Superholic, the self-proclaimed "Southern Mountain Doom Troop" is a three-piece (sometimes four-piece) band out of Cedar Falls, Iowa. In 2005, they released their debut album "Stone Dead Reflection" and began playing shows in support of the release. The band fuses old-school metal, rock, and blues for a sound that's both modern and a throwback to the formative bands of the 70's and 80's rock and metal scene. With the brand-new lineup of founding member Tom Garman on guitars and vocals, Johnny Steiert moving in on drums, new bassist Brent Estlund, and the massive presence of the "Amish Bulldozer" Chrome Pipe blowin' the Harp of Doom, Superholic looks to make their presence felt on stage and on the road. A local favorite in Cedar Falls, Superholic are currently at Rancho Bizarro Studios finishing up the recording of their follow-up cd. Keep checking back for more information.
Keep checking back, more updates are coming soon with some music and possibly other surprises!I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
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