I was raised dancing and have taken lessons since I was 4 years old! I've studied hula, tahitian, ballet, jazz, as well as bellydance. Currently I dance with Ayse Cerami as a duet, the Sisterhood Dance collective and She'enedra.My on going classes in belly dance are at the Agoura Hills/Calabasas Community Center, Body Satva Yoga studio in Thousand Oaks, Tap Academy Dance Studio in Santa Monica, and my home studio. I've also taught several workshops at belly dance events, including Tribal Caravan in California, Tribal Ford in Great Britain, the IBDC in Las Vegas, Bedouin Bazaar in San Diego. For booking and contact information please check my website www.elizartist.com
I love all music...but especially Joni Mitchell, U2, Crosby Stills Nash & Young separate and together, the Beatles, John Lennon by himself, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Django Reinhardt, Tori Amos, Lopaka Souza (mmmwwahhh!), Kenny McGill & Sol Y Luna, Scirocco, Solace, Knossos, Donavon Lerman, The Anatolian Folk Ensemble, Greg Brown, Iris DeMent, Mozart, Jimi Hendrix, Ani DeFranco, Jared Souza (Rubber Band!), Jillian Souza. Basically all musical artists who play from an authentic place in their hearts.
Upcoming shows! November 2nd taXim Studio Iqaat in Eagle Rock, Los Angeles 3515 Eagle Rock Blvd.;Los Angeles CA, 90065 Parking on street or dirt lot adjacent to studio Doors open at 7:30 : : Show begins at 8pm www.beyondbellydance.com/events.htmlNovember 4 Hips Of Fury Larry Chimbole Cultural Center 38350 Sierra Highway Palmdale, CA 93550 opens at 10am $10 admission www.hipsoffury.net/ Come cheer She'enedra on as they compete in the Ultimate Troupe catagory & Elizabeth Mahina in Tribal Fusion Solo catagoryDecember 15 Tribal Fusion Faire in San Luis Obispo with Sol y Luna www.meddevi.com/tribalfusionfaire/
The tv is broken.
The Mists of Avalon, Lone Ranger & Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, The Lord of the Rings, Dune
Georgia O'Keeffe, Artemesia Gentilleschi, Amy Goodman!!! Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Carolina Nericchio, Jill Parker, Sarah Swett... that's just a start!