Most of my noteriety thus far has been derived from my work with "3," the band with a number for a name. Some have deemed us unclassifiable but if you ask me we're a hybrid rock group. Often we're referred to as progressive, which I like , because it suggests moving forward, which is what we are striving to do as a band. I'm basically addicted to writing songs, its a healthy thing though - really. About half of them have the right energy to be "3" material and the rest end up as my solo work.I was born in a musical family. My father, Jimmy is a great soulful guitarist, bassist and singer, among . My brother Josh is a phenomenal writer, singer and rapper who also happens to be one of the best drummers I know. My uncle, John the Baker, is a great writer and activist working at Alternative Tentacles and fronting several punk and hardcore outfits on the west coast. There is definately something in the genes, although each of one of us is stylistically unique. Our passion is truly what we have in common.As an artist I strive for balance. When it comes to expression I do not favor one polarity over another. Im not trying to be dark in what I create but Im also not going to sugar coat my feelings about the world. A friend once described my music as a dark night of the soul that delivers you to the light. I dont think I could have put it any better myself.I seek to create contagious music that has more to offer than your average pop song. Potent melody and composition graced by skillful playing and heartfelt lyrics with multiple levels of meaning. I love songs. I love to counter balance simple melodic movements with intricate riffing and rhythms. Truth is what inspires me. And the beauty of music itself. when it comes to writing songs sometimes I can hear them in my head, as if the song already exists just outside our everyday reality. Then I use whatever means possible to give the song form on a material level.Anyway, the creed I live by is also the best advice I can give: follow your heart, it may not always be the easiest way, and often it can lead to things quite unexpected, but I think it better serves the evolution of the soul than to pave over your dreams and lead a life that reflects the desires others in the outside world project upon you.