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The universe only shows intelligence because we don't understand it when everything is the result of

About Me

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. - Oscar WildeWhat do you want to know about me, read my interests don't be lazy as me..My passion is photography my aim is to be better than I am so like life it is a work in progress, mainly I am doing Event, Music and social documentary work but I'm branching out into portrait work.I've also had recently accepted for gallery exhibitionOther than that I am just like you another slave to the wage a cog in the machine and weekend superhero trying to get to much shit done in to little time.

My Interests

I am interested in lots of different things Photography I publish my work on flickr amongst other sites as well as stuff for commercial sale , I am also into web design so my time is pretty full. The other interests I have change depending on my mood, I have a short attention span when it comes to bullshit.Outside of this I just like to have fun going out having a few beers, life's to short not to have fun I like to meet new and interesting people, and yes I am Miss World.

I'd like to meet:

Peter & David Turnley and embrace them for breaking with the norm and photographing scenes which rip out your soulAnyone who like me thinks life too short to be taken too seriously and that you should have fun in what you do, I know a contradiction to the above but thats life.I like to meet people who are not affraid to speak their mind and have something to say or just interest me.I have no ideal person I would like to meet I tend to look for the best in anyone unless your clearly an arse .


Whats wrong with you no mind of your own, don't judge people by their musical choices mine are many and cover most genre'sOK here is a flavourQOTSA Maria Callas Cure Eagles of death metal Diane Krall Dresden Dolls MisMeriZer MSI Mars Volta Yeah Yeah Yeah's The Kills Legendary Pink Dots Jason Webley Pixies Butthole Surfers Placebo Jane's Addiction Kraftwerk Green Day 8mm Scissor Sisters Ani Difranco Mahler Atari teenage Riot The Dead Kennedy's Henry Rollins Black Flag Blondie AbbaPinned me down yet Hmmmm thought not

.. ..


Top Horror film Ringu followed by Battle Royal Best Sci/Fi has to be Blade Runner followed by Brazil just wierd, Other films I like Lost in Translation and I love Barbarella and Rocky Horror, however if its interesting, intelligent or even sleazy and I can be bothered I probably watch it...As for old school Cinema and other stuff that treats the mind to visual delights here some


Old school Twin Peaks still my favorite series. The current crop CSI, 24 and Deadwood keeps my interest the rest of the time I indulge my interest in the slightly more offbeat and sleazy.But in truth TV is the last resort for the idyle mind best to read a book and create your own mental landscapes


My favorite books of all time I don't have any but the ones which still keep my interest "brian Aldiss Super State" William Gibson Neuromancer and Philip K Dicks do Androids dream of electric sheep, but i'll read most things from classical greek verse to the god delusion .


I have no heroes they only let you down, I do have people I respect but not many.
You scored as Mysterious. You wish to hide who you are from all those around you. You find it very hard to trust people. You also may enjoy the fun that comes from playing mind games with others around you.My advice Get out there and reveal the true you if only to one person!





Diamond Eyes


Eyes full of Pain

What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)
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My Blog

Dream a little dream

  For life is only a dream delusion of perception artificallity of a minds creation reality is no more manipulated revised spun and remade in our collective image but its only our delusion when w...
Posted by DeadK on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 01:37:00 PST

Soft light of Autumn days

Days of summer are no more a sweet memory of warmth and childhood days softlight pervades the misty autumn morn the chill of night a timely reminder of winters cold embrace buttoned down against ...
Posted by DeadK on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 02:14:00 PST

Deaths End

  No begining of the great journey just still of night  and quiet of grave after life's long journey craddle and grave it is the end No cool of blinding light to ease one into a promise...
Posted by DeadK on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 09:48:00 PST

Edge City

The Cities reason is no more, a living thing it grows old and passes to history a soon but distant memory of the flowering of youth Time for thought a new of what the City is the place of the living, ...
Posted by DeadK on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 02:38:00 PST


  Butterfly of blue and crimson colour dazzling enchanted flight on delicate gossimer wing No net to hold you no captive of the mundane Soul set free drifting on the wind free as a butterfl...
Posted by DeadK on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 01:47:00 PST


  Sad refrain of the melancholic soul haunts misty morning air the mournful bell tolls from church steeple lonely figures in the morning light weeping for that which is now lost before its time ...
Posted by DeadK on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 12:01:00 PST


Life slips of transient thought  without direction boredom pervades the waking hours without the new we stagnate the slow death by idle days fade into the night with no marker of our passing for ...
Posted by DeadK on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 05:46:00 PST

Vapour trails and stop signs

City streets flowing pulsing rivers of light snaking in carved canyons of our urban landscape rise and fall following the urban seasons Vapour trails between the stop signs a blur under rain lade...
Posted by DeadK on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 04:47:00 PST

Burning Sun

Burning of crimson sky our days end in fire before the chill of night, memoriesof past warmth sustain until our dawn Burning anew in the early sun our earthly cycle that will in or turn remain in nigh...
Posted by DeadK on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 02:06:00 PST

Beauty in the Light

The world falls away  comforting light streams pervading our senses all but a distant hum wrapped in its warm embrace no fear of that which lies before comfort in the light a chemical high t...
Posted by DeadK on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 05:21:00 PST