Brooke profile picture


Life is a movie, write your own ending.

About Me

I love Jimmie* jokes! Thank you Skip for this hilarious Choose-Your-Own-Adventure! I love it! :) Jimmie's Choose-Your-Own-Adventure !
A few of you have asked me recently about the origin of the Jimmie Joke. (Jimmie is the former cast member of Jaws; currently struggling veteran actor.) Well, I must accept full responsibility for the casualties. For it is I! Behold the original Jimmie joke coined in early February 2007:
Jimmie was perplexed. The captain said all hands on deck. Why was everyone so upset? Was it really his fault that the ship collapsed? So maybe he needed to lose a few pounds… but did that really justify being called a giant monster?Jimmie tried to explain he was simply exhausted and couldn’t help but yawn. He really didn’t mean to frighten anyone. Have a restful weekend! ;)
Want to LISTEN to my latest joke!? Click on the pic below to hear Bumcrusher 2000 and learn all about the diamond in the rough:

I am a writer for a great website called Bitchin' ! Prior to this I was writing for The Santa Maria Times. I had a weekly syndicated column called "Musical Squares." My first feature article was called "Pop Goes the Culture," about the decline of roadside attractions. I was trying to help save the Santa which you now can see along the 101 near Oxnard. Apparantly he's doing okay these days, thank goodness! Other highlights at The Times included an interview with musical star Howard Keel and producer Spike of Spike & Mike's Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation. Following the Times I was a fashion editor for urban/hip hop website for several years. My work has also appeared in CSUN's The Daily Sundial and All Access Magazine.
Latest articles posted:
Who Keeps The Tips? - A Pay For Play Expose!
Nectarphonic and the Ebow
How to Tread Water in a Wave File Tsunami - An Interview with David Knight

California Wet Dreams - A Night With QWIKSAND
No More Kings Debut Album Review
Simple Kid - SK2 Review
Carole King - Welcome To My Living Room DVD Review
Dommin - Mend Your Misery Album Review Book Review
I like to sleep on the floor. Its good for my back, I can listen to Nazi footsteps as they lurk aboot, and darn if I'm going to share a bed with that sheet grubbing Major S-As-In-Slow-Steve! I also like hanging out at laundromats... Almost as delightful as standing in lines at post offices and banks! Hey, I may be able to spin on my clothes, but that doesn't mean I can't benefit from a spin dry! I also love long walks on the beach. You can hear the ocean in a sea shell? Get out!Thanks ZLB for this great pic! :)
Larry H. Parker is the man of my dreams!
Women want a man who is not afraid to say,
"I'll fight for you!

My new mantra:
"This deal's getting lousier all the time!"
-Lando Calrissian

Above: Billie and Harrison... the sexiest smugglers evah!
"Truly you belong with us, here among the clouds..."
"You like me because I'm a scoundrel..."
Ah, yeah! All I can say is, they steal my heart! Sigh.
I must say I've got a nice set of knockers... Hehehe... I picked these Labrynth Door Knockers up at Hot Topic on the cheap!

My Interests

I'm flying my invisible jet.... Can you see it? Don't humor me! Don't tell me "Maybe Tom erased it." It's really there you know it and I know it!
I am Wonder Woman Wonder Woman 100% Superman 90% Spider-Man 80% Robin 80% The Flash 80% Supergirl 70% Green Lantern 70% Hulk 60% Batman 40% Catwoman 40% Iron Man 40% You are a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
I'm an avid collector. Can that be confused with being a pack rat? I've got over fifty pez dispensers and thirty rubber duckies. I collect all things Kitsch. My prized possessions are a vintage Bob's Big Boy bank, a Kit Kat clock,

and a retro '50s ray gun. I like decorating my holiday tree... during the summer season I've got a tiki tree topped with a hula girl. I'm also a philatelist and at one time was a member of a stamp club!Brooke's Favorite Places to Stock Up On Supplies:

  • The Soda Pop Stop !

  • Wacko !

  • Sparky's !

  • Kit Kat Clocks !

  • Green Rivers !

  • Tiki, Tiki, Tiki !

  • Vintage Magician Posters !

  • Sea Monkeys !

  • Slinky !

  • Comic Books !

  • Elvis !

  • Nicky's Unique Gifts & Salon !

  • Rubber Duckies !
  • Rubber Duckies with Your Name on them !!
  • Retro Candy !
  • *I welcome misfit toys! Send your lonely unused Pez dispensers to me at: Brooke Trout P.O. Box 6442 Woodland Hills, CA 91365

    I'd like to meet:

    Paul Reubens. I love him!
    Did you know he is a member of the Church of the SubGenius?
    He is a Happy Mutant!
    Pee Wee's Playhouse was one of my fave shows as a youngin' and the animation really inspired me!

