belly dance!!!!!!! science fiction, SCA, the beach, Middle Eastern culture, cute boys, comic book villainesses, dragons, Hiplash, Australia, Alamkara, photography, fantasizing about a world without Dubya,
sparkly things, the Raqs-a-Belly Sweethearts,
musicians, the Kingdom of Caid,cats, Corfu, writing poetry as well as prose,
classical Persian dance, stargazing, being warm,
tip-toeing through the tulips,
hot Vikings, good literature, Star Wars,
books worth reading, NFL football, intelligently discussed politics,
the Broncos, the color pink,
Bollywood, snobby literature,old fashioned roses, collecting minions, Ants in Your Pants Belly Dance,
Because Resistance is Futile
coming up with cute outfits, being smug,
laughing, raising one eyebrow just like Steve Austin did (Spock does it too...fascinating),
yoga, making people feel happy,
environmental issues, singing,
cracking myself up, being bossy,
chick flicks, decorating,
Disneyland, silly movies,
happy bugs, procrastinating,
raqs assaya, Victoriana, kissing,
Other people in the belly dance field and other geeky people!
"For we walk by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7
Schoolhouse Rock
The Gospel of John, Heart of Darkness, Harry Potter, anything that legitimately teaches me about Middle Eastern culture
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