The Sketch in BIG CHEESE, GO BUY IT! profile picture

The Sketch in BIG CHEESE, GO BUY IT!


About Me

South East, UK
Booking Contact
[email protected]
Band Contact*
Send us a message or comment, we try to get back to everyone!
*Bands, please do not message us asking for shows, we do not book shows! Let us know if you're up for swapping contacts though
Engineer Records
23/09/08 - On Top Of The World At The Underworld!
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Thanks loads to everyone who came down to the Underworld on Saturday. What can we say, we had an awesome time, threw ourselves about on stage, jumped all over the place and then got to watch and hang out with our hero’s My Awesome Compilation! The day was an "awesome" a memory for life!
So as always we have been working hard, playing gigs and preparing new stuff for live shows, whilst at the same time having a blast. A lot of stuff is in the pipeline, more reviews, more media coverage etc so keep your eyes peeled!
Also for the time being we've dropped the price of our EP to just £3!!!! Thats 50p a track and a video thrown in for free. Get it online and at shows. So if you haven't got it yet you really have no excuse. That is pretty much it for now, thank you to all that comes to our shows and we shall see you soon!
Posted by: Mikee
28/08/08 - AJAY FOR CHANGE ...
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Bit late with this but we've been proper busy, so yeah if you've not noticed yet we've had a bit of a line up change. Matt has moved on to do something different so Joe's moved from drums on to the bass guitar and we've got a new member AJAY on drums. We've had to practice long hours to get up to speed but it's going really well, we've had two shows since and the feedback has been really positive so thanks to everyone for coming out and supporting us =D!! We feel we're moving in the right direction and Ajay is diamond.
Our debut CDEP has been out a couple of months and the response has been great, so thanks to all who have grabbed one. We're starting to get reviews back from zines and stuff which you can read in the section below. Also last month was the BBC introducing tour and our mini summer tour! Thanks to everyone who came to see us and all the cool bands we played with, it was fun.
So tomorrow we're off to Scotland to play 3 dates over the weekend in Glasgow, Coatbridge and Edinburg, we're really looking forward to this and these will be our first shows out of England, if you're from the area come down! After that we've got a load of shows in September including some London dates at The Underworld and Astoria 2 which will be immense!
I think that's it for now so come check us out live with our new line up and we should have some new songs soooooon! x
Posted by: Ian
07/07/08 - TOURS AND CDS AND ...
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WOW the CD is finally here and it looks great, if you pre-ordered it thanks loads and you should have it now so let us know what you think. If you haven't got it yet and want it head over to and order one. It should also be available online in HMV, ZAVVI, WHSMITHS, PLAY, AMAZON, ASDA, TESCO, TOWER RECORDS USA and ENGINEER RECORDS UK/USA soon and hopefully in stores at some point as well as on iTunes of which we will keep you updated.
Also this month we are on tour with BBC Introducing Kent with 3 other awesome bands, Los Salvadores, Tom Williams + The Boat and Monday Street. Last Thursday we were all at Orange Street in Canterbury, thanks to everyone who turned up. This Thursday we're gonna be at the Tunbridge Wells Forum and then the Thursday after at the Zebra Bar Maidstone, so please come down and give us all your support and get your copy of our EP in person.
The last date on the BBC Tour kicks off our 9 date mini tour around the south east at the end of July, plus we've got loads of shows spread out over August, check out our show list and see if we're anywhere near you and come down. Can't think of much else news wise except we got over 1000 plays so far on our video so thanks for watching.
Again we're still working on some cool new songs and have some cool plans for them, check back sometime and we might have a demo up for you to hear. x
Posted by: Ian
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Couple of things, we finally have our new myspace up, we've got a few more bits to add but what the hell we hope you like it, let us know what you think!
Also you may have noticed the new music video for Superman Take III go up recently, if you can't see it's right at the top of the page. Check it out and tell us what you reckon.
Those waiting for CDs shouldn't have to wait much longer, they'll be with us next week. Not sure if we'll have them for the show this Friday but we'll defiantly have them for the 27th and those who have ordered them online will be posted the day we get them. Official UK store release date will be announced later this summer. If you haven't ordered yet grab it from the link below and we've got a load of free shit to give away with it.
We're also working on some cool new songs and have some cool plans for them, check back sometime and we might have a demo up for you to hear. x
