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About Me

Directed by Gabriele Salvatores
Based on the book of Niccolò Ammaniti
Original Soundtrack by Mokadelic

Come Dio comanda session - Officine Meccaniche
Mokadelic (live) + NoNèCHiaro (visual)
Circolo degli Artisti 06/12/2007 - Song: We Are X-ray
-2008: Moka change in MOKADELIC.
Mokadelic realize "Come Dio comanda" Original Soundtrack
-Summer 2007: The band record the track "Red July" for a special project ( Violenza 124 ) at the Forum Music Village in Rome, produced by Niccolo' Fabi. At the end of the same year they start a new collaboration with NoNe'CHiaroPRod/gi, which takes in charge of projecting videos in live shows.
-2006: Moka share stage with artists like: Ulan Bator, giardini di Miro', Lquid Laughter Lounge quartet, Explosion in the Sky, Tarentel, Mono. Other songs appear in new compilations like Losing Today; others, from Marte Live New son(g) in the CD Fuoriscena and a brand new song recorded in the Wax Studio in Italy for a compilation of Rome new bands. Moka work on a new album called HOPI, with the producer Ernesto Ranieri. All tracks have been recorded at the Sound Club Studio in Marino. In the meantime some tracks from the new album, are in the short movie fib1477(directed by Lorenzo Sportiello). This is in competition at the 63rd Venice film festival.
-2005: Moka records a new song for the compilation "Cronache da una spirale", produced by POLYESTER.
-March 2004: the song "August is not the right month" is released as part of the "Rock Star made in Italy" compilation, and in that same summer Moka are committed in the realisation of the soundtrack for the short movie "Dove dormono gli aerei", wich is part of the movie "Bambini". After this experience, Luca Novelli, becomes membef the band, playing Fender Rhodes piano and guitar in the studio session.
-2003: the band begins a collaboration with the pool POLYESTER, an organizied group of artists, cultural operators and personalities of different artistic disciplines.
-Winter 2002: Moka edit the second CD: "I plan of leaving tomorrow", introducing for the first time a new parnters' line up like: Marilu' Loren, Mallory Knox, A. Minichilli and the graphic artist Susanna Campana .
-May 2001: the band decides to put together part of these ideas in an EP simply called MOKA. That is the beginning of the story.
-2000: The band was formed in the winter of 2000 in Rome, Italy. Four friends (Alessio: guitar, Cristian: bass, Alberto:drums and Maurizio: guitar) started a musical collaboration, setting out instrumental improvisations, that soon after became music peaces of rare and melancholic beauty.
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.:Are you interest about Mokadelic live set? Contact Mokadelic trip for a concert
Mokadelic played with: Tarentel (U.S.A.), Mono (Japan), Explosions In The Sky (U.S.A.), LLLQ (Germany), Giardini Di Miro' (Italy), Northern Lite (Germany), Mignon (Germany), Ulan Bator (France), Port Royal (Italy), Marilu Loren (Italy), Blueprint (Italy), Fumisterie (Italy), Poppy's Portrait (Italy), La Calle Mojada (Italy) and many more...
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My Interests


Member Since: 3/6/2006
Band Members: .:Alessio Mecozzi: guitar
.:Cristian Marras: bass
.:Alberto Broccatelli: drum
.:Maurizio Mazzenga: guitar
.:Luca Novelli: piano, guitar

[email protected]

Sounds Like: MOKADELIC

Violenza 124 - 2008
Song: Red july
buy it

Snob Night Sessions Vol. 2 - 2008
Videoradio/Rai Trade
Song: And his all stars
buy it


Hopi - 2006
Mokadelic Dream

I plan on leaving tomorrow - 2003
[sold out]

Moka ep - 2001
[sold out]

Clouds compilation - 2007
Raise Records
Song: We Are X-ray

Fib1477 OST - 2006
63rd International Venice Film Festival

Fuoriscena Compilation - 2006
Song: New son(g)

Losing Today Compilation n.09 - 2006
Song: Hate g-eight

Cronache da una spirale Compilation - 2005
Song: Hopy

Rock Star Compilation vol.23 - 2004
Song: August: it's not the right month

Record Label: Mokadelic Dream
Raise Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Dal 31 ottobre su sarà possibile scaricare in formato mp3 o acquistare nella sua versione cd Violenza 124, progetto ideato e prodotto da Niccolò Fabi e realizzato con il ...
Posted by Mokadelic on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 08:57:00 PST


Ai Mokadelic è stata affidata la composizione della colonna sonora originale del film "Come Dio comanda" di Gabriele Salvatores, tratto dall'ultimo omonimo romanzo di Niccolò Ammaniti. Le registrazion...
Posted by Mokadelic on Wed, 23 Jul 2008 03:44:00 PST

HOPI REVIEWS (italian)

ROCKIT.ITNove suites sulle quali  dentro le quali  c'è un lavoro pazzesco. Dentro le quali il tanto decantato post-rock odierno diventa  muta in - sinfonia strumentale moderna. Si fa  definitivame...
Posted by Mokadelic on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 02:15:00 PST

LIVE REPORT (italian language)

Circolo degli ArtistiMoka, Mammooth, Port-RoyalRoma, 6 Dicembre 2007L'inizio, fissato per le 22:15 puntuali!, viene rispettato e così ecco che pochi minuti dopo essere entrato nell'accogliente sala de...
Posted by Mokadelic on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 05:44:00 PST