The Dave profile picture

The Dave I have a radio show!!!!

About Me

Yeah its taken a while, a little over 25 years to be precise, but the germination of the being known as Dave 'the Ox' toby has cullminated in a wonderous person. It's a bit of a shame that I have to write my own description as it will smack of ego and pretention, but trust me all I say here is true. I am, I have discovered, blessed with an above average intellect, which as yet I haven't used to its full extent, as I am also blessed with an above average laziness factor. This factor is something I am working to rectify so if you feel like it, watch this space... Now stop watching as it is only a space and not really that interesting (unless of course you like spaces then by all means carry on looking. I'm not prejudiced). I have also been gifted with an amazing sense of the comic turn, one compararable with that of the weasle, which as we all know has been classified the funniest creature on Gods fair planet since 1674 when the famed philosopher, animal-anthropolgist, adulterer and oxymoron, Durkheim Anndule, published his seminal paper 'The custard pie effect'. This ability I attribute to my own natural gifts and talents. And a lot of comedy TV when i was a wee nipper. I, amazingly enough for those who knew me through my developing stages, have been fortuitous enough to have an amazing bone structure, clear skin, great hair, perfect teeth (though i cant take all the credit for that. I had an amazing dentist. Then i killed him), a body to die for (see the comment about the dentist) and beautiful blue eyes that I have to hide behind glasses to stop those of a less resolute nature being lost within. I also possess the virues of being highly benevolent and generous which means I am consitently shelling out for stuff for those less fortunates I lovingly call acquaintances. Happily I am also a rich muther fucker so I can afford to provide for these alluring, admirable and god damn foxy parasites. I love them all. And if all that wasn't enough, and quite frankly for me it isn't as I have an insatioable appetite for virtuous qualities, I am also a fantastic lover.

My Interests

What intrests the Dave??? Well I'm now done with spending hours playing video games, I'm done with getting wasted on illegal drugs and I'm done with being depressed, and I am sooo done with doing nothing with my life. So whats left? I enjoy music, seeing bands, drinking, and I reeeeally enjoy sex (and I'm also quite good at it. Well I've had enough practise!! ;0P ). I'm enjoying reading and learning new things and I enjoy socialising and talking and discussing things. Also I have been enjoying mucking around with photoshop. See my pics for evidence of this. I enjoy smoking too but I know i need to stop that soon. But hey, one vice at a time guys!

I'd like to meet:

YOU! We can go for a meal, see a stand up, go to a poetry night, see a gig, do some dancing, visit a gallery, run naked through the surf, jump out of a plane, visit another country and fuck till dawn. All in a lll it will be a great night out

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Ahhh music. My lovely music. My oldest and most dependable friend. If i were to write down what I like I dont think i will get anything else done my entire (but woefully brief) existence. Lets just say I love music that moves me in any way. Be it happy, dancy, miserable, clever, powerful, technically amazing, soothing, nostalgic or any other emotion provoking classification.

I am also a Dj on the fine radio station known as Kooba radio, an internet radio station that plays unsigned bands. You should listen. You should get your friends to listen. You should get your mum to listen. You probably shouldn't get your nan to listen though. I tend to swear a lot.


Now movies. I really dont have any really preference for movies. I like watching them, and I can appreciate this art form but I dont have any real passion for them outside of the time spent watching them and maybe a few hours afterwards during the obligitory post film dissection. Oh and of course during those heartfelt and sometimes emotionally (alcohol) charged 'debates' in the pub.


To be honest, my love story with TV, who was my nanny from a very young age and provided me with a relatively high status through my teenage years (back when friday night TV rocked) has now come to a rather sad end, but i dont regret a thing. I appreciate good TV and still watch some shows, Planet Earth for example was fantastic, but I dont have the passion for it that once was. I put this down to the fact that nothing seems to be that good anymore. In other words I dont really watch TV anymore.


Books, yes. I have long neglected the art of the written word and the consequence of this has been a slightly (but not entirely) dulled knowledge base. I have made the decision, fairly recently if you really must know (well actually its been a while now but anywho....), to rectify this sorry state of literary barrenness and have acquired a verititible library of highly recomended books for my personal pleasure. And what a pleasure they are providing.


Heroes? Hmmmm I really havent gone in for heroes, not since i was 14 with the death of Kurt Cobain, but their are many people i respect and look up to, which may well be the definition of hero. The thing about this though is the admiration I provide for these people is fleeting as the sands of time rip the memory of their actions from my mind. Everyone with the exception of the avuncular Sir David Attenbourough.

My Blog

I been doing some travelling an stuff. You may have heard the rumour

Ok, here we go again. It's now been 2 months and 11 days since I left blighty to go on this magical mystery tour and in true Dave style I have been putting off writting any stuff about my travelling, ...
Posted by The Dave on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 12:05:00 PST

I cant believe i spent time actually doing this

Ok I have never done one of these stupid questionaires before, on principal, because I think they are lame lame lame. But my principals generally lead me to ruin so I am on a mission to break through ...
Posted by The Dave on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 03:25:00 PST

Being Ill sucks!!!

I'm currently off work siting at home after spending a day buming around playing guitar and with photoshop, listening to music. A perfect way to spend a day, I hear you say (ahhh, the wonders of the i...
Posted by The Dave on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 09:16:00 PST

Assertive wallpaper

I dont have much to say at the moment. Not really. Not with bloggable interest anyway. But i feel the need to write, to make contact, to say something. So here's a poem i just made up. Its a lot of wo...
Posted by The Dave on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 10:41:00 PST

The Ego Has Landed

I am The Dave. There is only one. There is only one fully packaged, ready to serve, take home to your parents, bundle of sex. I am He. As close to perfect as the dear lord above will allow to roam thi...
Posted by The Dave on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 02:42:00 PST

Well Hard

Im pleased to still get involuntary erections even at 25 years old. Though they are as annoying at work as they were at school. Looks like I'm not going for a coffee for a while.
Posted by The Dave on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 09:20:00 PST

Welcome the newest of the new Kooba Radio Dj's

Hello everyone.For those that either like good music or listening to the sound of my voice (which should cover just about everyone) then sail, surf or quietly amble over to and ch...
Posted by The Dave on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 04:00:00 PST

Snow. YAY!!!!!

I woke up this morning and looked out of the window of my stairs to see a wonderous sight! It had snowed during the night!!! It instantly put me in a good mood. I love snow. It is something that is qu...
Posted by The Dave on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 02:37:00 PST

Sex songs, I write sex songs, I dooooooooo

Looky here. Looky at wot i just dun. I worte things and some of it ryhmes. I am a clever dave!!! Oh and its all about something we all cant help but enjoy. Yay!!!!Salad days in a drunken haze I finall...
Posted by The Dave on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 03:35:00 PST

Male Nudity

I guess I should explain. There is this thing run by a woman called Hannah who is an artist and she is into these special social projects, they are the realisation of her art form. Well anyway, she ru...
Posted by The Dave on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 07:03:00 PST