The Imperial White Lords:
Darth Cheney, Grand Moff Bush II & Darth Rumsfeld
rrraawwrrr im basically an anti-imperialist mmmwwaaawwrrr
Iraqi Body Count:
Imperial Stormtroopers in Kashyyyk
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
I remember when Imperial troops invaded Kashyyyk, the homeland of my clans. We had civilization. We had a system of direct democracy, egalitarianism, and equitable distribution. But the Empire couldn't have that. It began at night with Operation Civilize Kashyyyk, where Tie Bombers and Star Destroyers bombarded our small planet. They used chemical dusting to eat away many of our jungles, and immediately went in to enslave our people. It was a long, hard fight, but the only way that they could destroy the guerrilla partisan resistance was through fradulent concessions, and worse, massacres of innocents. With hundreds of thousands of our small population killed, they enslaved the rest, and put in on their 32-hour per day holographic news stations as a mission to civilize the savages. But our many decades-long guerrilla wookiee's war eventually prevailed, with the help of the protestations and internal opposition of the citizens of the Empire's home planets.
Now, we wookiees have come to the Earth, one of the last bastions of imperialism, to try to help humans and the Earth's other species towards the eventual goals of liberation, self-determination and autonomy. Help us, Imperial citizens, you're our only hope. May the force be with you, always. Raawrrr
Rebel Alliance