About Me
Pink Widow were a band from 2001-2008. We had a fucking blast. Most people didn't give a shit about us, concerned more with passing fads and bands 6 months old with no musical talent but the right image. To the few that did care, we are eternally grateful, thanks for giving us so many memories.
We had the pleasure of sharing stages with:
The Dillinger Escape Plan (USA)
Poison The Well (USA)
Enter Shikari
Fell Silent
No Made Sense
Fei Comodo
Beyond All Reason
Eighth Day Descent
To name but a few of the hundreds of bands we played with over the years
The last 3 bands each played a significant role in our time together as a band. We shared many great times with them all.
"'Pink Widow are clearly a talented bunch, and it’s encouraging to hear a young band stick to the heavier end of the post-hardcore spectrum and change things around a little. This is a promising EP from a promising band. Hopefully, the inventiveness here will bode well for a full length album.."
(4/5) - Rock Something Reviews
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"'We Are The Spiders' Prey" takes the hardcore complexity of Every Time I Die and throws it in with the melody of Exit Ten. With angry hardcore sections letting way to quieter, atmospheric sections, the song keeps you interested, and surprised at what's coming next.."
(4.5/5) - Scene Not Heard Reviews
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"band with the confidence charisma and flair to stick to what they want to do and on top of that, do it well.
A pleasant mix of heavy and light guitars and drumming with a random vocal style at every turn. A band that the younger generation of metal fans will definetely get into and cause some carnage.. "
(7/10) - No More Room In Hell
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"Impressive screaming, sometimes that’s enough to get me hooked - but throw in some truly amazing riffs, style changes and breakdowns, and well, you could hang a coat on me, y’know, down there! Think the mentalist tendencies of Reuben meets System Of A Down via Dillinger Escape Plan…"
- Subba-Cultcha
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"Pink Widow are one of the best unsigned Metal/Hardcore bands in the UK known. From the 2004 released EP 'Spontaneity' to the 2006 EP 'Remains of Humanity' their music improves constantly and every song written to perfection with 2 guitarists and 2 vocalists, giving this band everything they need including potential to get there. To sum it up short 'This band have everything to get huge in the Hardcore/Metal scene."
DropDeadDisco Promotions
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" First impressions; Hundred Reasons meets Poison the Well. ‘We are the Spiders’ Prey’ is something of a parody of what is meant by ‘normal’. They claim to be influenced by the likes of The Dillinger Escape Plan, Skindred and Reuben. I can understand most of those but they certainly don’t sound like them, which is never a bad thing; you want to sound independent and solitary. Pink Widow achieves this and has some awesome guitar solos and I haven’t heard good ones in a long time.
Pink Widow are a band that are defiantly breaking into the music world and no doubt will be big soon enough
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"Pink Widow are trudging their way into the hardcore scene. Their sound is a lot more experimental, and implements rocking vibes and psychedelic structures that are downright weird when paired amongst the heavier portions of this short EP."
(7/10) - Ultimate Metal
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"Having shared the stage with such luminaries as Dillinger Escape Plan, Poison The Well and Skindred, Pink Widow take elements of all three as well as mixing in such influences as Sikth and System Of A Down to create an EP that isn't too easy to categorise.
This is a band you will be hearing more about in the future."
(4/5) - Metal Team UK
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"Pink Widow aren't the fastest, loudest most skull-crushing metal band around, but their music packs a kick to the chest - this is because of the variation in their music. The general texture builds up and breaks down to great effect, mixing melody with crushing downtuned chords. Pink Widow's greatest asset though, is their singer, who schizophrenically switches between melodic singing and hardcore screaming as if it were the most natural thing in the world"
Punk Scene
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(At Wulfrun Hall, supporting The Dillinger Escape Plan and Poison The Well
"Pink Widow fall into the latter camp tonight. Melding System Of A Down-esque nutterisms to a dash of Sikth-like catchy technicality, and fusing these to their own fairly pummelling concoction of nu-metal gone very mental, the group blaze their way through an impressive set, gradually winning over the initially arms-folded crowd. The singer's stage presence helps this along considerably, his utterly maniacal gaze sweeping the audience then tilting upwards to the ceiling, as if imploring the demons pulling his strings to go the extra mile. They wear their influences on their sleeve a little too much for my taste, but I wouldn't be averse to seeing them again. A decent warm-up for what's to come, then. 6.5/10"
- Ultimate Metal