Posted by: Ian
31/05/08 - EP EP EP EP EEEEK
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That's right everybody you can get a free CD of our new Digipak EP titled 'Best Kid In Town' featuring the video for our single Superman Take III - if you are the 50th person to pre-order from our web store and with that you also get some free goodies including a free CD of Matt and Joes previous band *1 Defender who were also signed to Engineer records now you can't say better than that :).
Pre-Orders are selling well and we are quickly approaching the 50 mark so get in your orders now and if you're the 50th person then it will be yours for free!!! We will only be personally getting 300-400 CDs at the most so make sure you secure yourself a copy before it's too late!!!
Posted by: The Sketch
25/04/08 - Its The Time Of Year...
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for COLDS! Man The Sketch have been sick dogs as of lately first it started off with Joe being ill and sadly having to pull out of a show last minute because the poor kid was bed ridden. In which case Woody, Ian and I (mikee) created an acoustic set for that show and it went down rather well, it was a lot of fun :) Joey then came back to do the rest of the shows that week, he soldiered through, he was a trooper and we played some awesome shows too :) we had a great laugh! Then it was my turn to get a cold, luckily for me it wasn't as nasty as Joe's so we continued on to do 4 shows throughout that week, with my voice improving from one show to another :) we are having a ball as ever and always have more shows coming. Thank you to everyone who comes to watch us, and those who stick around for a chat we love it!
Posted by: Mikee
19/03/08 - News News News
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So what's the latest you ask? Good question ............
Well we've been busy as ususual and things are going really well in The Sketch camp!!! First off we are planning a tour with our comrades Abraxus which should be in August so more news on dates and venues when we have it and in the meantime if you get a chance head over to the Abraxus myspace and check out some of their nifty and awesome songs. Their myspace page is in our top friends list :).
Secondly we have been busy designing stickers and badges as well as t-shirts so hopefully we'll have some merchandise on the way soon that you can purchase if you so wish too.
And last but not least the news on our EP and video is very good as in we are progressing very well with finishing off the final touches to the recording with our main man Colin Smith "Elusive" adding some nice extra touches to our songs with some electronic sounds and the video that our good friends Working Luchador Productions have made for our song Superman Take III is heading towards a completion date for end of March/early April so keep your eyes pealed and we'll keep updating you with the progress.
Oh and I almost forgot the main important thing and that is a big thankyou to all our new and existing friends and to everyone that has really got behind us and showed us alot of support and help. We really do appreciate it so much and you do make a difference :). Sorry if we do not get back to every comment or message you leave but we try our best to reply to everyone but as you can appreciate it gets a bit manic at times but please keep talking to us as we like having interaction with you all.
Posted by: Joe
03/03/08 - Signed, Sealed and Delivered
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That's right people we have just recentley signed to Engineer Records an awesome independant record label based near Tunbridge Wells in Kent who specialise in Punk, Hardcore, Emo and underground music. Check out their website at and visit their myspace which you can see in our top friends list as they have a really good variety and quality of bands on their roster and have even put out releases by the likes of Hot Water music and Planes Mistaken For Stars!!!
We are really pleased to be on Engineer as they have the same beliefs and ethics as us and we really want to get our music out there to be heard by as many people as possible so thankyou to anyone and everyone who has helped us and supported us in anyway, shape or form :).
We haven't got an exact date for the release of our debut EP entitled 'The Best Kid In Town' but expect it to be out before the summer and keep your eyes pealed for more updates!!! Next stop for us will be playing a gig in Tenterden with Me Vs Hero, We Have a Getaway and many more so come down and check out a night of great music as most of the bands playing that night are causing a stir in the music scene at the moment so you wont be dissappointed!!!
Posted by: Joe
28/02/08 - You Win Some, You Lose Some
