Horror films and fiction.Pulp writers Robert E. Howard, HP Lovecraft and Clark Ashton Smith. Dinosaur and fossil collecting.Museums....Fortean phenomenon. History.Posthumanism. Comic books.The Art by Frank Frazetta...... .. Virgil Finlay .... ..and William Stout. Anything weird and geeky.10/2/06:Been debating if I should mention the fact I have A Small(very small)business. I call it Arcane Oddities. I sell fossil & minerals specimens; sterling silver and hematite jewelry; gemstone points, spheres and skulls. I sell at rock/gem shows and flee markets( which can be very trying as I deal with people who think everything is a dollar or less). I found some groups on myspace as well as some people who showcase/promote their business. So now I do not feel so mercenary as to put this information out. .... ..
People who share my interests.<92WQYMDEo1z94 target="_blank">.... ......
....<358Iq7GMB25Q20K target="_blank">..
<6422eV9RukB97z4wl5= target="_blank">..
Babes In Toyland*
I seen Biohazard as many times I seen Metallica. Alot of the places I saw them are gone. The last time was at the WSOU 10 Year Anniversary Show.
....<878tpsn7MvZGUi0k= target="_blank">Some how, I missed out on Budgie as a kid who's parent owned a huge album collection. A few years back, I walked into a record shop on Blecker in the Village(NYC)and this cd was playing. I bought that cd. An amazing band!......
<2h1JEBIDR7u86hd= target="_blank">..<4fv34zI0Z4OF2C= target="_blank"><68Xq4Py2681tXj= target="_blank">......
<4pV7Rj54GZa0MJPi target="_blank">..<81FYx863Km1ug2w0na target="_blank">..<07N3BiVntoj53d= target="_blank">..
...It was funny when Fear Factory got airplay on mainstream rock stations with their cover of "Cars".
The NYC station was giving away tickets and the DJ would ask the winner if they ever have gone to a FF show. The winner always said no, to which the DJ would reply" just be careful".
Many,Many,Many Moons Ago I wore the metal chestplate on stage at a Genitorturers show in Philly. Anyone who seen their show or wore the plate will know what I am rambling on about!<7kVQD37jF50K5 target="_blank">..
..<6bDAGs76RfMNL5Y0= target="_blank">....Killswitch Engage*
....<9N1TSH3QcO5e1IEYn3 target="_blank">..The Lunachicks*
........<802UYQP9CshT49br8== target="_new">
Mars Volta
....<56f4N4ttDM9auZB== target="_blank"><5791716Khv2GMhLGC= target="_new">
Ministry<6xCNjbfIqIYrKM59= target="_blank"><4DPgl2T00AD9GJby target="_blank">..<586jrQf3DP993z81c= target="_blank">
Neil Young is a true man of conscience. He speaks as much even if it is againist the popular politics of the time.He is not an aging out of hippy out of touch. Infact he is offern the man wide awake while most of us are a sleep.
Lydia Lunch is another and like Neil Young will stand her ground and speak her conscience. We need more like them.....<41XXVFm8h64pbf3ndK= target="_blank"><5Vv2z5iZtbrFa== target="_blank">....<11kF43AM5hAhN8 target="_blank">..<0h1X8iMnWAKW86VsA target="_blank">Rollins Band*........
Six Feet Under*..StaticX*<94WT9w96KQqwwM== target="_blank">..<2525KcQJrhJ86== target="_blank">Toadies*
I first saw VHOKB at the LimeLight after reading about them in the East Coast Rocker(a Jersey published free newspaper). I then saw them as many times as I saw Biohazard and Metallica. At about the same time. I saw them at CBCG's, one of the few times I went there.
The last time I saw VHOKB was at BB KIng's on the now very family friendly 42nd Street. Man it was so weird to see all those downtown kids uptown in a overpriced tourist trap...<6Hx1i3V60Ge5M34A5= target="_new">
The White Stripes........I list White Zombie apart from Rob Zombie because as a group they rocked!! I remember seeing their early video on both Headbangers Ball and 120Minutes just before the whole Beavis&ButtHead thing. One of the craziest nights I had at the LimeLight was going to see White Zombie during a Febuary blizzard!
..<9fZlg313ON795ALkXF= target="_blank">......
..<36MRugXv4judS target="_new">
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension....
......<1KA77VITf0jz0= target="_blank">..<7Bw7sK3Oa6l7T092== target="_blank"><0j9HZTi7pJJlOT target="_blank">
....this film scared the living Hell of me. The Muntants peeling off their skin as they worshipped a Nuclear Bomb. Brutal deaths of all the main characters. The final nuclear holocaust set off by a dying Charlton Heston. A cold grim voice telling we the viewers that our unimportant little planet in dead!The damned thing was rated G!!!*
..........<805zGkBgQ0OLyHOH== target="_blank"><1IQwA4dlx91r6d= target="_blank">
...."I Love Dead. Hate Living"--the Monster(KARLOFF)......
I like Casino more then Goodfellas which is a very good film. In Casino the characters are less likable but far more compiling as is all the plot twists.*......
....I just saw this one(12/28/06)and I was blown away. It is a beautiful and harrowing film....So powerful!!!..<3Em7t0rnjCO0w042= target="_blank">the Crazies*
Creature From the Black Lagoon........<6LbzQ3cbk4kE7h0w1Y= target="_blank">..<5DP88Q53ZrP932rg target="_blank">the most important words mankind needs to know........
....remember them!..<2VbiY736LeW4Ggj7= target="_blank">..<8MmNCK86C4TRVFF6z target="_blank">........
<8psST3HJic04g= target="_blank">......
