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stay offa my property fukkers
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I dont like it wen muskeeters fly reel close buy my ears cus I try smakinem en I get a hedake. Uh likes a gerl hu can bust open walnut shells wit harass. Mu momma say Cletus, wun day yu gonna make sum girl a very happy wummun, long as yu stop all dat gay homo shit, en try en ferget what yer uncle used tu doo to ya (he try usin mu buthole asa pencil sharpner) he in prison now were he blong (momma say its not my fault) She says i gotta leev them nebers chikens alone tu, find a nise gurl insted, en maybe not tellem about the herpes now dat the sores are healed.... Dis here gerl wants tu have mu baby, dis what she sayin bout me:......................................................... ............................................................ the fact that your 44 years and using a fake name to lure young girls on my space is very funny to me. i can see not much has changed with you, your still fat old and pathetic and now you are following in the footsteps of your children to create your own profile on my space. whats even funnier to me is that you actually thought i was your friend and that i would add you to my, my space friends list. if you really wanna know exactly how i feel about you well then here it is:1. your old fat and pathetic 2. your in a dead end job and will never retire happy live in a trailor park and own a boat that you have to get your company to pay for (again pathetic see line # 1) get joy in making others miserable because you have failed at life( again pathetic see line # 1) think you are funny and clever however someone is always one step ahead of you ( take a step back and look at the big picture oh thats right your so fat you are the big picture.) 6. the 70's called they want their style back 7. Hawaii 5'O ended years ago now its time for you to shave the moustache and wax the chest hair no one looks like that anymore. 8. your fat 9.try driving your own damn boat instead of using company money to pay someone to drive it for you he obviously doesnt like you since your damn boat never wins a race. 10.i hope all your teeth fall out but one and in that one you have an eternal tooth ache. but thats not to far from reality since your a redneck anyway.p.s. since you have no luck with women maybe you start trying men maybe mike since you already have a thing for him.Previous................................................ ............................................................ .................... ??Which colour of Death is yours??
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My Interests

HI.....My name is Cletus Nathanial Buckwort. I lik makaroni en cheese an my favrite color is west virginia, I like tu stick firecrackers in the buttholes of fish. I dont go to flee markets anymore cus the poleece always wanna ask me wy I hide in the bushes en stare at the yung gerls. I like tappen on the glass at the pet storr wen the sine says "Do not tappen on the glass", en burnin ants wit my magnifying glass, playin in refrigerater boxes, followin the mosquito sprayin truck on mu bicycle, en I can fit mu hole fist in mu mouth, en tree fingers in mu left nosehole en I can count to 9 (eye used tobee able to cownt tu ten till I tryed fixin mu mower). I like tu build tree forts, but eye cant climb good, I luv the rain cus it makes the worms easyer to get, en I drink milk frum a saucer (sumtimes) an drinkin soda thru a straw an when it gets empty it makes that noise en everybody lookin at ya. I like the smella glew, en I no how tu light mu farts on fire,. Im realy strong, sum say it's cus Ima retard, day say Cletus, you gots that retard strength. I dont taka bath often, cus Ima busy persen, thet why I smell like a buncha nitecrawlers thet been left in yer tackle box, en i aint got no dental inserance ether (en my teeth stink too). I no how to pump mu own gas en I like collektin dryer lint en small cardbored boxes, an i like them yung skinny italian birds wit no mustache that dig them nails in mu back and bust up de furniture when they get der freak on.He He, oh yea!!

I'd like to meet:

