Emilie Bera profile picture

Emilie Bera

I love your sex, the sadness in your eyes and the way you said switcheroo

About Me

I'm an actress, a performer, a producer, a theatre teacher, a lover...
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All my costums are creations of the amazing Christine and Alys from Alyssea http://www.myspace.com/alysseacreations
And Recently From Lady Dark http://www.myspace.com/auroreksiazyk
All my make up by Fanny Grusenmeyer.
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Please check and support my band!!!
Mismerizer at the Klub, Paris
envoyé par niveauniveau
MISMERIZER's LITHOPEDION hand-made Album, available now!!!
Contact me for more infos...
par niveauniveau
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Myspace Contact Tables
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My Interests

Performing on Sex Changes from and with The Dresden Dolls.

Performing on Half Jack from and with The Dresden Dolls. Ninkasi, Lyon 2006.

"Sing" from The Dresden Dolls, alternative version.

I'd like to meet:

Strange people....

Oh and if you want to give me your msn, or do "complete sex" with me...go away!!!! fuck off!!!!!


David Bowie, Miles Davis, The Doors, Amstrong, Marianne Faithfull, The Cure, Rozz Williams, Joseph Arthur, Suftjan Stevens, The Dresden Dolls, Lydia Lunch, The flamming lips, Michael Jackson, Regina Spektor, Jason Webley, Edith Piaf, Chaplin, Satie, Iggy Pop, Devotchka, Death cab for cutie, Cinema strange, Faun Fables, Sleepytime gorilla museum, Neutral milk hotel, Nosfell, Paco de Lucia, PJ Harvey, Rasputina, Patty smith, Gainsbourg, Radiohead, Specimen, Tiger lilies, Tom waits, Rufus Wainwright, Nick Cave


Itinéraire d'une enfant gate
when the night is falling
Benny and joon
Velvet goldmine
la fille sur le pont
gilbert grape
All silent movies Chaplin, Keaton..
A street car named desire


Sex and the city
Oggy et les cafards


Melmoth, Maturin
Le petit prince, Saint Exupéry
Le parfum, Suskind


My grand father...

My Blog

Jason Webley 10 juin à Paris

Hey yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,   Ladies and gentlemen, Mesdames et messieurs, Monsieur Webley est de retour!!!! Pour ceux qui ont eu l'occasion de le voir et l'applaudir les années précéd...
Posted by Emilie Bera on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 06:01:00 PST

De retour au théâtre

du Mardi 29 avril 2008 au Jeudi 1 mai 2008 BRITANNICUS , de J. Racine par la Cie ALZHARau Daki Ling à MarseilleMardi 29 avril à 15h00 - Scéance pour les collègesMercredi 30 avril à 20h00 - Tous public...
Posted by Emilie Bera on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 01:41:00 PST

Help for my children in Africa

Hey everyone,   Need you, your help, your heart...your time..your money...:) As most of you already know, i spent some time in Africa this last summer, i did some theatre with children etc.....
Posted by Emilie Bera on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 04:32:00 PST

Africa...come back.

That's pretty hard for me to talk about this trip...so many people would like to know everything, how it was? what i have done there etc...i understand of course.   But words are missing...this c...
Posted by Emilie Bera on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 11:21:00 PST

MisMeriZer in live june 2

Nous serons en concert au Pix le 2 juin à partir de 21h30, dans le cadre des deux soirées inaugurales de ce nouveau lieu.   Venez nombreux, c'est gratuit et si vous aimez nous ferons passer le c...
Posted by Emilie Bera on Thu, 31 May 2007 01:08:00 PST

Départ pour l'Afrique

Je pars bénévolement travailler un mois et demi en Afrique, au Togo plus précisément. Je viens de rejoindre une association humanitaire. Mon rôle consistera à appuyer leur chargé culturel afin de mett...
Posted by Emilie Bera on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 03:53:00 PST

Fucking Hackers

My profile was hacked!!! Not only these fucking stupid guys used my page to send stupid things but also they deleted all my customs and videos etc... motherfucker!!!! people you suck!!...
Posted by Emilie Bera on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 03:34:00 PST

MisMeriZer en concert!

MisMeriZer in live on may 24th at l'OPA, Paris.   Come, come, see, see, feel, feel...   Love Emilie
Posted by Emilie Bera on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 01:41:00 PST

Jason Webley French Tour 2007

*Paris feb 21, Le Klub. (+Pretty Jack + Narrow Terence) Open doors : 20h tickets : 5¬ Le Klub, 14 rue saint denis, Paris 1er   *Toulouse feb 22, Le Fairfield. (+Miss Edith) Open doors : 21h ticke...
Posted by Emilie Bera on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 12:29:00 PST

Mobilisons nous tous!!!!!

petit message à toutes et tous.. vous ne pouvez pas ne pas avoir remarqué.. notre bonne vieille planète va mal..les saisons se dérèglent..pour ne citer que cet exemple (il y en a beaucoup trop)en Fran...
Posted by Emilie Bera on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 11:44:00 PST