World 4 Christ - Seeking 1 Million Believers profile picture

World 4 Christ - Seeking 1 Million Believers


About Me

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Thanks for adding the the myspace page "World 4 Christ". I founded this page back on January 28th, 2008 - and it was started for one purpose, and that was to give the Word of Christ out to all those who want/need to Hear it (which is everyone).
I have always been a "Christian", but until recently, I by no means was a great follower of the Lord. I never got into drugs or alcohol - mainly because suicide due to alcohol and drugs was a common thing on both sides of my family.
In Middle School and High School, I was a very lonely kid. I had a lot of friends, but all of those friends of mine were in relationships. I wanted so badly to be in one as well, but it never worked out. I started thinking it was due to my appearance, because I have always been a little bit on the heavy side. After months and months of trying to get into relationship, nothing seemed to work - so I turned to what I thought was the next best thing. For 4-5 years of my life, I was heavily addicted to pornography. It was all fantasy to me.
In Dec., 2006, the Lord brought Susan into my life. We quickly fell in love. She was the one that I gave myself to for the first time, but even that didn't feel right because we weren't married.
The Lord led us to attend a Kutless concert. It was the most spiritual 2 hours I think we both have ever had, and the Lord spoke to both of us that night. We felt him telling us that it was time that we did things right, and get to know Christ a lot more than we did. 1 month later in May of 07', Susan became my wife.
My wife and I were both wanting to start a family sooner rather than later, and in July of 07', we found out that we were expecting our first child. 3 months later, we found out that we were expecting our first son, whose name would have been Conner. Sadly, we lost him 23 weeks in due to unknown complications. We were both deeply hurt at the loss of our son, but through our sorrow we grew closer to the Lord. We realized that he had a plan for our baby Conner - and even if we didn't know what that plan was, we knew that it was a perfect plan. The Lord gave us comfort and stength through our troubles, and he gave us light through our days of darkness.
On Jan. 6th 2008, my wife and I got Baptised together. Even through all the hard times we recently experienced, we wanted to show God how much we honor Him. We wanted to openly and publicly confess to God that we wanted to be a part of His plan!
Starting just a few days later, my wife and I began a Bible study. I prayed before opening the Bible the first day of the reading, and I felt the Lord come over me! I could feel the Lord's presence, and I can see that He was giving me the strength to not only begin the Bible Study, but to do the study openly. I now post all Ive learned from the readings on this myspace page via the bulletins.
I hope that through my testimony, and through all the previous hardships, that the Lord guides me in a way to get His word out there! I feel it important that all of mankind hear the words of Jesus Christ our Lord, and I will do all I can to help make that word obtainable to all those who come across this site, for Jesus said in Mark 16:15
"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature"
1 World... 1 God WE BELIEVE!

My Interests

^Above Song is Sung by Me, Chad Cartledge^

I'd like to meet:

Susan's Testimony (My Wife)

In my teenage years I was a very lost child. I had little friends, was very shy, and constantly depressed, hiding that from everyone around me. While in my bouts of depression I had suicide on my mind quite a few time and even tried it once.

I kept to myself at school and at home, in my "own little world" ignoring what was all around me. I became friends with the wrong kinds of people; drug addicts, alcoholics, etc. I soon found out that the reason I was becoming friends with them is because I was in hopes that I could change them from their bad ways. I didn't know why at the time, but I needed to and felt that I was the only one that could help them. I did help one person but never was able to help the others.

When I was 16 years old I met a man that had been best friends with someone that I knew very well. Him and I started dating and I found out not too long after that he too, like everyone I seemed to be drawn to, was heavy into drugs. It went through my head over and over that I should not be with this person but I stayed with him. I tried so hard to get him to stop the drugs that he was doing to strengthen our relationship and to help him be a better person. He did finally stop the drugs after a few years and after it had sent him to the hospital.

I was so excited that the drugs were finally not apart of his life and was ecstatic when he asked me to be his wife, but soon after our relationship went sour. We grew far apart after being together for 3 years and I had once again become a very depressed person. He didn't treat me as I had hoped he would. I changed the person I was because he became controlling and angry with me all the time. I was not happy but I was in hopes that, again, I could change our relationship for the better. I stayed with him for an additional 3 years. I became bisexual looking for the attention I wasn't getting in my relationship. I even went so far as to bring the Bisexuality into the relationship, in hopes that it would make my fiance' happy. At the time, it seemed to work, but in all honesty, I was still very miserable and my hopes for a better relationship with him soon faded.

