Buddyfolks profile picture


Give us the teachings of his majesty...

About Me

Buddyfolks is an Atlanta born emcee "microphone controller" around these parts.Being born in a city like Atlanta gives Buddy a unique sound with rootsbased in funk, rock, reggae and definantly Hip-Hop music. Buddyfolks isunique himself,coming from the time in hip-hop where lyrics really meantsomething Buddyfolks perfected his craft, and is Always growing higher andhigher "positivity and love is what the world needs and wants, put it together and yougot positive love." It's definantly a movement,whenever Buddyfolks blessesa microphone expect to hear good wholesome music that doesn't soundcorny or off the wall. Once you hear this emcee on a mic device best belive itwill always come out nice so listen and enjoy and spread the movement allaround help it MOVE

My Interests


Member Since: 2/25/2006
Band Website: [email protected]
Band Members: Buddyfolks
Influences: A tribe called quest, de la soul, poor righteous teachers and outkast. a href="http://www.LifeNets.net/darfur/darfur.php?t=fol1" Click here to learn what's happening in Darfur, Sudan
Sounds Like: The Greatest of all Time
Record Label: indie
Type of Label: None

My Blog

identity crisis

Afrikan, Negro, Nigger, Colored, Black, Afro-Amerikkkan, Afrikan-Amerikkkan,Amerikkkan that's not to mention the other names that labeled us but it's these titles and more that put us on the back of t...
Posted by Buddyfolks on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 11:12:00 PST

All one people(yeah right)

The new chevy commercial says "This is our country" but it's full of white folks and what caters to them this is no longer funny.Now you have some blackfolks who say none of this matters,but try to ge...
Posted by Buddyfolks on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 09:59:00 PST