It was just another day in the year 2000 – while the ‘global collusion’ was sowing the ‘New World Order’ - when three individuals united as a band and ‘HOESOODAN?’ came into existance.
The main reason to start out this project, was to utter their ‘sometimes pent-up’ thoughts on modern-day society.
For them, the best method to do this, was by way of music - for what, of course, they had a great affection.
Their music unfolds itself by the brain-wave of varying music-styles from the underground, like anarchopunk, improvisation, noise and many others - which is expressed in distinctive rattles of raw, experimental protest-songs with an alternative touch.
While they searched for ‘somekind of a limit’, they infered the fact that there is no such thing as ‘musical boundaries’.
‘HoeSooDan?’, roughly stands for ‘Why?’.
Since the majority is part of ‘the common herd’, they are entitled to be interrogative to the ones who leads them.
By being a segment of human existence, they have all the rights to question the concealed craft which rules the world.
‘War-, oil- and bloodbussiness’, runned from behind curtains - by possessed men - through whorish politicians. Some are like marionettes, others can be bribed.
As long as secret ‘moneyed’ associations - such as the Bilderberg group, the Counsil on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission et cetera - influence the world politics, we have to open our eyes.
Don’t be misguided with what you are told, cause a lot of big media bosses are part of the clique.
Over the years HOESOODAN? played several squats and platforms through Holland, Germany and Poland.
Next to it they released a split protest-tape against the eviction of the squat ‘de Kalenderpanden’ together with their friends ‘Vals’.
At the moment they are reissue-ing their first album on cd (recorded in 2001).
This album is also available as the ‘Free HSD_01_DIY-kit’. A solution to avoid the bank-business of extra taxes like transportation- and exchanging-costs. Specially for the people overseas.
Just send a message to
[email protected] or this profile, and a download-link will be replied as soon as possible.
Another idea is to spread some old stuff they played, but never released in a specially added album including live material.
(For more information about the New World Order, or new acoustic notes to be fine cutted with HOESOODAN?, please visit