I am a girl from Germany. That might explain my strange handling of your language.I am here to meet new friends from all around the world. There is actually not really much to say about me. How about finding out yourself? If you want to catch up with me on Livejournal that would Be NoNoah there. I am always open to check out new bands. So if you have any suggestions just let me know. There are some really fine bands on here.
I like guys and girls. As long as there is something about them that get`s me - who cares about gender?
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SO......Will YOU leave me a voice message please? Pretty please? Thanks a million :o)
" / Get Your Own Voice Player ManageI don`t have preferences really. Well, actually I like girls when they have a few extra pounds but it is not a must. As for guys, I don`t like it if they are too soft and pretty looking. I rather go a bit for the rough look.
I am a flirt. If I offend you with saying something let me know. Actually you should not be too scared because there is an ocean between us if you are from the USA or else.
My motto is "Give It A Try" and I live by that.
My latest try is I guess the best I ever made - there is a special person in my life now and she makes me happy every day. The relationship I had before her was a fiasko and the one before that was a long distance one with a girl from the USA. Now I have my Lady here with me (well, we do not live in the same city so it is weekend time that matters and every little extra day we have)
My lady is drop dead beautiful and I also adore but her amazing 3 kids - the most beautiful and caring little fellers I ever met. I call them The Wild Bunch (and believe me, they are wild! :o) and I love them a bunch or two millions!
Here we have the amazing and brilliant WENDY JAMES - I give her my deepest respect for always being brilliant and unique. She is kind of my hero and teach me that a "Fuck You If You Don`T LIKE IT - I DO!" attitude can save your life and is the only way to be unique.
"Denying of rights only leads to one thing in
time, and that is....A REVOLUTION"
"Live it, Believe it, Receive it"