Reading a good newspaper, keeping up with current events, traveling throughout the known universe. Assisting those in need.
Those who champion justice and are capable of whatever bravery and self-sacrifice is necessary to right a wrong or save a life.
I like most music on different worlds but I'm rather fond of the original theme from the SuperFriends antimated series. I also enjoy the work of Danny Elfman and of course, John Williams.
To Kill A Mockingbird. I really do not have the free time to enjoy films but I would like to thank the tributes I have gotten over the years... Superman: The Movie, Superman II, Superman II: Restored International Cut, Superman III, Superman IV: The Quest for Peace, and Superman Returns.
I really do not have the free time to enjoy television but I would like to thank the tributes I have gotten over the years... Fleischer Superman Cartoons, Adventures of Superman (1950s) - Starring George Reeves, The New Adventures of Superman, The Superman-Aquaman Hour of Adventure, The Batman-Superman Hour cartoons (1966-1969), SuperFriends cartoons (1973-1986), Ruby Spears Superman cartoons (1988), Superboy (1988-1992), Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1993-1997), Superman: The Animated Series (1996-2000), Smallville (2001-), Justice League/Justice League Unlimited - Animated Series (2001-), Krypto The Superdog - Animated Series (2005)
I enjoy the works of Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel, Charles Dickens, as well as Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, Friedrich Nietzsche's Ãœbermensch, Gladiator by Philip Wylie. The Justice League manual by J'onn J'onzz, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Infinity Crisis, and Waid and Ross' Kingdom Come.
Christopher & Dana Reeve
My parents, all my parents. Wonder Woman, who I know will always be at my side during a battle and The Batman, who with nothing but his vast intellect, timely devices, and intestinal fortitude, stands with me. I can never end my battle for justice after befriending him.