    Pee Wee's Big Adventure is one of my fave movies with one of the greatest lines, "Everyone I know has a big but...Come on Simone, lets talk about your big but."

    It is still my dream to one day watch the sun rise with a special someone inside the T-Rex at Cabazon...
    Of course this would be after ordering a chocolate shake and tuna melt and realizing I didn't have enough money to pay for it.


    Check out my new web site! Next Show: Friday the 13th Showcase!
    Remember that scene in Space Odyssey? Go APE for Bittersweet! :)Brooke Trout performances...
    Brooke Trout was featured on The Soupy Gato Show! Just click on POSTS on the player below and select Show 37 & 42G and 50B! ..
    Subscribe Free
    Add to my Page
    Brooke is excited about Soupy Gato's 42 Show! 42 is the answer to the ultimate question: What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything? Show 42G is where you can hear more of Brookie da Trout!

    You can also get WAVE files and other STREAMING Trout audio at
    I also have those times when I have to listen to the old school.
    A girl can't help
    but swoon,
    When she hears
    a fella croon!

    Holy smokes! How many albums did Leonard Nimoy actually put out?He needs to go back on tour! LOL! :D I am captivated!


    Just Say No To The Remake...To Read Hairspray Doesn't Hold Click here!
    I majored in screenwriting at Cal State University, Northridge. Before switching majors I wanted to be an animator and got my 2 year degree in fine arts. I hate remakes with an everloving passion! Give me the Rat Pack in Ocean's Eleven and Frankie in the Manchurian Candidate any day of the year.
    Did someone say Grape Juice Plus!?
    I love wonderfully cheesy '70s sci fi like Planet of the Apes


    Yes, even WESTWORLD, the original Jurassic Park!! (Above: Proof Yul Brenner is totally hot!)
    and of course...

    Every time I have to return a book to the library I shout out, "RENEW!" Ah, the ritual of carousel!

    You don't have to die at 30!
    You can live!
    And yes, they can make sci fi chick flicks! I love Starman!
    And who can forget The Empire Strikes Back? Han Solo, I want to hold your dirty hands!
    Q: Best actor ever?
    This man can make any movie good!I wish I was Chuck's Love Monkey! Ah yeah, that was good baby! You're the best! Wanna swing by my place for some vegetable casserole and apricot wine? Bwahaha! :) Actually the title should go to Caesar, I mean, Cornelius, I mean Galen - Eegads! Roddy McDowall is brilliant!


    I am now the proud owner of the complete Planet of the Apes TV Series! Whoo hoo! I am definitely satisfied. Its not as creepy as the films, but still very thought provoking! One such thought was: Hmm... Bo and Luke Duke were in Planet of the Apes!? I had no idea! Haha! :) Urko Sarek Hoorah! I am delighted to discover this Trek-Apes connection: Mark Lenard. I am most pleased! :)
    Best Urko line: "How can you wash a brain if you don't take it out of the skull?!" FEEL MY VANILLA THUNDER!
    Yes, we're dating, if you must know...We swapped wrist gaurds on location and it was instant attraction. Don't tell but Brak and I do go out on the weekends for square dancing. He is a most excellent dancer.Seriously don't tell Spacey. If he knew he would be as crushed as he was when he lost poor BANJOOOOOO! And of course me and the Greatest American Hero go way back... Great job on this one Mioga! ;) The sexiest
    in the universe

    I am a Trekkie . Original series only because I have an ear fetish and Mr. Spock is so hot.
    Watch out Nurse Chapel! Here I am on the bridge making some moves on my science officer... I intend to infect him with happiness inducing spores, surgically remove his brain, and ship his body to Omicron Ceti 3!(Picture from Star Trek Tour )
    Went to my first Trek convention in Hollywood in 2004. The space hippies were there and sang their great songs. (Below)
    Here I am jamming out with Mr. Spock... Why do I always fall for those Vulcan lute players? Thanks for this groovy pic ZLB! :)
    I like to pretend that blue bubble gum soda is actually Romulan Ale. I love Leonard Nemoy's "The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins." You should hear it! Move over Led Zepplin! Check out my "Spock's Brain" recipe! Throw your own Trek Theme Party! Click here!
    And only Ricardo Montalban can make a floral neon orange Sgt. Pepper man dress look good...
    Apparantly the genocide in the 90s involved fashion mayhem as well. I must confess that I too am MOVED... Hahaha!
    I also love the original Land of the Lost . The writing was amazing; serious high concepts for a kid's show. I highly recommend the second season, ORIGINAL series, on DVD. Its so good! Chaka is the best! "Ganza mi saw-saw! I just met Enik myself. He is often misunderstood, but you would be in a bad mood too if your future race degenerated into barbarians and you had to listen to the insolent Wil Marshal playing on his banjo with a full orchestra at all hours of the night! Is Mark McGrath Chaka? Join the debate! Click here!Commander Pogo's quiz is the best! Haha!
    What gay Star Trek character are you? (by Pogo)
    Brokeback Vulcan!
    Because you are a Vulcan,
    people view you as cold and unemotional, but this is far from the truth.
    You have good control of your emotions, but when you allow yourself to love,
    you are capable of it on the deepest levels.
    You are honest and dedicated, and would die for your lover.
    Speaking of which, your lover is Kirk.
    Your tussle on Vulcan was just foreplay before the Ponfar....
    "I have been and forever shall be, your 'friend.'"
    We all know why Kirk didn't want Spock to stay on Omicron Ceti 3 with Leila!
    Take this quiz !
    img border="0" src="" style="


