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eat-the-beat concerts

I am here for Networking

About Me

Two Guys, One disposition. Fine Bands, fine Music, live in our hometown. Only a few shows in the year, cause it..s a fun thing. D.I.Y. Booking since 1996
Fine Concerts in The Heart from Bavaria. Mostly Punk and Hardcore Stuff.
Bands we like and played are:
1. Mai 87, 16 Hell Ventiler, Aerobitch, Against All Authority, Amen 81, Apartment 3 G, Argies, At The Drive In, Attention! Rookies, Badgewearer, Bambix, Benzer, Bishop En Culer, Blendwerk, Blitz Babiez, Boxhamsters, Brand New Unit, Bluetip, Cameran, Capdown, Choreboy, Cluster Bomb Unit, Coffinshakers, Cold By Winter, Columbian Neckties, Confused, Cougars, Cowslingers, Cremaster, Death Before Disco, Decon, Deep, Der Raketenhund, Destiny, Die Strafe, District, Dog Food Five, Dr. Bison, Driving The Salt, Duesenjäger, Dumbell, El Guapo Stuntteam, Else Admire & The Breitengüssbach Dolls, Evil Beaver, F.O.D, Falling Sickness, Fatty Jones, Female Trouble, Few Minute Free, Fifi, Flat Stanley, Gott & Die Welt, Graue Zellen, Grim Skunk, Hammerhead, Hellsuckers, Henry Fiat..s Open Sore, Hiroshima Mon Amour, Horace Pinker, Human Hamster Hybrids, Immured, Indicate, Jack Black, Jeff Dahl, Jerk Front, Jimmy Keith And His Shocky Horrors, John Schooley And His One Man Band, Jones, Kachel, Kevins Campfire, Kick Joneses, Kippen, Knochenfabrik, Kort Prosess, Kurt, Ladget, Legal Weapon, Life..N Nature, Lombego Surfers, Malm, Mc Carthy Blacklist, Militant, Miozan, Mischief Brew, Mofagang, Mongrel Bitch, Monokini, Moorat Fingers, Mr. T Experience, Muff Potter, Mylowz, NRA, N.T.B.A., Naked Aggression, New Wave Hookers, Nine Days Wonder, No God Innocent, Nullskatesnylterne, Odd One Out, Oh Marita, Oiro, Overflow, Pale, Panteon Rococo, Patentblau 5, Peppermint Betty, Pico Trip, Pluto 23, Poison Idea, Poison Idols, Porch, Profit & Murder, Rank Miasm, Removal, RIFU, Robert, Roman S., Scallwags, Scrapy, Senga, Seven Sioux, Shakin Nasties, She Male Trouble, Silence Of Thoughts, Silver Tongued Devil, Skin Of Tears, Skinny Norris, So Much Hate, Spermbirds, Spitting Of Tall Buildings, Splatterheads, Stalingrad, Steakknife, Sub Zero Top Dogs, Suburban Scumbags, Sunshine, Superfan, Swoons, Tagtraum, Team Cobra, The Boonaraaas, The Break, The Broken Jug, The Buckweeds, The Crazy Candidates, The Crime Kaisers, The Duvals, The Go Faster Nuns, The Guilty Hearts, The Higgins, The Jupiterz, The Movements, The Ocean, The Shocker, The Shocks, The Swankers, The Vampire Lesbians Of Sodom, Three, Tight Brothers From Way Back Then, Tijuana Bibles, Tomleftmarybleeding, Tomte, Trend, Tribute To Nothing, Two Minutes Appear, Underclass, White Flag, and a lof of more we forgot in this minute...
more Infos to our shows and a calender of shows in the area around nürnberg are on our website
greetz to all we like and they like us. peace to all! support the subculture in all ways and styles. we need you!!!
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My Blog


Mi.12.12.07 - live im Z-Bau (Galerie) in Nürnberg.SPERMBIRDS + GästeSee U There...........
Posted by eat-the-beat concerts on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 02:07:00 PST

Lombego Surfers live in Nürnberg

Live am 21.09.07 im Kunstverein in Nürnberg. THE LOMBEGO SURFERS feinster Surf´n´Roll aus der Schweiz + SCALLWAGS High Power Punk´n´Roll aus Schweinfurt seit 1996...
Posted by eat-the-beat concerts on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 06:13:00 PST

New Concerts for 2007!!!

Ganz frisch:Do. 29.03.07   Zentralcafe Nürnberg      Raketenhund + GästeNEW!! Mit dabei am 27.04. beim Gig mit den BOONARAAAS und NINE DAISE WONDER sind noch DUMBELL a...
Posted by eat-the-beat concerts on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 04:01:00 PST

News 2007 - New Concerts booked!!

First Shows for the new Year!! Sa.06.01.07 BOONARAAAS live im Zentralcafe (K4) + Gäste ENTFÄLLT WEGEN KRANKHEIT!!NEW14.03.07   REMOVAL - Kunstverein Nürnberg27.04.07   THE BOONARAA...
Posted by eat-the-beat concerts on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 07:45:00 PST

new gigs for 2006

new gigs in 2006 powered by eat-the-beat-concerts 15.09.06 CLUSTER BOMB UNIT & IMMURED & PROFIT AND MURDER - Kunstverein Nbg.29.09.06 SEVEN SIOUX & KEVINS CAMPFIRE - Kunstve...
Posted by eat-the-beat concerts on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 11:01:00 PST

a few shows for the buddies out there

in next time live in nürnberg:Do. 09.03.06 RIFU + Guests - Kunstverein Nbg. - 22.00 UhrSa. 25.03.06 THE OCEAN + Dead Man´s Hand - Kunstverein Nbg. 22.00 UhrFr.  21.04.06 DEATH BEFORE DISCO + Gues...
Posted by eat-the-beat concerts on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 05:14:00 PST