Music, building custom guitars, my trucking business, camping, the mountains, my 3 boys!!!
Everyone on my friend list. Ive met several so far. Jaime Fox! Shannon Mock! Traci Kennedy! MollyJack (Tambi & Paige)! Shelly Fairchild! Southland! Chad Trout! Amy and B-Ran! So, Im having a blast! I still have many more to go thou .. .. jpg" gif" gh!
Country is my soul!! Jaime Fox is going to be HUGE! check her myspace site and give her a listen! Traci Kennedy!! MollyJack (Tambi & Paige) They are the hottest up and comming female duo in country!! Go give em a listen and you will agree!! ps.. They are also HOTTT!! lol Shannon Mock! Awesome Talent,beautiful and a great friend!! Tammy Chochran! Southland!! OMG! You have to hear these guys pic and sing! Move over Alabama, here comes Southland!! Garth, Trisha, Dolly, Carrie Underwood, Shania etc...etc... lol
The Wedding Singer, Caddy Shack, Austin Powers, Christmas Vacation, Switch, Napolion Dynomite, Shaw Shank Redemption, Life.
American Idol, Nashville Star, Deal or No Deal, Greys Anatomy, Dr. 90210
Woodworking, guitar electronics and many do it yourself home remodeling books.. lol
My Grandad..(Papa) Millard M.Crafton. Talented Singer/Songwriter/Musician, Loving father/grandfather and last but not least.. the most devoted Christian man Ive ever known!! Our loss is Heavens gain!! I miss you!