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V3.6 !
ConverGe, BlaCk FlAg, the BrOnx, GallOws, WallS Of JeriCho, BounCing SOuls, GiVe uP the GhOst, MinOr ThreAt, BeAstie BOys, the DwArves, RamOnes, the ClAsh, StriKe AnywheRe, F-minUs, FucKed Up, HOt Water MusiC, PoisOn the WEll, Norma JeAn, SociAl DistOrtiOn, 7 SecOnds, RiSe AgAinst, InternAtional NoiSe ConSpirAcy, FugAzi, RocKet frOm the CryPt, Bad BrAins, EverytiMe i Die, FaiTH nO MoRe, tHE SouNdS, ScrEEchINg WeASel, Mike PattOn, Henry ROllins, JellO BiafrA, X,
SubURbia, RepO Man, AmeriCan HistOry X, DonNie DarKo, aNImAL hOuSe, SwinGers, 12 MonKeys, Kids, PulP FicTion, True RomAnce, GrosSe PoinT BlAnk, HallOween, theWanDerers
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