Southern Metal Alliance(Ohio) profile picture

Southern Metal Alliance(Ohio)

About Me

Welcome to the SOUTHERN METAL ALLIANCE. The Southern Metal Alliance is an exclusive club of bands, musicians, and music industry proffessionals that are dedicated to the support and growth of the Metal scene. They are those that go above and beyond the call to support each other in any way needed to make this happen. The SMA consists of bands, and others in the music industry that tour together, jam together and party together. The SMA is NOT a motorcycle club although many of us do ride together, but is a club whose members are voted in based on their dedication, respect, honor, and support of the metal scene. The SMA patches are handed out personally by the heads of the SMA. They cannot be bought, and they CANNOT be worn by ANYONE other than respective members. However, a line of support clothing is coming soon for those that aren't members and would like to show their support. If you have any questions about the SMA please feel free to send us a message here or to the main myspace page at . -GFM- God Family Metal-
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Member Since: 27/06/2007
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Record Label: Unsigned

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