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Martian CHIPS


About Me

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Hey there and welcome to the wonders of myspace! All I'm going to say here is that my space is dedicated to my passion in music which is continously growing. My main ones being Lukas Rossi . He's got some great stuff with previous bands Cleavage, and Rise Electric. As well as the newer stuff Rockstar Supernova and now new material for Stars Down.
The amazing band Craine who are soon to hit stardom!! They are a very talented band here in the UK. Please check them out - link below. Plus I have my own page dedicated to Craine , please check in my friends list - CraineDevon . It is also in support of other bands, mainly in my area in Devon as well as others.
Another band Missing Andy also in my friends list who recently with their talent captured my soul. These are going to be massive! Please check them out.
I also love all the friends that make this place what it is and meeting ppl.I hope to meet more of you!
If you want to know more about me, check my blogs in what I like to do.... Artwork/Poetry/Songs that are from the heart, things that have inspired me and stuff that I am passionate about. I also love going to gigs when I can. Infact its my natural high.
MISSING ANDY "SORT IT OUT"Add to My Profile | More Videos

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My Interests

A tribute poem I wrote for Lukas Rossi from his Toronto concert....

This is just the beginning

Oh so gorgeous, Oh so gorgeous
Standing in the spotlight
And you so earnt it, so earnt it
To see you, I so yearn it

To feel the full force of your presence
I could almost feel the sweat...your essence
Owning the stage as you dance around
Your dream come true, your home ground

Feeling the impact of the crowd
Tremouring through oh so loud, so loud
Feel every soul touching you
Cos we love you, we so love you

Everyone calling out your name
Fills the air, no space remains
And as you stand there overcome
For you cannot speak, the tears they nearly come

And I myself and everyone here
So happy, so happy, my heart sings a cheer
For your dream has finally come true
After 15 yrs of what was so blue

The impact of you so deep
What people take away they will always keep
In their hearts, minds and souls
The music in you makes us whole

And this is just the beginning
And this is just the beginning
Whatever you do, I'll stand by you
Like everyone else, we will see you through
Whatever you're bringing
For this is just the beginning

Couldn't have done it without all the great reviews from people. Got more Poems/songs in my blog and other more personal writings of my own life and fantasy stuff on the way!

Other stuff I enjoy - Drawing, Music, Sci-fi, Belly dancing.....Oh yeah it can be quite SEXY lol!
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You Are a Chick Rocker!
You're living proof that chicks can rock
You're inspired by Joan Jett and the Donnas
And when you rock, you rock hard
(Plus, you get all the cute guy groupies you want!) What Kind of Rocker Are You?
Sitting by the water
With the wind in her hair
The moon and the stars are aglow
See the sparkling eyes of that crow
For he knows, he knows
What lays there
In the depths of the sea
To her sweet misery
But she is not alone
As she sits and waits
For the hands of fate
More tonight than any other
She sits and waits for her starcrossed lover
Will it be by boat?
To keep her dreams afloat
What Classic Pin-Up AreYou?
You're Marilyn Monroe!
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I'd like to meet:

Lukas Rossi (still waiting lol). The amazing UK band Craine again, plus they are lovely guys!! David Bowie I would like to meet again, he is just god and a gentleman! :) Other bands - Missing Andy and lots more friends!


I love all sorts of music. Top of the list is Lukas Rossi in all that he has done so far, specially Rise Electric and Cleavage. Craine are another great band, please check them out! check out Missing Andy!


My best films are the 80's fantasy ones: Labyrinth.

Legend, Krull, The Dark Crystal, Neverending Story. More recently Queen of the damned. I love all Jim Carrey films and most Adam Sandler films.Latest films: Pirates of the Caribbean 2,Music and Lyrics, The Illusionist.QUEEN OF THE DAMNED VIDEO Tainted Love

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Rockstar Supernova when it was on! Dr Who my current fave programme.
And now I LOVE Most Haunted. A reality series of a team looking for ghosts and Derek the Medium guy whether true or fake he cracks me up, lol. Infact they all make me laugh when they run off shitting themselves haha.

Torchwood a spin off from Dr. Who. Family Guy - very funny. Stuff I used to watch.......Babylon 5, X-Files, Buffy the Vampire slayer, Battlestar Galactica.


Lukas Rossi

My Blog

The Latest Poems/Songs

Three latest poems/songs for someone special. Note the first one has reference to one of the greatest band in the world - Craine! lol! All these again are true from the heart. Feel freel to leave comm...
Posted by Martian CHIPS on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 01:52:00 PST

Some of my Poems/songs that are personal to me....

Poems/songs that I wrote awhile ago........personal and from the heart. First one, kinda dancey lol, 2nd and 3rd more serious,.4th a little bit of dirty.......Feel free to comment........I need you to...
Posted by Martian CHIPS on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST

Tigertailz concert photos!

Tigertailz rocked the night in Cardiff!! Pepsi was sorely missed as he is undergoing serious health problems. I can only hope as so many others do that he will make a full recovery. Anyway here ...
Posted by Martian CHIPS on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 05:18:00 PST

Lukas Rossi - More Art work!

Another drawing of Lukas from Blender.     Really wanted to capture the colour here with his Pink Boa and make-up so used Pastels. This Art work  was done from a Photo which was ...
Posted by Martian CHIPS on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 06:03:00 PST

LukasRossi - My Drawings

Well took me ages to draw the guy. First drawing is from the show when he sang "Don't Panic"   Second drawing is from Blender mag. Took me abit to do his jacket and Rosary lol. More to c...
Posted by Martian CHIPS on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 06:46:00 PST

The Miscreants - photos

The Miscreants here in UK, Devon........THEY ROCK!!! Me and Toby............ Notice the feather boa.......I NOW have it as a souvenir....... OH YEAH!! He's so sweet. Thanks Toby!! U ROCK!! ;-P ...
Posted by Martian CHIPS on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 08:37:00 PST

<font color="442266">Songs/Poems Lukas related</font>

A suitcase loadedA suitcase loadedpacked with emotionripples, waves like a tide in motion Standing there stillYou take it all instanding there calmbefore the storm you create begins You brin...
Posted by Martian CHIPS on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 09:32:00 PST