Dee's are my boys:Dis my half siser Mike

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Completely Ridiculously Random (i dont think ive ever seen these questions before...)
What is the single largest item in your house?: Me, I'm a big fat shit
How well can you write your name with your non dominant hand?: cant do it
What color is your bedroom?: cardboard
What type of computer mouse do you use?: white, with one ball like myself
What is your earliest memory?: being molested by my uncle
Have you ever jumped off of a high dive?: I can't climb
Do you take vitamins?: no
When did you first become interested in the oppsite sex?: when my uncle was arrested
Do you like to color inside the lines?: I eat the crayons
What do you have set as your home page?:
Do you have your own radio?: yes, yes i do
Where would you hate to have to work?: Where i work now, place is shit
Who is on your speed dial?: My therapist, I use the same worthless hore as geico caveman
Do you prefer lightbulbs or candles?: flashlights
How much money did you spend today?: $14.39
What are you sitting on right now?: my fat ass
Do you look at yourself when you pass by reflective surfaces?: shiny things catch my eye. I flex in them.
Would you ever get plastic surgery?: If they made me
Did you play with shaving cream when you were a kid?: Me and my uncle, but he's in prison now and mom say's it's not my fault
How big is your bed?: 3 hay bails
Do you like the smell of axe?: I love the smell of ass
What is your favorite flavor of lifesavers?: Red
Have you ever seen a volcano?: no, never
What is the best halloween costume you've ever worn?: 1 sock, that's it.
What kind of soap do you use?: I don't
Can you snowboard?: no
How many icons do you have on your dekstop?: 39
What is the biggest amount of money you've ever had at one time?: $14.39
Do you understand how telephones work?: nope,
Do you write notes on your body?: I carve obcsenities in my skin with a knife
What is the prominent color in your closet?: cardboard
What is sitting next to you right now?: my rabbit
Do you believe in lots of conspiracies?: life is a conspiracy
Do you own any really old video game systems?: I have a segaspywaymasterbaiterbot
Are you good at baking?: yes, yes i am
Have you ever made your own clothing?: I make my clothing from my pets
How many doors does your house have?: 4 flaps that fold over
Do you prefer tootsie pops or blow pops?: blowjo------ blowpops
Do you sneak into movie theatres?: nope
Are you a really fast text messager?: nope
Do you have anything you keep on you 24/7?: Funk
Do you usually write in print or in cursive?: I curse alot.
What was your first job?: bagging groceries
Do you prefer crushed ice or cubed?: crushed ice because its colder
What print is on your plates or cups in your kitchen?: Elks's
Have you ever made a mixed cd for someone?: no
What do you want to buy from an infomercial?: grow pills
Do you believe that animals have souls?: Not the ones i been with
What word/phrase do you find really annoying?: LOL
Do you have a lava lamp or a black light?: If i hadda black light, it probably wouldn't work.
Do you find yourself not having enough electrical outlets?: yes, always
What is the longest you can wait patiently?: a loooooong time
Have you ever been under anesthesia?: yep, en she's perty hot.
Are your fingernails long or short?: short with gross stuff underneath
Are you afraid of bright colors?: Terrified
Has anyone ever accused you of being gay?: my boyfriend did because i wouldn't give him a reacharound.
Can you tell people honest things to their face?: always
Would you rather eat grits or oatmeal?: I would rather eat shit than oatmeal
Do you own a kite?: yes
Have you ever run down and up escalator or vice versa?: no
What do you think of clothing for pets?: yes, I wear pets for clothing
Do you tend to want things you cannot have?: I take what i want
Is it true that you can be anything you want to be?: They say that in school so when you end up bagging groceries you dont feel so bad
Were your parents honest to you about serious things when you were little?: no, never
Would you ever dye your hair purple?: No, thats gay
Who do you think should play you in a movie?: Rosie Odonnell
Would you ever kill someone?: Have
Do you prefer stripes or polka dots?: dots
Do you dot your i's and cross your t's?: yep, always
Are you double jointed in any way?: yes, i can scratch my ass with my foot
What kind of super power do you wish you had?: I offend everyone
Are you easily offended?: yes, I'm sensitive, but my hore therapist is helping me with that
How often do you watch the news?: only when I'm on it
Do you have nightmares very much?: I give them
Which power ranger was your favorite?: The pink one
Did the movie Jaws ever scare you?: yes, lots of bad acting
Have you ever cried to get away with something?: at work, yes
What do you think of feminists?: Their penis's are bigger than mine
Are you friends with anyone famous?: Yes, see my friend list
Do you lack common sense sometimes?: He He
Are you afraid of snakes?: yes
Do you use recycle bins at your house?: yes
How hot do you like the water in your shower?: Hot, like myself
Do you ever walk around your house naked?: other peoples houses
What is your favorite art form?: Bust's
Do you want to be bilingual?: I am bisexual
Is energy wasted on little kids?: little kids are snotlikers
Do you lie to make people feel better?: yea, right
How many times a day do you look at the clock?: never, i cannot tell time
Do you like to organize things?: yes
Are you going to have smile lines or frown lines when you're older?: I still do lines
Do you floss your teeth every day?: have no teeth
Do you like the game red rover?: bend over?
Which is better, thick crust or thin?: Thick!!
How good are you at keeping secrets?: really good
What stupid little thing really stresses you out?: liers
Can you remember what you wore yesterday?: same thing i got on now
Which Disney parks have you been to?: none
What do you think the drinking age should be?: 13
Do you like to wear socks?: I wear one, but not on my feet
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Blowin across da topa soda botles (uh like the soun thet make). Playin de spoons en a corse de banjo, en snapin maryloo's bra strap.


