Johnny Hot Body profile picture

Johnny Hot Body

On April 6th, 2007, I found validity on 42nd St. Thanks guys. I needed that.

About Me

The New Episode of Americas Bad Kids

My Interests

Its here.

I'd like to meet:

The McPoyle Brothers


I am too much metal for one boy.


Man, where do I begin? My favorite film of all time is Pee Wee's Big Adventure and the greatest film of all time is Network. I'm an IFC's Ultimate Film Fanatic contestant. I worked at an independent video store, and I was a film major in college. I love Peter Jackson's Bad Taste, Stuart Gordon's Re-animator, Paul Bartel's Death Race 2000, Frank Henenlotter's Basket Case, Tobe Hooper's Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I like all the Spike Jones and Michelle Gondry movies. I love Jack Hill, Sam Rami, HG Lewis. How could I forget Terry Gilliam, who his very poor and I like out of pity. A great dead director is Sergio Leone, who did the greatest Western of all time, Il Buno, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo. Speaking of that movie you need to recognize Clint Eastwood. If you didn't like Million Dollar Baby check out Unforgiven but not before The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.


Classic TV but not too classic. A-Team, Star Trek the Next Generation, Different Strokes. The only current TV I watch is build shows on The Discovery Channel and Intervention on A&E, and of course Cookie Party.


Biography and True Crime. I love biographies of shanty people like Harley Race and Evel Knevel.


Mr.T and the whole A-Team. 16 time World Heavyweight Champion of the world Ric Flair. Indian Larry. Roger Corman.