Shamanism -
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make your own map at: %D%Ayou standing at the otherside of or reflections int he pool of life and time. We'd take turns to ask the other questions, but no answer need be given because you would kno what I would know. %D%A%D%AWhen I'm asleep, your awake, and seemwhere betwixt the twighlight of our worlds and dreams we meet upon the crest of time where everything meets at some time or the other.%D%A%D%AIf you close your eyes and fall backwards into the deepest part of your emotion, I'll be there to catch you and never let you fall too far or too deep without being able to get back up when you want to.%D%A%D%AI only ask that mirror behind and betwixt our souls are shattered so there are no barriers between us and that love will set us free.%D%A%D%ALike you, I only want to meet somone who would really know how to listen to me in the silence of our dreams and be able to read the words spoken by my heart...%D%A%D%AI'm into 3D art big time and these are my first renderings%D%A
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%D%Amy latest 23 04 06%D%A %D%A
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incredibles, green mile, powder, foreign language films, etc
History channel, national geogrpahica, x-factor, amrican idol, x-files, star trek, simpsons
booker T washington, 'up from slavery', 'Johnathan Livingston Seagul', 'The prophet'; by khalil gibrahn, anything by harvey jackins, steven covey, anthony robbins. alan or barbara pease, tracey cox, basically anything to do with personal growth
My mum, 'Miss Dee', Booker T Washington, Martijn Luther King, Ghandi, Bottisatvah, Nelsoin mandela, Steve biko, karl marx, lenin, Tao, Sai Babba