My name is MURRY G. WILSON. I am the father of Brian, Dennis and Carl Wilson of The Beach Boys. (And Mike is my nephew.)
I'm an intelligent man, and I'm a genius too. I just want people to loosen up, watch their language, sing from their hearts, forget who they are, get closer to the mic, watch their low notes, watch their OOOOOs and BE HAPPY!
Track 1
During the recording sessions for "Help Me Rhonda" I tried to help my sons loosen up and sing from their hearts. (Al and Mike too.) If you got any guts, you can hear the full version of my directorial genius here: Help Me Rhonda Sessions (Unedited Version)
Track 2
This is absolutely insulting. It's an interview my son Brian
did on the radio with Howard Stern on July 24th, 1998. (Stern
is talented on the air, but he needs to come on in closer on
that mic.) Brian does a lot of whining about me, and most of
the things he says are true, but he needs to loosen up! Don't
ever forget: honesty is the best policy.
Track 3
Here is my son Brian, at the piano, performing a song he wrote
about me called, "I'm Bugged At My Ol' Man." I think
this song is absolutely insulting. Brian doesn't appreciate the
good help I've given him.
Track 4
In "The Colonel's March" I sing about Kentucky Fried Chicken. This could have been one helluva hit. Unfortunately, the Colonel didn't appreciate the good help I was giving him and it never aired. Ever since then he's been going DOWN HILL!
"I'm A Genius, Too" by Emily Geanacopoulos.
Emily ought to loosen up a little but if she wants to fight for success I'll go all out.
Rock & Roll Dad, a Flash cartoon by Peter Bagge and Dana Gould , which chronicles my genius in 4 episodes...
EPISODE 1: "From Anger to Rage and Back"
EPISODE 2: "The Sound of Horny Monkeys"
EPISODE 3: "Kindred Spirits"
EPISODE 4: "The Seeds of Greatness"