Barnyard Drama profile picture

Barnyard Drama

New web site up !!!

About Me

"...archetypal carneys living in the modern world" - John Southworth.

"...over the top in a cannily understated way" - Mark Miller.

"The music of Barnyard Drama is spawned from the same gene pool as Sophia Loren meets Leadbelly in the dark, covered with Corn Husker's hand lotion" - Ron Gaskin.

Barnyard Drama is drummer Jean Martin and vocalist Christine Duncan. Together they combine elements of jazz, ambient music and free improvisation.

Christine's five octave range and extended vocal techniques combined with Jean's use of drums and sounds from various sources (vinyl lps and digital loops) make for a challenging and exciting performance.

Jazz, fairy tales, musique actuelle, songs, nursery rhymes, electro-avant-garde-new-acoustic-tuvan-primpram-ambiant-musi c...These genres are combined to create what you might hear during a performance.

Think Mahler and Wagner, slow it right down, add radio Istanbul and the tooth fairy cause you know it's got to be sweet and creepy.

The first CD "memories and a list of things to do" is available at

Barnyard Drama just released a new CD @ the FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DE MUSIQUE ACTUELLE in Victoriaville. The new CD -I'm a Navvy- features guitarists Justin Haynes and Bernard Falaise and is available at WWW.BARNYARDRECORDS.COM

My Interests


Member Since: 3/17/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Jean Martin - Drums, Turntables, LoopsChristine Duncan - VoiceJustin Haynes - GuitarBernard Falaise - Guitar
Record Label: Barnyard Records
Type of Label: Indie