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So the gigs are going up and down, shows being canceled due to problems at the venue, it really is heart retching to be honest, we work hard to get them and then they disappear, but fear not more shows are being confirmed as you read this! Our last show was on Friday at highly popular Ivy Leaf in Sheppey. We had a blast, the stage was wicked and the sound was booming, lots of light, lots of smoke and lots room :) we even got to meet the man who holds part of our future in his hands lol luckily for us hes a great guy! More to be explained soon. We have been invited back, so we must be doing something right haha. We have a lot of video footage from the show so expect some up soon!
Then after that we spent the next 3-4 days with a production crew in different locations for many hours shooting our first music video to say we are excited about this would be a huge understatement. We had an amazing time and the crew were so cool, we now just have to wait a month or so for it to be fully finished as it goes through post production. And YES we do have many plans for this video! Well thats about it, I (mikee) must get back to my course work lol very rock n roll!
Posted by: Mikee
BIG CHEESE (4/5) "Upbeat and heartfelt melodies of Saves The Day, Piebald and Weezer with well placed synth of Motion City Soundtrack...this quartet unleashed a handful of energetic and invigorating tunes...Expect to hear a lot more from The Sketch, they're some of the best kids playing passionate indie pop rock in the country!" - (Magazine)
KERRANG (KKK 3/5) "Blending poppy, punky hooks with a dash of earnest Get Up Kids emotion, The Sketch are a burst of nervous, heartfelt melody. A solid start from a band who could very well blossom into something great." - (Magazine) Full review HERE
ROCKSOUND (7/10) "...musical definition of good fun...Superman Take III and Gone Wrong will refuse to leave your brain...distancing themselvs from their UK punk rock peers." - (Magazine)
KEEP IT REAL "Truly emotional music with a melodic punk rock edge, energetic and passionate full of catchy riffs and hooks...Superman Take III it's gonna be the hit for the summer of 2008." - (Label / Distro) Full review HERE
SUBBA-CULTCHA (EP OF THE MONTH) "The Sketch have a delicious English take on the US slacker scene, adding a sense of post-punk experimentalism to the Offspring sound. Great harmonies, great guitars, but most important of all, great ideas." - (Website)
THE BEAT SURRENDER (3/5) " lurks an alt-rock band that can play their instruments, do have something to say and can put it all to a fairly catchy tune." - (e-zine)
ANGEL CLAIM (9/10) " inspiration for many other unsigned bands...both powerful and catchy and filled with meaningful lyrics...Each song is individual and therefore full of surprises...Overall I think the sketch have over exceeded our expectations and have produced an awesome EP." - (Promoter)
VOICES E MAGAZINE "Some sweet 90's flavoured emo rock, recalling times when this kind of music mattered!" - (e-zine)
DOSENMUSIK (9/15) "Definately for music lovers... sugar-sweet melodies and lyrics of large importance...The Sketch not only control their instruments with a convincing energy, reminiscent of the great Get Up Kids, but with the correct approach they create nostalgic thinking and fun...Just get it to hear for yourself." - (e-zine)
LORDS OF METAL " keeps your attention for a prolonged time compared to the average three-chords-a-song bands. Admitted, the facts are still here: it's pop punk and one has heard it so many times before, but The Sketch give it a nice little twist and play out their cards in a fresh fashion. If you like this sort of thing just the least bit, don't hesitate and lend this band your ears!" - (e-zine issue 84)
KRONIC (3/5) "Pop-punk from the heart. Being half-way between Jimmy Eat World and Saves The Day, the debut album from The Sketch is brightening the lately not-so-fertile British pop-punk scene up... A solid, cohesive and sharp debut which will intrigue the fans of pre-degenerative pop-punk." - (e-zine)
DISAGREEMENT (7/10) "...The Sketch play an enjoyable blend of punk, emo and power pop, putting heavy emphasis on multilayered vocals that come across very harmonically...Other highlights are the ultra-catchy A Thousand Times Before with definite hit potential...hey certainly know how to perform proven sounds in an engaging way. Best Kid In Town is a competent calling card to start a career." - (e-zine)
ROOM THIRTEEN (10/13) "Finally a UK act is on the pop punk horizon to show the Americans that us Brits can also deliver a melodic hook or two, oh yeah and what's more Kent's The Sketch do it all with a little twist...Its emotion packaged in a shiny catchy wrapper that skips and jumps along with a punchy beat whilst delivering a passion fueled message..."Superman III" where the Kent four piece truly shine though as sugar sweet melodies swim alongside an alt-rock ethos that pounds, growls and thrashes with a cheery sheen to make it all that easier to swallow. Incredibly catchy..."Make Sure You Use It Well" finds the guys layering a three pronged attack of vocal harmonies to sucker punch all into submission...The Sketch have gone back to the drawing board, torn everything up and proceeded to mold into an entirely new beast...emotionally charged tracks twirl around with insatiable catchy riffs and incessant hooks, it becomes pretty clear that this band could start to make the American heavy genre start to crumble." - (e-zine)

