Poetry, nature, poetry, sports, did I mention poetry?humans in general and small animals in particular, soccer,psichology, poets and poems, different cultures, poesia, spirituality, india, slam,dunk, funk, blank, and..oh, yes! poetryslam poetry...and this is my "pretend" mic. at work:Upstate Poetry Slam Team
M Mystical
A Awesome
R Realistic
I Insane
A Astounding
N Nerdy
G Grungy
E Enjoyable
L Loud
A Appealing
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beautiful people.
crazy people.frightened people.
loving people.heartbroken people.sleeping
people.awake people.clown people.moon people.
alone people.lost people.fulfilled people.hopeful people.dark people.unwanted people.too long waited for people.forgotten people.
half people.cold people.friendly people.pissed off people.greatful people.wounded people.free people.fools, lunatics, idiots,
hungry people.light people.
sunflower people
simply people...Mariangela Live at Wits End
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Mariangela Mihai
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the january ice cold lake water splashing at the contact with my body...and...pink floyd, janis joplin, mozart, beethoven,leonard cohen, kitaro, shahram shiva, depeche mode, jean michelle jarre, edit piaf, stamatis spanoudakis, carmina burana, madrigal,tracy chapman, evanescence, metallica,tudor gheorghe, zamfir, jewel, gregorian chants, frank zappa, new age, duke elington, the beatles, enigma, enya, hendrix, marley, dylan, tanita tikaram, goran bregovic, aretha franklin, international traditional folk music
zorba the greek, dickens'david copperfield,fellini's la dolce vita and the clowns, the thin red line, dead poet's society,hotel rwanda, frida,crash, lord of the rings, la vita e bella, la strada, fidler on the roof,ben hur, charlie chaplin, sophie's choice, the pianist, cinema paradiso, amelie,good bye lenin,the color purple,the red baloon,hero,louis de funes,monthy pyton,il postino,captain corelli's mandolin,girl with a pearl earing,anna karenina, crime and punishment, schindler's list,venetian beauty, shakespeare in love,...
discovery,nasa tv, history and animal planet.but I'd rather be outdoors my self, taking picturesHowever, living in the south, I don't really need much television. All you need to do is open wide both eyes, be observant at what is going on arround you and there you go : you've got yourself the best Reality Show ever...plenty of drama, of all sorts.
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Tolstoi, Dostoievski, Herman Hesse, Rumi,Nikos Kazantzakis,Jean Paul Sartre, Rimbaud,Tahirih,Hafiz,Maria Grazzia Delleda,Ecco, Homer,Margueritre Yourcenar, Borges,Goethe, Shakespeare, Rumi, Tagore, Pablo Neruda, Thomas Mann,Rumi,Blaga, Mircea Eliade, Cioran,Petrarca,....too many.Yes, indeed..for the price of 3 awesome beers (10$, not including shipping) you can get yourself or a dear one, 30 terrible-lame- misspelled-pittiful-yet-quite-good-some-say- LOVE poems! Hit me up with a message. Or
Tahirih, Anis,Badi, Mona, and everyday regular people, who had the courage to choose this existence, with both its misery and beauty...also, my father, who gave me the Poetry, the night I was born; he sacrificed himslef and fought to keep immagination alive by planting words into my heart, irrespective of all the tests and dificulties we went through, durring the communist regime.Superman, Catwoman, Cat Scan, Spiderman,Lizardman,Uncle Ben's Rice,Incredible Hulk, Phantomas, Boogieman, Shreck, Unicorns, Mermaids, Sandokan,Peter Pan, Zorro...you are my heroes too!!!:):)