    Oh Jim! (He wanted to jump his Bones, but McCoy was nowhere to be found.) My fave episode? There are too many good ones! Way to Eden, I, Mudd, This Side of Paradise.... and of course Shore Leave! I love whenever Finnegan shows up and the traditional Trek fight theme merges with an Irish jig! :) And lest we forget, Kirk was the original MacGeyver in "Arena"! What did Spock say to Kirk on Cestus 3? Watchya GORN a do? Hahaha! Above: Thanks Xavier for this picture of a spaced out Trout! I love Stephen King's the Dark Tower series! Oh that Roland! When will he ever learn? I have read more King than any other author because his books are really one giant book; they all interrelate. I love him so much I've even resorted to posting messages on his site ! I just like to shout out along the path of the Beam that I am down with the Rose and the way of the Turtle. Here is my fave site, the most comprehensive outlining of the Stephen King universe ever: THE DARK TOWER !


    Gordon A. Schumway... Baby, you can drive MY car, SWEET BABY! Lalalala!

    My Blog

    E Does Not Equal MC Squared...?   What makes up the universe? What is that darkness we call space, smattered with a few dots we call stars? This article in the NY Tim...
    Posted by Brooke on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 01:21:00 PST

    A DISSENT Cup of Coffee! :P

    Oh boy, I just can not tire of this ridiculous story! Watch out! If you drink this cup o' joe you will spontaneously combust! You know, come the fall season scarfs are seen as very SHEIK... Hurry u...
    Posted by Brooke on Sat, 31 May 2008 12:22:00 PST

    Back To The Future: Self Portrait Circa 1985

    1985?! Looks like I’ve got my own Back To The Future experience! My Grandma just sent me a card I sent her in 1985. Talk about a time capsule! I believe Grandparents day was just made an o...
    Posted by Brooke on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 11:09:00 PST

    Star Trek The Tour Review! :)

    I just beamed down to the Queen Mary in Long Beach to see the Star Trek tour. It is EPIC! Yes, not only have I been to the Star Trek Hilton and a Star Trek convention, I have now seen the...
    Posted by Brooke on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 10:24:00 PST

    AAAAGH-dvertising!! >:(

    Do you find you have reached your advertisement threshold? I have. The proliferation of desperate advertising methods in recent years really perturbs me. I pulled into a Desperate Housewives parkin...
    Posted by Brooke on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 05:19:00 PST

    Caveman Quandary

    Caveman Quandary   A script so easy a caveman could write it. The premiere episode of Cavemen did not satisfy. The proliferation of cavemen really threw me off. This is an example of how a...
    Posted by Brooke on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 08:37:00 PST

    Brain Powered Remote Controls?!

    So I heard on the news today that there is experimentation going on with brain waves to power appliances. Hmm... I can't help but start thinking about Carrie, Firestarter, The Lawnmower Man and D...
    Posted by Brooke on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 08:56:00 PST

    Forbidden Pleasure: A Night With Creature Feature, Richard Elfman

    Forbidden Pleasure: A Night with Creature Feature, Richard Elfman!! This was the most super coolest of times EVAH! August 25, 2007  at the Isla Vista Theatre  the spooky fun time music of Creatur...
    Posted by Brooke on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 08:11:00 PST

    The Wright Stuff  Gary Wright In Concert

      It is too bad that we can associate song with film to the point where we forget the original source of the material; the songwriter, the musician, the artist.   Wayne's World had the ...
    Posted by Brooke on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:31:00 PST

    Order Up: Harry Potters Phoenix Soars!!

    They never disappoint. That is why the Harry Potter films are the only films I have paid to see on the big screen in the past decade. Oh well, there were those unfortunate Star Wars prequels but we'...
    Posted by Brooke on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 01:16:00 PST