Member Since: 12/10/2005
Band Website: (under construction)
Band Members: ME!
Influences:If you’re waitng for me to start reeling off a bunch of acts in the eye of pop culture...that certainly isnt the case here. If anything, pop culture has influenced me to stay away from it..... to find out what my game play is, I’ll be writing a blog up soon regarding this so keep your eyez peeled.Az u would have noted in my brief bio, I’ve been involved in many different genrez of the music world and my debut , self titled album - "Szilva," is the prime example of the ever expanding relationship I share with music. To get your copy, ask me how! If you were to ask me who one of my BIGGEST influencez are in the music world, what do you think I’d say?...Take a good listen to my music and take a shot... it’z not the most obvious one to guess;) More so than eva after the recent release of the madd new album that Year Zero is. I don’t have 2 think twice about answering this one - Mr. Trent Reznor, u’r a genius mate, he truely nailz that industrial element right on the head.Here’z a bit of trivia for ya, the first tracks I ever wrote were in the rock genre. and recently, I’ve been diggin’ into my rock rootz and incorporating this with some dirty, dark electronica. I’m coming up with some crazy, hot new stuff that will blow you away ;) but u’ll have to wait and see to know exactly what I’m talking about.....Some of the most amazing concerts I’ve seen live include NIN, Faith No More, White Zombie, Prince, Mr. Bungle (Mike Paton’s side project) and who could forget the forever reigning Silverchair. At the moment I’ve got some grouse tunez that just keep on ringin’ from artistz such az RHCPz, NIN (year zero), Faith No More, Soundgarden, and Smashing Pumpkinz to name a few namez. Some of my old skewl inspirations in music include Prince, Soundgarden, Michael Jackson. Regurgitator and the Stone Temple Pilots.
Sounds Like: Get the album I wrote and produced myself by clicking on the picture below! :)
Record Label: Negotiable.......
Type of Label: None