Ribside's second EP 'Whistle And I Will Come 2U' (WLM) out NOW
Ribside's debut EP 'The Absolute Indignity' also on iTunes here...
WLM Records Electronic Bible Chapter 3 compilation album featuring Mebt (The Menorcan Elastic Band Treatment) by Ribside is compiled by Ann Shenton (Large Number/add n to x) with contributions from Dave Ball (Soft Cell)...
.....Black Saint and The Asbo Kid (James Atkin – EMF/Bentley Rhythm Ace). Available on CD in good stores soon!
The Mebt video is available to view on this page, go left Directed & Produced by Robert Walker.
Treasured Comments:
Hi mr Ribside! Sam from Go! Team here. Thanks for yr kind words and we had much fun in shrewsbury too!
Take care and stay young- keep jumping...You rule!
.................................................... "hey Clive..thanks for the killer mix on 'Solution' xx JayP - Superbass May 2007
"Daring Wife sounds like rolling mist over a beach, a siren singing over the rocks, a seaman laid bleeding to his death over driftwood... perfect! nice one Mr Ribside, it's an honour to have been part of your picture" Nick Heyward May 2006
"That remix is so damn cool......" Niso & Henkewa re: Outskirt Blues for 11th Floor Recordings June 2007