My Interests


Member Since: 9/16/2005
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Yes That’s Right (GET ONE FOR FREE!!!)

That's right everybody you heard it here you can get a free CD of our new Digiopak EP titled 'The Best KId In Town' featuring our video for our single Superman Take III - if you are the 50th person to...
Posted by The Sketch in BIG CHEESE, GO BUY IT! on Sat, 31 May 2008 11:10:00 PST


The ball has begun ro roll at long last! The EP is finally finished after 10 months of hard work and available to preorder from our brand new webstore. Also new to our profile is our music video ...
Posted by The Sketch in BIG CHEESE, GO BUY IT! on Wed, 28 May 2008 08:37:00 PST

Lyrics Updated!

Well here they are, all the lyrics to the songs featured on our EP. Learn them, sing them loud, come and rock with us as hard as we do. SUPERMAN TAKE IIIWe've gone and done it again, let some bad...
Posted by The Sketch in BIG CHEESE, GO BUY IT! on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 06:40:00 PST

Signed, sealed, delivered!

We are now signed to Engineer Records! This is a huge stepping stone for us and a major privilage. We'd like to thank them for taking us on and being our label and our distro. Once our EP is rele...
Posted by The Sketch in BIG CHEESE, GO BUY IT! on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 05:01:00 PST


We've just spend the most manic 3 days shooting the video to Superman Take III. It's looking amazing, and set to be a whole lot better once it's edited and fiddled with. Things are moving fast and we'...
Posted by The Sketch in BIG CHEESE, GO BUY IT! on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 09:44:00 PST

Band History

The Sketch started life as a two piece in 2005, with Joe on drums and vocals and Mikee on guitar and vocals. This formula worked well until they decided to thicken up their sound with a bassist. Andy ...
Posted by The Sketch in BIG CHEESE, GO BUY IT! on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 08:37:00 PST

New Review from Cretosus Entertainment :-D

Hey ya!More for your reading pleasure and for ours lol :) nice people of Cretosus Entertainment have reviewed us as whole band and CD after seeing us live a few times and having been sent "Our Money H...
Posted by The Sketch in BIG CHEESE, GO BUY IT! on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 03:02:00 PST

Band Of The Month and Review with HOMEGROWNRADIO

Well the people at HomeGrownRadio, have been ever so kind to us and chosen The Sketch to be the Unsigned Band Of The Month for April  which of course is nice.With that we were put in to their Rad...
Posted by The Sketch in BIG CHEESE, GO BUY IT! on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 08:37:00 PST

Craze zine Review!

Hey people we have just had a review come in from Craze zine so enjoy! 'The sketch are a two piece, Kent based experimental rock band. The band, consisting of a drummer [Joe Black] and a guitarist {Mi...
Posted by The Sketch in BIG CHEESE, GO BUY IT! on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 11:10:00 PST


Hey Guys!Basically it's exactly what it says on the subject our very first review, it is of the CD not yet for sale but soon to be our 7 Track Album Teaser entitled " Our Money Has Been Stolen" and th...
Posted by The Sketch in BIG CHEESE, GO BUY IT! on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 05:15:00 PST