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¤Sir¤ ¤S†êphën¤™

Hold The Front Page! Honest, Decent, GSOH, MNG Now Available! Enquire Within lol

About Me

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Ok, a bit about me, ok you have the coffee to hand, you might need it LOLAm 44 years young, was 44 in June yuk!! all my own hair and teeth. brown hair, blue eyes!! intelligent well an IQ of 120, if thats intelligence LOL, gsoh, still single, been near a couple times, but hey, thats water under the bridge.Was born in Nottingham (thats in the UK, for those that don't know lol) in the swinging 60's LOL remember that decade? if you do, you weren't there lol, but spent most of my childhood in Derbyshire, hence my affiliation to Derby County and NOT Forest now those are football teams for those that not into football, for those in the US that means soccer! LOL.Have since lived in Southern France, Ireland, US, now back in ole blighty, been back in the UK since the mid 90'sMy interests apart from supporting the above team through thick and thin, and I mean thin times lol, includes travelling, have been to such far off and exotic places that includes pretty much of Europe, N. America (Boston, New York, Cleveland, Atlanta, St Louis, pretty much all of Florida, Middle East, but on my horizons now is SE Asia, such as China, Japan, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Am a bit of a culture vulture, love finding out about how the other side live and breathe, am not much of a sun, sea and sangria man LOL. History is another hobbyhorse of mine, goes hand in hand with the travelling interest I suppose. Love going to the Theatre + Cinema, well one does need a bit of hollywood escapism from time to time. Music, my collection varies from Abba to ZZ Top, just love good music, just back from Guilfest 2006, love seeing music when its live and in your face. Theres a great little pub in Windsor that put on some good live bands, no the Queen has been seen in there yet lol. Cooking too, am a dab hand in the kitchen as well as other rooms LOL. Reading, am bit of a Sci Fi fantasist like Tolkien, Lawhead etc.... My PC, I run a couple of MSN Web groups on Football. Play Golf (Badly), Badminton (OK)I work for a Software company as an area sales manager selling workforce management solutions, been in IT for about 20 years now.OK, time for a breather now, can imagine the coffee is cold by now LOL
Things about me that you dont care about
Name Stephen AKA MNG
Age 44
Birthday June 3rd
Hometown Nottingham/Derby
Where you live Reading
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Dark Brown
Height 1.8m
Weight 95kgs
Righty or Lefty Lefty
Inny or Outty Inny
Ethnicity Caucasian
Worst Fear Death
Weakness I can go on a bit.....
Strengths Listens
Goals To be a productive Earthling
Soda No thanks
Food Anything But Fish, Nuts.... allergy thing
Friends%2Lover both
Music Artist or Band both
Animal tiger
Color blue
Song Anything by the beatles......the list is endless
Movie LOTR, Heat, 6th Sense, Usual Suspects, Pulp Fiction...etc
TV show CSI, NCIS, Law & Order
Holiday Planet Earth
Subject in school History
Resturant/Fast Food Restaurant
Pizza Topping mighty meaty lol
Book Tolkien, Lawhead
Thing in your room Tigger
This or That?
Chocolate or Vanilla Vanilla
McCoys or Doritos Doritos give the choice
Pizza or Hotdog pizza given the the choice
Ketchup or Mustard Mustard
Pepsi or Coke Pepsi
Computer or TV Computer
Smart Shoes or Trainers Smart Shoes
Full English Breakfast or Roast Dinner both
PC or MAC both
Car or Motorcycle Car
Naughty or Nice both...I am a Gemini after all!
Night or Day Night
Late night or Early morning Late Night
Have you's?
Been in love yes
Smoke no
Drank drink
Been on TV yes
Been in the News paper yes
Do you's?
smoke no
drink yes
play an instrument no- wish I did though
think you're attractive I get by lol
have a crush on someone don't we all
think someone has a crush on you hope so lol
have a best friend yes
draw on yourself yes
have a cell phone
find yourself bored a lot sometimes
have a myspace of course
have AIM no
have MSN yes
have a girlfriend/boyfriend no on both accounts lol
For a Guy/Girl
Hair yes
Eyes blue
Height no midgets please lol
Style smart, sophisticated, sexy
Random stuff
Do you have piercings no
Do you have tattoos no
How many CD's do you own lets say lots
Are you popular could be
Have you ever broken the law probaly...ok...yes
Have you ever been arrested no
Are you tired of this survey beginning to
Did you like it whats to like about
Are you done absolutely
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My Interests

