Row,HIM,Faith no More,Metallica,Marilyn Manson,NIN,Skunk Anansie,Krupps,Clawfinger,Warrier Soul Apocalyptica,Rammstein,....its a thing of my German von "zart bis hart"*gg::::: I dont like plastic Music with no heart,soul and "Hirn"*gg*..I like the Lyrics from Him,Manson,Clawfinger,Rammstein.. DEN WORTE ÖFFNEN TÜREN** MANCH GEIST KANN DAN ERSPÜHREN** WAS LIEGT IM SEELENTIEF** VERGRABEN,HEIMLICH SCHLIEF** UND LIEB UND MANCHER SCHMERZ** ERFASST DAS SANFTE HERZ** WENN ES SO DAN ERKENNT** DAS HEIMLICH FEUER BRENNT....LaJa 2007
I like Movies from David Lynch,John Woo,Tarantino,..Matrix,SiFi(z.B Stargate,Star Wars),Fantasie good Trill,Bleep and more..and in my head i have movies but thats my secret*gg*
I dont look so many television just a little... Naturmovies and Documentation z.b Universum and Mike Moore I have no time for many Tv .... the life has many more aktion in real*gg*
I Love books (Wissen ist der grösste Schatz)from alternativ Healing,Holistic,Mhytologie,Quanten-and Metaphysik,Ufologie,Kosmologie,new Technologie,Goethe,Ringelnatz, Willhelm Busch,other Cultures,Nature......... and more,more,more other
All People with Love in their heart ... No Love no Life no Future!!;-)