Garvey profile picture


What part of fuhsd ytopenr can't you understand?

About Me

ask me and I'll tell you, all the dreams and whispers I have heard. I'll tell you about the sound of each tear that scarred my face as fell drowning my heart in the sorrow of losing you again. %D%A%D%A
Click to zoom in on my visitor map!
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%D%A %D%AI'll tell you about the deafeing silence that shook room once you had left and closedthe door and how the walls turned to mountainous cliff faces so I couldn't climb out of my nightmare and follow you.%D%A%D%AI tell youi about the smiles and laughter that you bring to the world and how there would always be an empty spot without you. There would always be that one significant voice missing. It'd be like listening to all the musicians in the world playing with only one hand.%D%A%D%ALife can't go on with out you, you're the other beat to my heart beat, the voice I hear when I open my mouth and where would I go to hide from all the pain if you were not here to protect me, surely without you, we'd all go insane.%D%A%D%AThere's no me without%D%A%D%Astay a while and talk a little, I'd like to hear of your adventures.%D%A%D?hat with me on msn [email protected]%D%A%D%AHere's a lin k to my hero and ours
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%D%A Free Myspace Cursors ..

My Interests

Shamanism -

I'd like to meet:

Click to zoom in on my visitor map!

make your own map at: %D%Ayou standing at the otherside of or reflections int he pool of life and time. We'd take turns to ask the other questions, but no answer need be given because you would kno what I would know. %D%A%D%AWhen I'm asleep, your awake, and seemwhere betwixt the twighlight of our worlds and dreams we meet upon the crest of time where everything meets at some time or the other.%D%A%D%AIf you close your eyes and fall backwards into the deepest part of your emotion, I'll be there to catch you and never let you fall too far or too deep without being able to get back up when you want to.%D%A%D%AI only ask that mirror behind and betwixt our souls are shattered so there are no barriers between us and that love will set us free.%D%A%D%ALike you, I only want to meet somone who would really know how to listen to me in the silence of our dreams and be able to read the words spoken by my heart...%D%A%D%AI'm into 3D art big time and these are my first renderings%D%A
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%D%Amy latest 23 04 06%D%A %D%A

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incredibles, green mile, powder, foreign language films, etc


History channel, national geogrpahica, x-factor, amrican idol, x-files, star trek, simpsons


booker T washington, 'up from slavery', 'Johnathan Livingston Seagul', 'The prophet'; by khalil gibrahn, anything by harvey jackins, steven covey, anthony robbins. alan or barbara pease, tracey cox, basically anything to do with personal growth


My mum, 'Miss Dee', Booker T Washington, Martijn Luther King, Ghandi, Bottisatvah, Nelsoin mandela, Steve biko, karl marx, lenin, Tao, Sai Babba

My Blog

magic roundabout crew

Characters characters I have  modelled  
Posted by Garvey on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 07:49:00 PST

Even when your fat

Love is unfair, don't get me wrong it a good thing, when it's found to be strong between two people. But how many times have you loved and not have htem love you back? How many times did they never no...
Posted by Garvey on Tue, 15 May 2007 08:30:00 PST

On reflection

On reflection Sat here, on this rock, looking into a pool of sea water, watching a microscopi universe. I look up into the cler blue sky and wonder who'se looking down at me? I wonder about the univer...
Posted by Garvey on Wed, 09 May 2007 07:25:00 PST

Be grateful you have a life

Be grateful you have a lifeWhat is life? Is it a struggle for love or is it a struggle for life? Is it full of stress so much so you feel like you want to take someones life?We might feel alone and th...
Posted by Garvey on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 12:02:00 PST

Who am I?

Who am I? He who was no one, he wans to be somone in someones's heart. A shadow, fleeting at the corner of your mind, a word forgotten on the edge of your tongue, a dream almost remembered but forgott...
Posted by Garvey on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 12:04:00 PST

Demons amongst us

here's a drawing I did on sunday before I started my anatomy studies so I could show what I can do now and waht I'll be able to do after     ...
Posted by Garvey on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 08:28:00 PST

Anatomy study - Skull

here I am again study skulls - boning up lol on anatomy   ...
Posted by Garvey on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 08:23:00 PST

I feel like I'm falling

I feel like I'm falling   Never knew that life would come to a moment like this? Where all the memories of joy, fun and rromantic bliss would reall feel like a part of me that I would miss. Never...
Posted by Garvey on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 09:44:00 PST

My lady sleeps

My lady sleeps Night sings a minuet, and my lady falls alseep. The stage for the day has passed its last act and the audience leaves to fall asleep. As the curtains fall, doors are locked, things put ...
Posted by Garvey on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 01:23:00 PST

Eye in colour

drew an eye to colour in on photoshop
Posted by Garvey on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 09:10:00 PST