Mercy is an independent arts organisation, based in Liverpool. Made up of a team of young artists, designers, writers, curators, illustrators, poets, performers, scoundrels and ladykillers, we have developed an unrivalled repertoire of live literature, music and fine art events, running alongside a nationally distributed and self-titled magazine. We want to expose creative youngsters, so if you fit the bill, git yo work into us and sign up for the mailing list off'f our website to get briefs for future magazine issue themes, and how to get involved with our events. Yeah
Mercy also has a sister shebang, Mercy Design: an award-winning design studio working for clients in the music industry, art world and 'the Man'. Lots of lovely clients including 14th Floor / Warner Music, Super Lamb Banana, Arena Gallery, Domino Records and hatfuls more. Check out our illustrations (alongside those of Mercy faves Graphique Club and Anne-Marie Moore) on the latest Arctic Monkeys album. Yowser