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Support our Troops & Welcome Home our Veterans!

About Me

My daily prayer: "LORD, thank you for allowing me to be your ambassador. Let my message be honest and true. Help me to encourage others and to go out of my way to speak a kind word. Forgive me for times when I have spoken without thinking. Let me live in such a way that my words and actions represent you so that my message may be one of love and hope."
Adapted from The One Year® Book of Praying through the Bible by Cheri Fuller, Tyndale House Publishers (2003), entry for April 21.

I received this from my friend Pantanna, please take the time to watch this before anything else on this page. Many thanks! NEVER FORGET! This video is compliments of my very great friend, Wayne. Some wonderful shots of our men & women who put their lives on the line for our freedom & way of life.

Courtesy of

“Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that National morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” —George Washington
“You leave out God, and you substitute the devil.” —Winston Churchill
The Few the Proud the Brave, THE MARINES!
Born November 10, 1775 and still going strong.
Gathering of Eagles!
Remember when the "moonbats" thought they could just take over sacred ground at the Viet Nam Veterans Memorial Wall? Remember the surprise they got? We have a video of Move America Forward & the gathering of Patriots on the way showing our colors! -
Here's Move America Forward & Gathering of Eagles - (turn UP the sound!) The music is beautiful!
From the front page at Gathering of Eagles:
March 17th, 2007 | Category: Briefings
What an outstanding day! The Eagles soared!
You should be very proud of your fellow veterans, families, and supporters. There’s so much to tell, and we encourage you to post your experiences in the the comments.
In the meantime, two items of business: 1) we have a gallery open for you to upload your digital photos to the website. That way you can share your photos with others. See the tab in the top right corner of the site. 2) the first unofficial estimate of the Eagle turn-out today…
That figure may be adjusted upward as more figure are tallied during the week. Fox News reported today that the anti-war protesters had significantly less than they expected. However, they are erroneously reporting that the Eagles were there in “equal numbers”. The truth is that we outnumbered them by at least three to one!
Consider…ANSWER had a year to plan their well-publicized event and were hoping for around 100,000. They actually drew about 5,000-10,000, according to various news reports today. The Gathering of Eagles, on the other hand, had about six weeks to plan an unprecedented response - and with no advertising, no publicity, no celebrity or political endorsement, no news coverage, and no big money, we had about 30,000 boots on the ground!
The volunteers poured themselves into this historic event, and all of you who attended gave so much to be there. I’ll stop here and let your words speak for themselves.
My feelngs on the event - GO EAGLES!
It's so great to see that FINALLY there was a huge Gathering of (true) Eagles that stood together and said, "you will NOT make a mockery of our soldiers. You will NOT spread your filth along these hallowed grounds. Men & women at this moment are dying for your rights to do this shameful thing, but we will NOT allow you to do it in front of over 58,000 names on the wall; names that some of you are responsible for being there. You are giving aid and comfort to the enemy by your acts."

"HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN?" Do you remember September 11, 2001? Do you remember where you were; what you were doing; what you felt when you watched people jump from the WTC rather than burn to death? Do you remember watching people in the Middle East dancing for joy in the streets? I have NOT FORGOTTEN; I NEVER WILL! Our way of life is NOT free. It comes with a price; our soldiers are paying for it right now as you read this. Don't spit on our freedom!

Now, about me....Happily married to the most wonderful man on earth! He's also my best friend and confidant. He's an awesome musician and wonderful writer.
I'm Lovingly owned by kitty kats who are really just little angels with fur: Inky, Tigger (who's in Heaven now waiting for me), & Spunkee, Spike, Miracle, Snowbie, Hutch, CM,T-2, and Ski. We're foster parents to 5 of these sweet angels and are looking for loving homes for them. The other 4 own the house and all who reside therein. We also feed and give shelter to a few outside kitties that are too feral to let us get close. It's an honor and a privilege that I wouldn't trade for anything.
Click here to visit: Inky's Site

I design web sites on the side when I'm lucky enough to be able to stay home; I travel WAY too much. I've put together a web site to honor our military Vetstribute . As you read through this space of mine, you'll see I'm a "Patriot" and a proud Christian.
GOD is my King and Jesus my Savior.
Rolling Thunder with President Bush

So many people have tried to get this candle from Veterans Tribute, I decided to put it here. Help yourself - pass along the words NEVER FORGET!

Here's a great bumper sticker!

Watch a slide show about our troops!
Patriot Files - Gladiator American Style

Daily Bible Verse
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You Are 91% American
You're as American as red meat and shooting ranges.
Tough and independent, you think big.
You love everything about the US, wrong or right.
And anyone who criticizes your home better not do it in front of you! How American Are You?


The video is a bit long (just over 7 minutes) but it certainly covers our military history. And, we can never say "THANK YOU" enough to the men & women who gave their all for our freedom....

