Hey all...Glad you stopped by!
For my new spirit-siblings that are stopping in...Great to meetcha!!
The question I get asked most of all is: What language are you singing in?"
I have no idea:)
When I was a kid I used to call it my 'prayer language'. For me it's a "heart-connect"....nothing like music for expressing the untethered aspects of our existance.
We all have our gifts, yes?
We all have our connection to 'source'.
This is my manifestation:)
I look forward to being introduced to YOURS!
All love,
PS - Snag some of the Desktops and Buddy Icons...they're FREE and when you see them large...OMG...such great artwork that was created for this CD by my best buddy Alexio!
There are more on my website :) My fave is OPEN.. See it here
I found this amazing site where you can help people... Kiva.org .
Lemme know whatcha think...
Shining Star:
Do you Google? If yes, why not try GoodSearch.com and help some kids?
Everytime you search, a penny goes to the charity or school of your choice. I support Shining Star School of Oregon. How easy, eh?
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