Previous bands and people we have put on include Antimaniax, Ghost Mice, Fighting Shit, Four Dumb Kids, The Machines Will Take Over..., Whiskey Sunday, The Dauntless Elite, The Phoenix Foundation, Latterman, Ruin You!, Shermer, The Great St. Louis, Black Cougar Shock Unit, You Me and the Atom Bomb, Grabass Charlestons, The SWord, Knotarot, Brutal Justice, Salt Union, The Plague Mass, Eighth Day Descent, Montana, The Gun Hill Dancers, Harvey Angel, Random Heroes, !!!ACTIVATE THE SNAKE!!!, Venerea, Overhung, Curtis Eller, Mia Riddle, Pog, Tokyo Adventures, Pictures Paint Words, What Price Wonderland?, Vegetables, Chillerton, Circus Act and a bunch of others.