My Interests

Even after all these years there are still Viet Nam Veterans who are: STILL IN SAIGON -

Remember Me
Presented by:
Lizzie Palmer


Darryl Worley ~ Have You Forgotten? (Well, have you?)

"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace." (Numbers 6:24–26 NKJV)

Water show at the Bellagio Casino in Vegas. To the tune of Proud to be an American by Lee Greenwood


From "Bill Proud Army Dad" -
Watch and let your heart be touched.

Uncle Sam presents music pages below for your listening pleasure:

Each button will open a new page for you

Music with a "GOD" message:

I love this pic!

Gathering of Eagles Prevailed. See the video!

Her sign says: "Up with Stars and Stripes. Down with stars with gripes." Couldn't say it any better than that!

Gathering of Eagles - check 'em out!

I'd like to meet:

People I'd like to meet---

I'd love to meet more soldiers in the airports I unfortunately have to go through too often. I try to say "Thank You" to every soldier I see. They can't hear the words "Thank You" enough!

I'd love to meet Gary Sinise, actor, musician, and patriot. He's a wonderful supporter of our troops; plays an awesome bass guitar, sings, and does a great job on CSI New York every week! I'd like to shake his hand and thank him for all the support he's giving to our troops over seas and the wonderful project he helped to found called "Operation Iraqi Children". "THANKS GARY!"

I'd also like to meet, Dale Earnhardt Jr. so I can tell him how much I loved seeing his father (The Intimidator) race for so many years; and how much I enjoy watching him race now. I'd like to meet Stephen King and tell him how many countless hours of enjoyment his books and movies have given me.

Then there's Darrell Mansfield - MAN what a singer/harmonica player and GREAT witness for the LORD he is! I had the privilege of meeting him at Calvary Chapel in Bullhead City and he was outstanding!

And Phil Keaggy - talk about a great guitar player and another great witness for our LORD. I'd love to shake his hand!

And then there's Jimmy Buffett - can you say Parrothead? This guy really knows how to promote the island lifestyle; play great music and have just plain fun!
Northern Harbour's Brian Neale joins Jimmy & the Coral Reefers onstage at the Molson Ampitheatre in Toronto for Cheeseburger in Paradise!! This is some RARE video, folks!! And it's proof that Brian will put anything on his head for his pal Jimmy....
ENJOY & Happy New Year to all!

Steve / Northern Harbour
Jimmy Buffett & Brian Neale of Northern Harbour Live in Concert
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But, most of all, I'd like to meet Col. Scott Speicher and Sgt. Matt Maupin and tell them "WELCOME HOME"

I'm Already There...Lonestar
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Here's Josh Turner's "LONG BLACK TRAIN". I can't recommend his CD strongly enough. He has a wonderful Christian message.


My favorite songwriter/musician ~ Buddy McPeters!!!
Favorite groups ~ The Eagles ~ Jimmy Buffett and The Coral Reefers ~ The Lt. Dan Band Favorite singers ~ ~ Aaron Tippin ~ Alan Jackson ~ Toby Keith ~ Phil Keaggy ~ Darrell Mansfield ~ Daryl Worley ~ did I mention Buddy McPeters?

Joe Monto has been on my friends list from the beginning. He's a wonderful witness for the LORD with his voice and a True Patriot. Please visit here and listen to his tribute to Cpl. Chris Mason who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Thank you Joe & God Bless!

Here's an awesome song from The Eagles! "Take It To The Limit" Sing it Randy! - oops! They've once again taken down the video! I do wish people would leave things alone! This was just a VERY old video of a great performance by a great musician.


All the Left Behind Movies - They are the best witness movies I have ever seen! Most of the Stephen King movies - The Stand is his absolute best ever.
Steven Seagal movies - well his earlier ones anyway! The Star Wars movies ALL of them - awesome!

All the Left Behind Movies - I had some previews up, but they keep taking them down! Will try to find some and put them back up. The movies are wonderful...all three of them. GOD doesn't want anyone to be "left behind", but the choice is yours.


24 - The Ultimate cliff hanger series!

CSI - all three The Pretender - I was really ticked when they took that series off. But at least now I can buy the series on DVD!

Without a Trace Numbers


THE BIBLE - The Greatest Book ever written! GOD's love letter to us! Stephen King - natch! Most of his books, there's just a few I really didn't like. His writing as Richard Bachman is really dark.
The Stand is my favorite, along with The Talisman and Black House. Then there's the Left Behind Books all of them are EXCELLENT!
Dean Koontz - most of his books are really good.
Twilight Eyes is his best ever!Ellery Queen wrote some great stories and his EQMM (Ellery Queen Myster Magazine) was awesome.


Heroes! Now that's a word that really gets bandied around way too loosely today! It seems like everyone from "movie star twits" to sports figures are referred to as "heroes".

