Willerby profile picture


If you can't beat them....EAT THEM!!

About Me

IT'S MICK'S BIRTHDAY AND WE HAVE WORLD FAMOUS CAGED BABY TO HELP THE CELEBRATIONS. ON THIS NIGHT WE WILL SHOW YOU JUST HOW MUCH WE LOVE YOU ALL WITH A FORMATION DANCE BY MICK AND MYSELF AND THAT IS DEFINITELY NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. SO DON'T MISS IT!!All the way from sunny Australia...A man like Dirty South...Residents in residence....KABUKI [formerly Sumo, Middle Street, Brighton]is hosting the next big throw-down between ELECTRO and BREAKS. Myself and Senor Mick will be showing The Face Man and Lord Pork Chop the Way Of The Exploding Bleep....Be there to witness a "happening"!Insectoid-android rave sex noises all night long!!!Indie-garage-cannibal beats and gospel crunk shizzle for people with ants in their pants......If you can't beat 'em, EAT 'EM.I shall be spreading the good news to the Stompaphunk massive in Brighton.Whoop-di-woop....alongside the music there will be free Wagon Wheels given out on the door and a special game of Hooplah where the winners get to jump the queue!You will find none of the above at Unkool...apart from Geddes of course.More Electro, robot-rock, nu-rave, dirt-sex-noise, and b-more bashment to help you upgrade yourself into a socially acceptable auton for 2007.IT'S ALL LOVE!!!
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Hmmm....I am a workaholic media droid, photographer, dj, producer that goes out too much and should try to get some sleep on occassion....but life is too short to be concerned with that right now. On a contradictory note...I have been known to relax once in a while. Crusoes bar in Oludeniz in Turkey, early september at sundown...you'll find me there relaxing with a cold glass of Efes and a big, big smile on my face.Check out my lastest Robot-Funk mix at the following:-www.margeir.com/music/guest-selectors or www.throwsomeshapes.com

My Interests

Food is the most reliable joy known to human kind....other than that, I'll give anything a go once. You don't know if you'll like it until you've tasted it....And it might even be fun....Get involved...Music....Music feeds me and makes me oscillate in the head....Hats are good......Moments of clarity or enlightenment...The confused moment before enlightenment....Discovering a song that really touches you...Meeting a new person that you feel you knew forever...Appreciating the wealth contained in old friendships...Anything to do with water...swimming..diving....ringos...drinking it sometimes....Paragliding in Turkey....Booze....Sambuca....[the glue that binds us together]....Lucozade Sport...Bed Hair...Pirates and monkeys [If you could mix the two and be a Pirate monkey, that could possibly be the best thing ever]....Rollerblading....Snowboarding....Travelling....I am at my best whilst travelling and meeting people in new places.....Paradoxes excite me....["The next thing I say is true. The last thing I said was a lie."]....Dancing in your underwear as though no-one is watching [especially square dancing in girls knickers at Bestival].....in fact, dancing is always fun, full stop.....Burping loudly when you have headphones on.....Being a gent one day and then a gentleman rogue the next.....Robot trooper pants...ROBOTS in general are shiny and cool [or even evil and criminal]....Art galleries...Unusual buildings...Intrigue...Long pointless talks that solve all of the worlds problems...Daydreaming...Photography....People with a unique sense of humour...Laughing till it hurts....Girls that are mental....Old school hardcore....This list will change all the time....These are just things I have just done this week....[jus' kidding ya!]....PS...I like lists....

I'd like to meet:

Monica Belucci behind the bike shed at breaktime... width="425" height="350".. ..And some robots....


Q Lazzarus - "Goodbye Horses"


Anything that I can watch with my eyes closed [seriously....]The Big Lebowski.. L'Apartement.. Withnail and I.. [What's your name, Mac Fuck?] Early Bond movies.. Amelie.. Static.. Weird Science.. The Shining.. Ju-On.. Audition.. City Of God.. Rear Window.. Lost In Translation.. Rushmore.. Lord Of The Rings.. Chopper.. Two Hands.. 2001.. The Lives Of Others..


Curb Your Enthusiasm.. Spongebob Squarepants.. Nathan Barley.. Lost.. The Thick Of It.. South Park.. The Sky At Night.. Around The World In 80 Treasures.. Wildlife and travel programmes.. Adam And Joe.. Channel 4.. Never Mind The Buzzcocks.. Friday Night With Johnathon Ross.. In depth documentaries.. Eurovision Song Contest.. Anything that involves bucket loads of Schadenfreude.. Lost.. Moving Wallpaper..Quality ads..like this one...


"The Lucifer Principle" by Howard Bloom


Check out my lastest ROBOT-FUNK mix at the following:-www.throwsomeshapes.com..