God, fast-n-loud cars, fast-n-loud music, fast-n-loud whimmin!(LOL) I do however, do take the God part seriously! Also, I like to hunt, & fish as well! Go shooting at the local shooting range with guns, and not needles! Astronomy is also an interest of mine as well. That'a where my telescope comes in handy!
I just like to meet different people whether they be Christian, or not. I like having friends.
All yer different grades of Metal, especially hadrcore, Punk, rockabilly, oldies (like 50's & 60's & some 70's) Some country, blues (like the late, great Stevie Ray Vaughn, Muddy waters, Keb Mo') As well as a lot of Christian music! Some Christian Rap.
Any of the Three Stooges shorts (Especially with Curly Howard) Napoleon Dynamite, Sgt. York, Expelled, Speed Racer, Iron Man, The Punisher, Falling down, American Grafitti, M*A*S*H (Donald Sutherland as Hawkeye), War of the worlds (both versions), Animal house, Blues Brothers, Batman, Spiderman, The Chronicles of Narnia-The Lion, The Witch, And the Wardrobe. The Chronicles of Narnia; Prince Caspian. Beatlegeuse, Nightmare before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, better yet; anything produced by Tim Burton. Everything that Steven Spielberg produced! (even 1941!) Forrest Gump, Slingblade, SLC punk, Easy rider, Appocholypse now, Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay & Silent Bob strike back, Wayne's world(1 & 2), Diner, Mad Max, Road Warrior, Mad Max 3-Beyond the Thunderdome, Blade Runner, Everything George Lucas, Cocoon, Goonies' Silverado, Wyat Earp, The last of the dogmen, Unforgiven, Dances with wolves, Midnight Run, Breakfast club, sixteen candles, The Graduate (here's to you Mrs Robinson. . . ) Orange County, School of Rock, This is Spinal Tap, Bullet, all your John Wayne movies, Joe Dirt, Raising Arizona, Kung Pow, Empire of the sun, Mothman prophecies, Signs, We were soldiers, The Ten Commandments, The Passion, The fourth wiseman, The mark, Left Behinde.Yes I would say that for as old as I am, I would say that I had plenty of time to see all these movies!
Ever since I joined into this myspace I put in shows that either are not on the air anymore, or I have no longer have an interest in!I do sometimes watch the following;(1) "A Rood awakening" Hosted by Micheal Rood on Angel 1. (2) Most of your Food Network programs. (3) Some of your ESPN programs, even ESPN2! I still watch "Mike & Mike in the morning" from time to time. (4) Baseball, Football, Some Racing, Some Boxing, and some Pro Wrestling. (5) "UFC" & "Pros Vs Joes" on spike. (6) Some of your History Channel, like "Modern Marvels" & "Cities of the underworld," and "Battle 360." (7) When it's on, "deadliest Catch" on Discovery.I only watch the "idiot box" when I got time! Any more. . . TV for me. . . I don't know. . . And don't ask me about daytime TV, It's really bad when Jerry Springer (Dirty laundry TV) is the only thing on. Like I said. . . I don't know. =o/
The Holy Bible, Ted Nugent's Kill it & Grill it cookbook, all of the books written by George Hayduke, Etta Clark's Growing old is not for sissies, Micheal Savage's Liberalism is a mental disorder, Searching for 66 by Tom Teague, Hollywood Babylon by Kenneth Angers, The Church is not for perfect people by Willam J. Murray, Counterfeit Revival by Hank Henegraff, Lucifer dethroned by William Schnoebelen.
Jesus Christ, The Early Church, The great reformer himself-Martin Luther, Teddy Roosevelt (if that's spelled correctly), George Washington, those responsible for writing The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States of America, and The Bill of Rights, and last, but not least, those that wrote the Bible along with those mentioned in it.