my band add =)
Modern day Jeckyll and Hyde can accurately portray
me...Perfectly Flawed...walking and talking
Im quite the pathological liar aka deciever of the
wicked..though I prefer the term "actor" I tend to lie to
myself mainly,it keeps me sane....I will purposly fuck you
over and mess with your head and try to make your life a
fucking misery If I decide you are a evil person...If the
so called Christian cunt God can judge than I will
too..this will probably disturb you,but you disturb me
more with your lack of intelligence and degrading judging christians know deep down what I speak
will never admit it,but I know it haunts you everynight,I
know I been there...If you want to break free and destroy
your pathetic faith and know the truth..then talk to me,I
can open your eyes to things that will change you forever
and your whole view on the world and life..Ignorance my be
bliss,but the truth is priceless agony that will never
ever leave,though it hurts I can sleep at night now
finally...soul at ease or mind at ease? fuck the soul,no
mind no soul,no soul=the greatest minds...
My nice side follows this to the death...
All your sins will help to make you strong
That I may seek rather to comfort, than to be comforted.
That I may seek to understand rather than to be understood
And help you break right through the prison wall
That I may seek to love, rather than to be loved,
for it is by self-forgetting that one finds,
it is by forgiving that one is forgiven
Keep all of me, the desires
That once burned me deep inside
Help me live today and help to give me grace
To carry out your ways
I am ready, help me be all I can be
I am ready, help guide me and keep me brave
I am responsible when anyone, anywhere
Reaches out for help, I want my hand to be there
I am responsible when anyone, anywhere
Reaches out for help, I want my hand to be there