I lik them moovees where sumbody lookin in peeples winders, en they get killt, en nobody no whu done it, en dem cops a scachin there heds en askin alota kwestons.


I aint got won. Uh sneek over crossa street en wach mu nebers thru der winder. I lik that show daylite wit cris hansen wen he say "Hi there, Why don'tcha have a seat" and then he sed "what ya gonna doo wit them ther condoms boy?" En, oh yea, I like Hawaii Five O cause of their hair.


I like tu read them labels on spray cans when ima settin on the can goin poo, comic books (old wuns) en boy's life magezeen.


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Ya gotta help out dem dare Polar Bears,

My Blog

Whut sine are you??????

..> Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 10) You have an inventive mindand are inclined to be progressive. You lie a great deal. You make mistakes repeatedly because your stupid. Everyone thinks your a fuckin jerk...
Posted by CLETUS on Sun, 27 May 2007 05:51:00 PST

I got me a gun rak now

        I gots me a white ferd crew cab dewly desel en I jus installed a gun rak in the back winder. Aint no shitinya. My neber gavev it too me en says he got it at ...
Posted by CLETUS on Thu, 24 May 2007 08:27:00 PST

R.I.P. Jerry Falwell

          It was revealed on the news today that Reverend Jerry Falwell dropped dead for no apparent reason (other than being fat and out of shape). "Holy ...
Posted by CLETUS on Wed, 16 May 2007 05:52:00 PST

Reel kwik joke

Q. What do Tupperware and a walrus have in common?A. They both like a tight seal   Cletus...
Posted by CLETUS on Fri, 11 May 2007 06:51:00 PST

Holy Shit

         In a shocking news release today, ABC officials announced that Rosie O Donnell, co host of the popular mind dump the "View", is no longer permitted to ...
Posted by CLETUS on Fri, 11 May 2007 06:46:00 PST

Heres the deal (yea, I'm pissed off)

..>            It's 6:18 AM at the supermarket, I'm buying milk and cereal for my kids, and some lettuce for my rabbit (yes, I have a pet rabbit and my...
Posted by CLETUS on Wed, 02 May 2007 05:05:00 PST

Assclown Rosie Odonnell steps down

It was reported on the news today that fat jerk Assclown Rosie Odonell will be stepping down from her position of humiliating herself on the TV show the "View". Rosie claims it was a voluntary decisio...
Posted by CLETUS on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 03:41:00 PST

Don't buy gas day?? WTF??

..> Don't buy gas day?? WTF?? Body: I have recieved several bulletins claiming May 15 is don't buy gas day. The idea being, if nobody buy's gas that day, the oil companies would be forced to lower ...
Posted by CLETUS on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 04:48:00 PST

Wat up wit dem napy hare niggers??

Why all dem napy hare niggers pissed off at Don Amus? He taka baf en go tu werk, dem napy hare niggers dont. They smell werse then me. I jus dont get it. He got thet nice ranch were he help ...
Posted by CLETUS on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 06:08:00 PST

Hillbilly Love Poem

..> Suzie Anne done fell in love; She planned to marry Joe. She was so happy 'bout it all She told her Pappy so. Pappy told her, "Susie gal, You'll have to find another. I'd just as soon yo'Ma don't...
Posted by CLETUS on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 09:25:00 PST