I live for live bands (I love my metal), goth clubs and the occasional night in. I love B C Rich Guitars, making my own outfits and other creative endeavours. In the past I've been a volunteer for the Under the Blue Moon Festival in Newtown, for a series of showcase gigs in September 2005. I also love collecting dolls, you'll find Bleeding Edge Goth dolls, Living Dead Dolls, porcelain dolls and Nightmare before Christmas action figures cluttering my bedroom! Not to mention hundreds upon hundreds of CDs, dress patterns, fancy clothing and the like!
People with similar tastes in music etc to what I have - Goths, punks, metal fans, musically minded people!
I appreciate many genres of music but i predominantly listen to metal. I'm fussy with any music outside of metal so if you're a band, don't get surly if I deny your friend request (ie don't bombard me with your friend requests if I click "deny")!
The bands I like include Eyefear, Vanishing Point, Evergrey, Iron Maiden, Black Majesty, WASP, Destroyer 666... Wacken Open Air exposed me to some awesome European bands such as Moonsorrow, Suidakra, Drone, Mennen and Sonic Syndicate, and also other internationals such as Torture Squad and Cthonic.
Favourite movies: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, From Dusk Till Dawn, Sleepy Hollow, Night of the Living Dead, The Shining, A Clockwork Orange, The Butterfly Effect, Star Wars trilogy, Carrie, Full Metal Jacket, South Park: bigger, longer and uncut, Secretary, The Craft, SAW, School of Rock, Finding Nemo, Lilo & Stitch, Shrek & Shrek 2, Tank Girl...
favourite directors: Tim Burton, Stanley Kubrick, Peter Jackson, Paul Verehoven, James Cameron, Dario Argento, Peter Weir...
Favourite Australian movies: The Castle, Fat Pizza: the movie, Mad Max (aka the Road Warrior), Occasional Coarse Language, Picnic at Hanging Rock, and many others that I can't think of right now...
I don't watch much TV but when I can be bothered turning on the idiot box it's usually CSI or a movie I watch.
Stephen King, Wilbur Smith, Tom Clancy, Matthew Reilly, Paul Adam, Michael Creighton, Frank Herbert.
The bands I've met who are down-to-earth gentlemen/women.IF we're talking people I know, my family and friends.