Current Interests: Hiking, backpacking, the great outdoors, travel, Italy, ice cream, reading, running a lot, baking, dominoes, wine/cheese, food in general, and sailing. Past Interests: yoga, snowboarding, spin class, soccer, figure skating, oragami Future Interests: swimming, triathalons, riding horses, French, tango
Friends, especially people I used to know.
I enjoy most types of music except punk, that tends to get on my nerves (sorry Anna).
Oh, must I sit still indoors and stare at a blue screen? I only catch a couple of flicks a year. The memorable ones were the Shawshank Redemption, Braveheart, and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I usually enjoy films set in periods other than the present. Oh yeah, and anything funny. I love the silly comedies that keep me laughing even on the 4th or 5th time around.
I don't watch much television (and am therefore completely out of touch with pop culture) but I am a fan of Desperate Housewives and I always enjoy a Sex in the City re-run. I like the Simpsons and South Park. I like to laugh, preferably out loud.
Dan Brown, lots of Paulo Coelho, Emily & Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austen, Anne Rice, C.S. Lewis, Madeline L'Engle, Pat Conroy, Mark Twain, J.K. Rowling, Sue Monk Kidd, Susan Cooper, Illusions, The Celestine Prophecy, The 10th Insight, Rebecca, Einstein's Dreams, A Little Princess, Lolita, Like Water for Chocolate, and my Mom's old Nancy Drew novels, ...
I don't have any heroes. My family is pretty cool though.