Local Studs. We're super sexy. Radical. Fantastic. Awesome. Really Serious Super Stars. We originally started off as a mean street gang with a thirst for blood, brakin' and graffiti. We just picked up the singin' and harmonizing' a little later when we discovered that our sassy character and cut throat dance moves sold more records than they were kicking rival gang ass. We still beat people in and if their lucky they don't bleed too much. We're seriously not messin' around, we're super siked and super pumped! WE'RE RELEASING THE ALBUM like, really soon... Actually it will be an E.P. consisting of six radical tracks that will set your little shoes on fire, and make you fondle the lint in your pockets.
Keep your eyes peeled for Local Studs Merch.
All Music And Images © Local Studs 2006