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Add to My Profile | More VideosBorn & raised in Jersey City, NJ. currently living in Hoboken, NJ. I have a business
side of my life, which I inherited from my mentor Joe Mignoli Sr. His innovations, creativity has turned my life into an entrepreneur gift which has taken me to this level, in this industry starting from the bottom thats rising to the peak.I teamed up with Guido Diaz a world re-noun Latin-American producer, musician & engineer, proprietor of skylight studios and immediately had chemistry. (Guido is ..1 in my book). It landed me a record deal with an Indie label, we all learn from our mistakes. Reuniting with Guido Diaz has sparked my song writing abilities to a level, that will compete with Billboards Top 40 in 2007. Dot Mig as the executive producer on the project & artist it has challenged my life as a song writer, producer & vocalist (no pressure huh?) to be critical of every word thats written on the paper. You will hear diversification, from DANCE to RAP, R&B, Blues/rock POP & even HEAVY METAL from DOTMIG repertoire. Being able to be a true artist with no boundaries. Having the passion & desire as your daily bread its a force of energy & life for the world to examine. Mig Fighter Missions Music is the label to look for in 2007.First & never last, the gorgeous & sexy Executive Vice President of Mig Fighters Mission Music, Diana Pabon. Who has brought success & happiness, and created a architectural blueprint for DOTMIGS ultimate dream to come true.Recent acknowledgements DOTMIG was written up in Current Newspaper, article written Madeline Friedman. www.hudsonreporter.comwww.hbso.comReview of DOTMIG by K-Be-Tol
Review: DOTMIG
By: K-Be-Tol
Date: May 4, 2007 3:00pm
"Who is DOTMIG?"
Some of us, have heard the music by DOTMIG, and know the words written on paper. Now, lets find out what DOTMIG is truly about. When it comes to their music, and the industry.DOTMIG's sounds are extraordinary, with such influences as Blues/RocknRoll, jazz, Techno, R&B, and World-beat.
DOTMIG, who has been entering a number of contest like, The Best MySpace Musician, Indiesolo, Musicvault, and musicnation. Has put this extraordinary band on the front page for the masses. Which has earned them, a number of fans, and many connections to the music industry.
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