I met Chad around the music scene with my then fiancé, and felt a strong connection with him. Chad eventually became a close friend of mine.

After a while of being where I was with the man I was with, I decided that I could no longer be with him. I was trying to find a way to tell him but I was very afraid of him at that point. He got involved with the Law in an unlawful manner, and I saw that as my perfect opportunity. I left him and felt the biggest weight lifted off of me that I have ever felt.

Chad and I talked and, around that time started a relationship. We connected so well and wanted the same thing, which was to get married and have a family. We got engaged in January and married in May. We found out in November that we were pregnant and having a little boy. We were overwhelmed with excitement and planned everything out perfectly. We lost our son, Conner, at 23 weeks into the pregnancy. We were upset but we knew that the Lord wanted him and we thanked him for choosing our son. At that moment I became a very strong believer. My son was chosen out of all the healthy babies born that day, to be with God. My husband and I decided to rededicate our lives to the Lord. We got baptized January 6th of 08'.

Through all the things I went through in my life I never understood why I had to go through the hardships I did. I now know the reason. It was because God knew I was strong and was preparing me to be someone that cold help spread His name. I am now reading the bible and talking about it with friends. I have never felt so loved by anyone as I do the Lord. He has given me the man I have always wanted, the strength with my parents that I have yearned for since I was young and the spiritual strength that I thought I lost more then 10 years ago.



Holy Bible, Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments, Holy Bible Commentary, The Purpose Driven Life, Lifestories


Jesus Christ

My Blog

Morning Devotional: Apr. 27th

DAILY DEVOTIONS Sunday, April 27, 2008 SCRIPTURE Psalm 100:5  For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations. John 1:16  From his fullness we have...
Posted by World 4 Christ - Seeking 1 Million Believers on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 07:26:00 PST

Afternoon / Evening Devotional: Apr. 26th

..TR> ..TR> Give to the Lord         &n bsp;   Psalm 96:7         &n bsp;   April 267Giv...
Posted by World 4 Christ - Seeking 1 Million Believers on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 06:56:00 PST

Morning Devotional: Apr. 26th

DAILY DEVOTIONS Saturday, April 26, 2008 SCRIPTURE 1 Kings 8:57  The Lord our God be with us, as he was with our ancestors; may he not leave us or abandon us. Luke 24:29  The two disciples urged J...
Posted by World 4 Christ - Seeking 1 Million Believers on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 09:18:00 PST

Afternoon / Evening Devotional: Apr. 25th

..TR> ..TR> Share the Good News         &n bsp; Psalm 96:3              April 251O sing unto the L...
Posted by World 4 Christ - Seeking 1 Million Believers on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 02:57:00 PST

Morning Devotional: Apr. 25th

DAILY DEVOTIONS Friday, April 25, 2008 Mark, Evangelist He was not numbered among the twelve apostles, yet Mark was probably a member of the early church community. The gospel that bears his name is ...
Posted by World 4 Christ - Seeking 1 Million Believers on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 07:40:00 PST

Morning Devotional: Apr. 24th

DAILY DEVOTIONS Thursday, April 24, 2008 SCRIPTURE Psalm 25:12  Who are they that fear the Lord? He will teach them the way that they should choose. Mark 1:17  Jesus said, "Follow me and I will ma...
Posted by World 4 Christ - Seeking 1 Million Believers on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 05:57:00 PST

Afternoon / Evening Devotional: Apr. 24th

- Sorry I got this posted a day late. God Bless!   _ _ _ _     ..TR> ..TR> Seeing is Not Believing        &nb sp; Psalm 95:10  &nb...
Posted by World 4 Christ - Seeking 1 Million Believers on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 04:03:00 PST

Afternoon / Evening Devotional: Apr. 24th

..TR> ..TR> A New Song         &n bsp;       Psalm 96:1             ...
Posted by World 4 Christ - Seeking 1 Million Believers on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 09:57:00 PST

Morning Devotional: Apr. 23rd

DAILY DEVOTIONS Wednesday, April 23, 2008 Toyohiko Kagawa, renewer of society, died 1960 Born in Kobe, Japan, Kagawa was orphaned as a young child. Later, when he became Christian, he was disowned by...
Posted by World 4 Christ - Seeking 1 Million Believers on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 06:51:00 PST

Afternoon / Evening Devotional: Apr. 22nd

..TR> ..TR> Hear Him Today         & nbsp;    Psalm 95:7              &nb...
Posted by World 4 Christ - Seeking 1 Million Believers on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 04:34:00 PST