........took me years to get a change to see this mad movie and I final did! Thank you,IFC Theater on 6ave, NYC!......<6p3MMx6140o4o target="_blank"><8hiHm82Jfn7Njr9t= target="_new">
The Fifth Element
Milla JovovichA Fisful of Dollars*
....For A Few Dollars More*<2v4cqUflGSNS9= target="_blank">..
88888....Frankenstein created Woman*
Frankenstein the True Story*
..<5E2o2Y3mZX3M97R6j= target="_blank">Godfather 1&2*..I have two the Good, the Bad, & the Ugly t-shirts. When I wear them and run into another fan of the film, thet always ask me who is my favorite character. I always reply Eli Wallach( the Ugly of the title). He is always their's too. Eli Wallach ROCKS........
....You have to see the original Japanese language verson of Godzilla. It is dark, tragic and timely. Superior to even the best American atomic monster movie.
By the way, Godzilla is not a metaphar for the Bomb. Godzilla IS the physical manifestion of the Bomb!
..the Haunted Palace*the Haunting(1963)*Haxan/Witchcraft Though the Ages..... <46jFpe0f2F9BI2H target="_blank">Heavy Metal*Hellboy*
Sadly not on an actual feature-length motion picture. But it sure as HELL SHOULD BE!!!!<4EoPf5dGbRHwOm= target="_blank">....* ..the Incubus(1963)*
Invaders From Mars(1953)*
the Invisible Man*
Island of Lost Souls("What is the Law? Not to walk on all fours...")*<5e0EIjo8B18D0t4= target="_blank">
*Kill Baby....Kill*Kill Bill Vol1&2*
King Kong....<6REaM688xu6E4dt target="_blank"><406b5i2FOAyBddwh= target="_blank"><92F0Spq6wnQl401zs3 target="_blank">....<76067Co220rgY3e2S= target="_blank">the Lone Wolf & Cub Film Series(I used to read the series as published by First Comics. Check out the Dark Horse mimi trade paperbacks)*
<44bvECX9t6p32rc1g= target="_blank">
Mad Monster Party*the Magnificent Seven*
<7TBjKfLZk1M44Mkpj== target="_new">
The Man Who Fell to Earth..Martin.....
..May*<92wG8E15bsJtd6uc9 target="_blank"> <13ySbaKZt0ldd57Hs8== target="_blank">........Night of the Living Dead*the Ninth Configuration*....
Once Upon a Time in the West
..<6Q3aB15Mkzro29O0M6 target="_blank">
...(12/29/06) this hauntingly beautiful,mesmerizing film. Director Gullermo Del Toro is at his full power as an craftsman and a filmmaker. SEE THIS MOVIE NOW!....<7Yqf5CD809q7z8mzrD== target="_blank">....<2OsAO4DaYmiNA9W== target="_blank">..<4p0fbeIQ4E8mz3R== target="_blank">......
Repo ManReservoir Dogs*the Return of the Living Dead*..
.....Sad that Mel Gibson turned out to be such an asshole.<16dhT0d8GBz5mIcRV target="_blank">..
This is the perfect date movie....
....<4Jf0oJ7RkPZgN4ZK2G target="_blank">..
Slaughthouse Five*Spiderman1&2*<1Mvln342Ao7MB8A21 target="_blank">
....Actually Stone was made five years before Mad Max. It is the Rocky Horror of the Australian biker culture.<7hZBrTo2X84uM12= target="_blank"><8dzHLlJbXpbW0R479== target="_blank">..<5512ul52BUFvreclt= target="_blank">....<3eh6p7839S4wX7Ea= target="_blank">......
13 warrior<6L7xaj4JO88o3= target="_blank"><859ST4S1pKlF1TD= target="_blank"><7YIn65c3e5Iudt6ti5== target="_blank">..............<2T201B45ppQnUVX== target="_blank">..<002uD9o9w9JXys2G= target="_blank">....<img src="http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m26/dr_arcane/-
16.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting
Love the History Channel especially AX MEN, Monster Quest and Gangland.Destination Truth(not sure if this is coming back),NCIS,The Unit,Law & Order, Big Love, Ghost Hunters Journey Man and Heroes-- this is an amazing show. Save the Cheerleader, Save NBC!<0f39C6env8hcX= target="_blank">
..<4gwIytv7v2kg38lQf= target="_blank">....<44l6nwH6lKVS9Ay target="_blank"> "Barbarism is the natural state of mankind.Civilization is unnatural. It is a whim of circumstance.And barbarism must always triumph."- Robert E. Howard <9O6g95KR604Yn2Y target="_blank">.... I had read "Isle of the Torturers" in a Weird Tales collection in my public library. This one above is the first C.A.S. book I ever owned...Dougles Clegg,Brain Keene,Richard Laymon,Robert R. McCannon..... .. Jack Ketchum,Tanith Lee and most of the current horror writers. The Repairman Jack series by F.Paul Wilson.Nightwings by Robert Silverberg.Neuromancer By William Gibson. Crash and the Drowned World by J.G.Ballard. ..I Am Legend by Richard Matheson. The Last True Story I'll Ever Tell By John Crawford.The Pendergast novels by Douglas Preston& Lincolin Childe. Michael Moorcock. Books on dinosaurs and natural history-- .. My favorite graphic novels-- .. The Complete Dreadstar Vol.1, this a great collection of one of the truely great comic series of the 1980's This is Jim Starlin at his best. <50b1EXh5p00Ak4P== target="_blank">V For Vendetta, <0aJR5E8k6cKb3866== target="_blank"><6VEa3nF63YyH1Az target="_blank">
All My Heroes are Dead.