Include reading, History, walking, cooking, my PC, travelling, Derby County, cricket, golf, badminton, arts and theatre, politics...oh and I forgot MUSIC...big love of mine

I'd like to meet:

anyone and everyone, am sure they all have a tale or two to tell me of their exploits and adventures lolTop Left Link Text




The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever

Add to My Profile | More VideosAnything from ABBA to ZZTop, my musical tastes are wide and varied eclectic you could say lolHey Jude -- Beatles

Add to My Profile | More Videos"Get Back" Live on the Rooftop

Add to My Profile | More VideosStereophnics - Dakota (LIVE)

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free player from mysplayer.comThe Clash- London Calling

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I love a good movie - Sixth Sense; The Usual Suspects; Pulp Fiction; Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; LOTR Trilogy; the Die Hard Series. Am a big movie buff


Free Internet Television.
l Love a lot of the great drama series from the US such as the CSI and Law & Order franchises, NCIS, Smallville, All the Star Trek series, 24 huge fan of this Jack Bauer to save the world!!, here in the UK, I like the following - The Bill, Coronation Street, Doctor Who, Channal 4 News (how can you not enjoy Jon Snow), Bremner, Bird & Fortune, Newsnight, Lttle Britain.


am a bit of a daily mail fan, books by tolkien, lawhead amongst many others, autobiographies...just love reading


the unsung heroes from the first and second world war of the men women and children who kept the fires burning and the country running at home whilst there loved ones were away fighting at the various fronts

My Blog

The 275 Million Dollar Man

The 275 Million Dollar Man David Beckham is set to become the first modern footballer to have a stake in the football club he plays for - and share in its profits. "Golden Balls" - as he has been nic...
Posted by Stephen on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 11:59:00 PST

Beckham Agrees To LA Galaxy Move

Beckham Agrees To LA Galaxy Move Beckham will leave Real Madrid after four seasons   --> --> --> -->David Beckham will leave Real Madrid and join Major League Soccer side LA Galaxy at th...
Posted by Stephen on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 08:50:00 PST

Jackson Ruled Out Of Hobbit Film

Jackson Ruled Out Of Hobbit Film The Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson has been ruled out of making The Hobbit, the head of film studio New Line has told the Sci-Fi Channel. Jackson is locked ...
Posted by Stephen on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 02:37:00 PST

Unsigned Band Set To Crash Charts

Unsigned Band Set To Crash Charts Essex rock band Koopa could become the first unsigned group to land a UK top 40 hit thanks to new chart rules. Their download-only single Blag, Steal & Borrow is...
Posted by Stephen on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 02:34:00 PST

James Cameron's New Film " DROOL"

From the New York Times... James Cameron, the director whose "Titanic" set a record for ticket sales around the world, will join 20th Century Fox in tackling a similarly ambitious and costly film, "Av...
Posted by Stephen on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 06:22:00 PST

Is It Scorsese's Time For Honour?

Scorsese Up For Directing Award The Directors Guild of America (DGA) has unveiled its shortlist for 2006's best director, including seven-time nominee Martin Scorsese. Scorsese, nominated for his cri...
Posted by Stephen on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 01:20:00 PST

United 93 Takes Online Film Prize

United 93 Takes Online Film Prize United 93, the drama inspired by one of the hijackings on 11 September, has been named best movie of the past year by the Online Film Critics Society. Martin Scorses...
Posted by Stephen on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 01:16:00 PST

Anyone Placed An Order For The iPhone Yet?

Apple's 'Magical' iPhone Unveiled US firm Apple has confirmed its move into the telecoms industry, unveiling the long-awaited iPhone. Users will be able to download and listen to music on the phone, ...
Posted by Stephen on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 01:11:00 PST

What Would You Put On Your Headstone?

Epitaph Tribute To Anti-War Cook Robin Cook was a vocal critic of the decision to go to war --> -->Robin Cook's epitaph pays tribute to his opposition to the Iraq war. Mr Cook, a vocal critic...
Posted by Stephen on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 01:05:00 PST

Hit US Radio Format Aims For UK

Hit US Radio Format Aims For UK Jack radio prides itself on an eclectic mix of music --> -->A radio station that made New York mayor Michael Bloomberg so angry he literally swore he would nev...
Posted by Stephen on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 03:28:00 PST