My interpretation of a Hero is someone that puts his/her life on the line everyday for people they don't know. That includes law enforcement, firemen, and Emergency Medical Technicians too; remember all those that lost their lives on 9/11 trying to save the people in the WTC?
Most of all though, when I think of a Hero, I think of our soldiers, past and present. I think of our Viet Nam Veterans that came home to jeers and worse; and our POW/MIA's that have yet to come home. Those are HEROES to me.

We speak English today, and have freedoms we all take for granted because someone was brave enough to put his life on the line for us. These men & women will go through things you & I can't begin to imagine. When they come home, be kind and take the time to say, "Welcome Home, Thank you for serving." You have no idea what that can mean to someone who just got back from a war. Or to someone that's waited over 40 years to hear those words.

Dare to get involved.

Thought for the day:
In case we find ourselves starting to believe all the anti-American sentiment and negativity, we should remember England's Prime Minister Tony Blair's words during a recent interview.
When asked by one of his Parliament members why he believes so much in America, he said:
"A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in... And how many want out."
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you:
1. Jesus Christ
2. The American G. I.
One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.

Out of the gate in 2008!
Not for me!!
I found the following poem on a site called:
Bill Proud Army Dad
We see you on the nightly news,
Marching in the streets-
Voices raised, fist upturned
All in the name of peace,
You profess to know whats right,
but you haven't got a clue
You're disrespecting the very folks
Who've been protecting you
This is how you say "thanks"?
You all should be ashamed
How is it that you sleep at night
What is it that you've gained?
Why is it that you're safe right now
And free to speak you're mind?
Because someone fought, lives were lost
For you, time after time
War Protester, be very thankful,
A soldiers' got your back
And if you can't appreciate this
Feel free to move to Iraq
I speak for all real Americans
Sick of seeing your crap on the news
And as a real American
I'll never share your views
The next time that you protest
And decide to burn my flag
Feel free to thank a serviceman
For that right to you he gave
Protester please continue
To march and take a stand
But I want to watch you do it
Over in Iran
Bill, you are a Hero to me! This says exactly what needs to be said! Here's my 2 cents,"Peacenics & Hollyweird Set, your freedom to act like idiots without an original thought in your heads was bought and paid for with someone's blood! Do you think Hussein would have let you march in the streets?"
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My Blog

After 58 years, Sgt. Gene Franklin Clark will get the honors he’s due

After 58 years, Sgt. Gene Franklin Clark will get the honors he's due MUNCIE -- When she was 17 years old, Martha Wolfe's beloved older brother marched off to the Korean War. Fifty-eight years later,...
Posted by Beti on Tue, 06 May 2008 06:12:00 PST

Coming Home: Korean POWs family gets closure

Coming Home: Korean POW's family gets closure By LEE HIGGINS - [email protected] Nearly 58 years after he died during a 30-mile march as a POW in North Korea, U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class George Ko...
Posted by Beti on Tue, 06 May 2008 05:42:00 PST

Divine Discipline

Monday, April 21, 2008Divine Discipline ..TR> "God blesses the people who patiently endure testing. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."  Jam...
Posted by Beti on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 02:15:00 PST

Money and Motives

It was Martin Luther who said, "There are three conversions a person needs to experience: The conversion of the head, the conversion of the heart, and the conversion of the pocketbook."It is worth not...
Posted by Beti on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 02:09:00 PST

When to Run

Friday, April 18, 2008When to Run ..TR> "Run from anything that stimulates youthful lust. Follow anything that makes you want to do right. . . ."  2 Timothy 2:22..TABLE>Some years ago, there was a...
Posted by Beti on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 02:07:00 PST

The Voice of Circumstance

Wednesday, April 16, 2008The Voice of Circumstance ..TR> "So Gideon said to God, 'If You will save Israel by my hand as You have saidlook, I shall put a fleece of wool on the threshing floor; if the...
Posted by Beti on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 11:33:00 PST

Establishing a Select Committee on POW and MIA Affairs.

Please call your Rep in DC and ask them to sign on to this Bill that will pull the covers off of the Live American's Missing In Action. shin...
Posted by Beti on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 11:26:00 PST

The Voice of Peace

Thursday, April 17, 2008The Voice of Peace ..TR> "For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace. . . ."  Isaiah 55:12..TABLE>Not only does God speak to us through His Word, and not only...
Posted by Beti on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 02:04:00 PST

I dislike mccain, but this is even worse~!

This is NOT an anti-gay blog.  I'm posting the article; make of it what you I approve? NO!  I despise mccain (traitor!), but to let your daughter do something like thi...
Posted by Beti on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 01:09:00 PST

Repost - In GOD We Trust - safe from the aclu (for now)

----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------- From: King Rob ~Anti Osama Obama and Hitlary Clinton~ Date: Apr 18, 2008 3:00 PM INDIANAPOLIS  A judge has upheld the issuance of Indiana license ...
Posted by Beti on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 02:07:00 PST